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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 04/12/2004
APRIL 12, 2004
(Public Session)

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald McCarthy, Joan A. Funk, Matthew Scruton, Paula Proulx, Paul Parker &
                      Student Selectman Brandon LaRoche
Staff:  Dale Sprague, Director of Water & Waste Mgemt. & Lynn Seaboyer, Admin. Asst.

The meeting convened and was called to order by Chairman McCarthy at 6:00 p.m.  He led everyone present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Gerry said the Selectmen need to make a change in the agenda to discuss a legal matter with the Budget Committee.  Joan A. Funk made a motion to enter non-public session.  Paul Parker seconded the motion and the role call vote was:  Paula-yes, Matt-yes, Gerry-yes, Paul-yes and Joan-yes.  The Board went into executive session.  The time was 6:05 p.m.
Non-public session adjourned at 6:45 p.m. and public session reconvened.  
Matthew Scruton made a motion to seal the non-public session meeting minutes for thirty (30) days.  Paul Parker seconded the motion and the vote was four in favor and one recusal.  The motion passed.
Septage Lagoon Permit
Gerry called Dale forward.  Dale said two weeks ago he spoke to the Board about the fact the State had notified him that Farmington was in violation of their discharge limit, noting the original permit was for 300,000 gallons, when in actuality 450,000 gallons were discharged.  He said he filed for an increased permit amount, but the State has thrown it back, stating other processes are necessary first.  Dale went on to say, now the Town must hold a public hearing, send abutter’s notices and submit an engineer’s report stating this increase would not impact groundwater in the area.  He said the engineer’s report would cost between $2-$3,000 and it would cost an additional $750.00 to have the engineer present at the public hearing or at the State level.  Dale said he knows the last discussion involved how much they want to spend and if they decide not to proceed with the application for an increase, they can continue to discharge up to 300,000-350,000 gallons and would have to  truck the 100,000 gallons extra elsewhere.  He said the closest facility is in Berwick, ME.  Joan asked if the current capacity is enough for the Town of Farmington and Dale said no and that’s why he increased the permit request to 500,000 gallons, in order to allow for a “cushion”.  Matt said, then why not request an even larger amount, to which Dale replied that additional monitoring wells would then be required and this would cost even more.  Gerry asked when Farmington would know what the State would be requiring for discharge limits and Dale said this is still unknown, but within 2004-2005 he should have the numbers for the effluent quality that Farmington would need to achieve.  He said it could be challenged if Farmington wants.  Gerry said his understanding is the plan was for Farmington to treat its own, with the treatment plant upgrade.  Dale said that is the plan.  Gerry said if the Town puts in monitoring wells and increases the size of the lagoons it would be costly.  He then mentioned the previous discussion about utilizing scales to check the accuracy of disposal amounts.  Dale said they also discussed the use of an automated gate. He said a scale costs around $25,000 and an automated gate is about $4-5,000.  Dale said they could also dig out the existing lagoon and/or dig a new one.  
Paula asked where the burden lies with regard to the 100,000 additional gallons which would require outside disposal and Dale said there would need to be a municipal agreement with the Berwick, ME treatment plant.  Paul said Dale’s letter to Ernie stated over the last three years Farmington has exceeded the permit amounts.  He asked if the upgrade cost had passed at Town Meeting, how long would have been before Farmington could treat it’s own.  Dale said there is still much to predicate this: such as the effluent criteria, a design period within which to decide the type of plant to build in order to achieve these numbers and then the decision if Farmington wants to challenge the State and the EPA.  He said all of this is, years away, noting it would take one-year alone, for the design and a couple of years for the construction.  Paul then asked for the cost for a new pit and Dale said a local hauler could help with this and has always assisted in the past, at little or no cost.  Paul asked if Dale is taking additional steps to ensure only local septage is being disposed of and Dale said he and the former Board have taken steps to try and tighten down on disposal by now requiring customer signatures and phone numbers and an increased disposal fee.  He said during the working hours when the lagoons are open, the attendees are checking the trucks.  Dale said his attendees are finding disposal slips are matching closely to the amounts disposed. Paul asked him if
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the haulers are allowed after hours access and Dale said only one hauler is permitted.  Paul asked what the likelihood is that additional wells would need to be installed. Dale said the engineers h
ave said it may be likely to install one or two additional monitoring wells.  He said the Selectmen must  decide if he is to proceed with the expanded application process or not.  Paula said she would prefer to recess to the public hearing and then decide after the hearing closes.  Paula Proulx made a motion to recess the Selectmen’s meeting and to open the public hearing.  Matthew Scruton seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. The time was 7:00 p.m.
The Selectmen reconvened after the public hearing.  The time was 8:05 p.m.
Paula asked where the cost of engineering would come from and Dale said from the landfill operating expenses.  He said there is no chance to capture revenues at this time. She said the reason she asks is, she suspects with the sewer rate increase that some people might have trouble with this coming out of the cost of the operating budget.  She said she’d like to know how to answer these possible questions.  Gerry said the Town has now established a special revenue fund specifically for this use, but right now there isn’t enough captured into the fund, so they will have to use money from the operating budget.  
Paul Parker made a motion to approve Dale’s request for the money needed for the increase septage permitting.  Joan A. Funk seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.  
Dale said he wants everyone to know that he and his department will be flushing hydrants later this week on Wednesday and Thursday nights from 10pm –6pm.  He told the Selectmen there would be a joint meeting with other area communities concerning solid waste disposal on Wednesday, May 19th at 6:30 p.m.
Goodwin Library Building Permit
Chairman McCarthy said, as everyone knows, the Goodwin Library is putting in an elevator with a small addition.  He said they are seeking a waiver of the building permit fee.  Matthew Scruton made a motion to waive the building permit fee for the Goodwin Library.  Joan A. Funk seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.  
Gerry said another item not on the agenda this evening is, the Board has received and decided upon a proposal/bid for the ramp at the old Town Hall.  He said Town Administrator Ernest Creveling has recommended awarding the bid to Barron Bros.  Paul asked about the width of the ramp and Gerry said it would be constructed to meet with ADA compliance requirements, including the rise/incline.  Brandon asked about the ramp from the lower parking lot to the sidewalk and Gerry said this isn’t in the plan.  Brandon wondered if it could be included and wondered if perhaps money could be saved in so doing.  Gerry agreed and said he would like to see it included.  He said he would talk with Ernie about this.  Joan said the Town could ask the contractor to quote for the parking lot ramp at least.  Joan A. Funk made a motion to accept/award the bid for new wheelchair ramps at the old Town Hall, to Barron Bros. in the amount of $32,632.00.  Paul Parker seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Gerry asked that the Board of Selectmen be apprised earlier, concerning matters of this magnitude and not at the last minute, as was done in this case.  
Gerry said next on the agenda is a 500 Boys & Girls Club matter.  He asked that the Club Director, Joel Chagnon be invited to the next Selectmen’s meeting.  Joan said she has concerns about the $55,000 voted into the Fire Dept. budget for per diem staff, noting the Board has not seen any certifications, rates of pay or a schedule of coverage.  Chairman McCarthy asked that the Fire Chief and his Deputy be contacted and asked to provide all this information to the Selectmen.  Matt said he wants to see more information concerning the ambulance rates and the billing service, as was promised by the Chief and his Deputy.  Joan said another issue is, members of the Fire/Rescue are supposed to have physicals and she wants to know if this is still a requirement.  
Norman Russell then came forward requesting the opportunity to address the Board concerning several issues: 1.    the appointments of applicants to land use boards, 2.   the adoption of a policy to give exit interviews to outgoing land use board members and, 3.   the possible adoption of a policy for land use boards to provide an annual work plan to the Board of Selectmen for their review.  Norm said it is his hope to actually express his interest to write a policy concerning applicant appointment.  
Gerry suggested that Norm put his proposal in writing for submission to the Selectmen for prior review.  Norm said it would be beneficial to the whole community to consider his proposal.  Matt said it sounds like a good request, but wonders perhaps if this should come through from the land use Board level first.  Norma said he approaches the Selectmen directly tonight because this is part of  the Selectmen’s business
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(leadership issues), and not that of the land use boards. He went on to say he’d be glad to take this up with the Planning Board, but he wanted the Selectmen to know this is his own idea and not that of the entire Board.  Gerry then asked Norman what he thinks of the election of Planning Board members versus appointment and Norm said he isn’t particularly fond of the idea.  He said he doesn’t feel people would apply or campaign and said he doesn’t feel the Planning Board should be political either. Norm tried to further explain what he means by a work plan.  He said the Planning Board should have goals and plans of what to achieve over a year.  Norman said at this time there is no mechanism in place that identifies how the members should set their course of action and what it would be over each year.  He then recommended some Board of Selectmen oversight, as to the progress and to in order to avoid complacency.  He referenced his prior years of service and how the Planning Board had no goals and no plan.  Norman said some of his ideas regarding the appointment process could possibly improve the process.  He said he feels with the new live broadcasting of meetings on television, there’s room for  improvement and an opportunity to put forth a better image of Farmington.  Matt said along with any policy change the Board would need the respective Board’s opinions.  Norman said in the past the Selectmen have appointed members and then once they’re appointed, members are left to serve in the community’s best interest, without direction: alluding that some oversight might be helpful.  Norman said no one should be opposed to having a work plan.  He said he thinks after measuring activities; the Planning Board could have done a better job.  He said as leaders of the community, the Board of Selectmen should be familiar with the Planning Board’s plan and then as the year progresses the Selectmen would know what the Planning Board needs.  Discussion then ensued about how the Planning Board meets twice monthly and since the implementation of the IGMO, they now dedicate one monthly meeting as strictly a work session and one monthly meeting to site review.
Paul asked what the procedure is for street cleaning and striping and Gerry said each spring the Town highway dept. handles this and it will be done very soon. Paul said he’s heard from concerned residents and has witnessed himself, people searching for the crosswalks on the street, which are hard to see because the paint has faded.  
Paula asked about the flag in the downtown square.  Gerry said the flagpole should really be lit so it can fly 24 hours a day without the need to have it taken down each night.  Lynn said she would contact Commander Stephen Dean of the American Legion about why the flag hasn’t been flying for some time now.  
Matthew Scruton made a motion to adjourn. Paul Parker seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lynn C. Seaboyer
Admin. Asst.


_____________________________                   ________________________________
Chairman Gerald McCarthy                                Paul Parker

_____________________________                   _________________________________
Joan A. Funk                                            Paula Proulx

Matthew Scruton