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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 02/16/2004
FEBRUARY 16, 2004
(Public Session)

Attendance:  Chairman Joan A. Funk, Gerald McCarthy, David Hall, Barry Elliott & Matthew Scruton
Staff:  Ernest M Creveling
The meeting convened and was called to order by Chairman Funk at 6:00 p.m. She led everyone present in the Pledge of Allegiance.  
Barry Elliott made a motion to accept the minutes from February 2, 2004 and David Hall seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.  
2004 Budget & Town Warrant Review
Ernie said in front of the Selectmen tonight is the revised 2004 Town Warrant. He said the Budget Committee has reviewed it and given their consensus recommendations.  Ernie said they did not recommend article 3 however, but they will be discussing it in more detail again tomorrow night.  He said they also recommended against article 10 because they felt the cap amount for the land use change tax revenue percentage for the Conservation Commission should not be increased.  Ernie said they recommend of all other articles however.  
Ernie then referred the Selectmen to the State MS-7 budget format form.  He said they would find some figures the same as the Selectmen’s budget except for the special warrant articles however, which are not included in the operating budget and are broken out.  He then explained how special warrant article 3 for 1.3 million dollars will be the difference in the Selectmen’s approved budget and the Budget Committee’s recommended budget.   Ernie said the bottom line budget is $2,668,485 with an estimated increase to the tax rate of .33/$1,000.  Barry confirmed that article 3 would impact only the ratepayers.  He said a good point was made last week when the public present at the meeting noted that all voters are being asked to vote on something that will impact only the ratepayers.  Ernie said not everyone utilizes services and expenses that affect them such as the cost for welfare, schools, etc. Matt disagreed with Ernie.  He said those that are not on the Town’s water/system have incurred their own septic and water expenses and the rate payers have not.  
Joan asked Ernie if the Selectmen need to approve the revised warrant and Ernie said no, it has already been recommended.  She then asked if the Board needs to be present at tomorrow’s Budget Committee meeting and Ernie said no, the Committee only needs to attend this meeting to reaffirm their consensus votes to either recommend or not to recommend articles on the Town Warrant.  Ernie asked for the Board to sign the 2003 Town Report before it goes to the printer this week.  Gerry then sought to confirm that the tax rate impact will be .33/$1,000 and Ernie said yes, now, but he’s not sure what it will be after the revaluation is complete.  Gerry spoke about the impact of article 3, wondering why all the voters would vote on an article that impacts only the ratepayers.  He said this is a large burden to place merely on them.  Joan said the rate payers should have been charged higher rates and haven’t been, so now is time to catch up.  Barry said the conversation/debate would be the extension of service/plant upgrade and who should pay for it.  Gerry spoke about the possibility of future expansion, saying he disagrees with Dale’s theory that having more users keeps the cost down.  Barry then reiterated his sentiments on how ratepayers shouldn’t bear the brunt and how the entire community benefits from the water/sewer system.  He said this debate could go on forever.  Both Gerry and Joan disagreed on whether or not the system expansion would decrease operating costs.  Joan A. Funk made a motion to recess. David Hall seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.  The meeting recessed.  The time was 6:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynn C. Seaboyer
Admin. Asst.

Selectmen’s Minutes 02/16/04-Pg. # 2


Joan A. Funk, Chairman

Gerald McCarthy

David Hall

Barry Elliott

 Matthew Scruton