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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 12/22/2003
DECEMBER 22, 2003
(Public Session)

Attendance:  Chairman Joan A. Funk, Gerald McCarthy, Barry Elliott, David Hall, Matthew Scruton &
                      Student Selectman Brandon LaRoche
Staff:  Ernest M. Creveling, Town Administrator, Police Chief Scott Roberge, Director of Water & Waste
          Mgemt. Dale Sprague, Park & Recreation Director Kerry Mucher, Director of Hwys. & Vehicle
           Maintenance, Clark Hackett, Fire Chief Randall (Ky) Goslin

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. Joan led everyone present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Budget 2004Workshop
Police Dept. Budget
Joan asked Scott about the crossing guards, saying with this years’ reduction in bus runs, how is Scott dealing with this.  Scott said currently he is working on this with the schools and with some volunteers to try and solve some of the problems.  He said it would cost approximately $1,500.00 along with a coordinated effort on behalf of volunteers to enable this “Safewalk” program to assist with this problem.  Scott said this would be addressed at the next Selectmen’s meeting.  
Joan asked why the cruiser maintenance line is up 50% and Scott said his department has had a lot of problems with the Chevrolet cruisers to include the loss of a transmission, computer malfunctions, etc.  Joan asked if both the Chevrolets would be replaced and Scott said it is an option, if he can utilize the funds from the outside detail revenue fund (approx. $10,000).  Barry asked if this means the cruiser maintenance line could be reduced/eliminated and if so, reduced to what.  Scott said the line amount could be returned back to the original $6,000.  Gerry said from what he recalls only one of the Chevrolets was a particular problem and the other one actually has low mileage.  Scott said brakes have been replaced, calipers, rotors and a computer system, noting one Chevrolet has 75,000 miles on it and he agreed with Gerry, saying the other has less than 50,000 miles on it.  Scott said the track history has been poor with the Chevrolets.  Gerry discussed with Ernie the funding for the cruisers and the affect this would have on the tax rate.  Ernie said at this point the affect to the tax rate stands at approximately $4.00.  He said he has “shaved it down” to $2.03 and could review these changes with the Selectmen tonight.  Gerry asked if this budget, as it stands, reflects two new cruisers and Ernie said no.  Barry asked if Farmington still performs all the necessary vehicle maintenance and Scott said yes, primarily.
 Joan then asked Scott about the bulletproof vests and Scott said he’s applied for a grant, which would cover 50%(approximately $3,400) of the cost to replace the department’s vests, but said he isn’t sure if it’s in the budget.  Ernie said he hadn’t added this to the budget yet.  Joan asked if the existing vests would be reconditioned or replaced and Scott said they would indeed be replaced.  Scott then said the new vests are lighter and provide for better coverage.  Matt said he’d like to see the Police department get the vests, as long as they’re awarded the grant, to which Scott replied his department has already qualified for the grant and now it’s just a matter of budgeting the remaining 50%.  Barry asked if the personnel budget line is final and Ernie said he still needs to meet with department heads to firm up evaluations and the percentage increases.  Scott said he also asked the Board about applying for a grant for mobile terminals, adding that he spoke with Ernie recently about foregoing the grant/purchase this year, based on the fact that the grant should continue to be available in the following years and this could be re-approached next year.  He said aside from what’s been discussed tonight, his budget is pretty much level-funded.  Joan thanked Chief Roberge and dismissed him.
Gerry asked Ernie if he has completed the revisions to the C.I.P. and Ernie said yes, saying he would be able to provide copies to the Selectmen after the January 6th, 2004 Planning Board meeting. He then explained how there is some funding in the C.I.P. for new plows, and now that the Highway dept. has been able to obtain new trucks with plows included, this money can now be applied to other needs.  
The Greater Wakefield Resource Center’s (GWRC) request for appropriation was next to be discussed.  Two seniors that actively volunteer at the center, Mr. Bob Carrington and Arthur Fulton came before the Selectmen.  They briefly explained how the GWRC works strictly on donations and grants.  Mr. Fulton said 19% of the people serviced by the GWRC are residents of Farmington.  Bob & Arthur said they are trying to visit all the towns the center services.  They explained how the center buys all their food from an outfit
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in Manchester and offer a meal once a week, but that is not all the center offers.  Mr. Fulton said the center also offers beano, health screenings, exercise classes and computer classes.  The gentlemen said the center has never asked for money before, but they are trying to renovate the old Union Hotel, which is the current home of the GWRC.  Arthur said they would appreciate any consideration the Board of Selectmen could offer.  
Barry asked if the meals are served everyday and Arthur said they would like to serve meals daily, but at this point they can only do a meal once a week (Thursdays).  He said they are looking for matching funds for the $2,500 grant they received, in order to serve more than one meal per week.  Joan asked what the grant deadline is and both gentlemen said the first of next year.  Matt asked how many Farmington residents are served and Mr. Fulton and Mr. Carrington both said between 17 & 19% of the 80 people served.  Mr. Carrington then said the towns of Milton and Middleton are responding well to the request for appropriation.  Kerry said the Town of Farmington bingo has over 100 folks that attend her bingo sessions and she knows for a fact that a large number of folks go around to various communities to enjoy all the programs.  Mr. Fulton said whatever the Selectmen feel they can afford, would be very much appreciated.  Mr. Carrington and Mr. Fulton then extended an invitation to the Board of Selectmen to visit the center.  David Hall made a motion to appropriate $1,000 to the Greater Wakefield Resource Center. Joan Funk seconded the motion.  Gerry said this motion is a good idea, but feels the Board should wait until they reach the end of the budget to see what amount would be best to appropriate.  David withdrew his motion, until the final budget is decided upon
Landfill, Water & Wastewater Budget 2004
Barry asked Ernie about the personnel budget lines for all the departments and Ernie said they still need fine “tuning”.  Dale said he’s increased the budget line in the landfill budget to cover another two tires for the loader at the landfill.  He said he’s also increased the pay-per-bag budget line from $100,000 to $150,000, in keeping with the demand. Gerry asked about bag sales, wondering if the revenue goes into a special revenue fund and Dale said yes.  He then asked if tax dollars pay for the initial bag purchases and Dale said yes.  Barry said he feels the Town needs to find as many ways possible to assist in the expense of projects such as this.  Ernie said the cost of bags could be re-couped by simply charging $1.25 per bag, based on the sales history.   Barry said it would be good to balance this out.  Gerry asked about the cost for tire removal, wondering if this line is a “wash”.  Dale said in theory the cost to dispose of the tires is supposed to offset the Town’s cost to dispose of them, but many people sneak tires into the landfill or dispose of them on the roadsides.  There were no further questions concerning the landfill budget.
The Water Dept. budget was next to being reviewed.  Dale said the consultant budget line is up, but he said he tried to level fund or decrease wherever else he was able.  He said this line is up due to the cost for a hydraulic model of the water distribution system, as well as additional well monitoring and testing.  He then explained how the hydraulic model would be helpful in determining the impacts of development on the distribution system.  He said he would be better able to assess impacts.  David asked about the cost of testing supplies and Dale said NH Dept. of Environmental Services (DES) provides a testing schedule 4-5 years in advance, outlining the tests required for each year.  He said this budget would fluctuate annually based on required tests for each year.  Barry asked if Dale needs to plan anything for the new arsenic testing requirements and Dale said, only for the one well in Town with arsenic issues: well # 3.  He said the Town needs to officially abandon this well and disconnect it.  Barry asked how soon Dale would have the hydraulic model constructed and Dale said sometime after Town Meeting, but he needs to look at the numbers/data first and run some tests.  Barry said the information, which could be gleaned, should also be helpful for re-work to the Master Plan.  Barry said another question he has concerns the request for another computer.  Dale said the plan is to have a stand-alone computer, because his secretary also works in the TC/TC office and has registrations, tax payments and water/sewer payments/billing that create problems with the ability to access information.  
Wastewater Budget 2004
Dale said the mainline maintenance budget line is up $7,000, noting this line usually carries $1,000.  He said the infiltration and in-flow detection is still an issue, which needs to be addressed, particularly right now in the Crowley Street area.  Dale said it could be defective due to service lines or septic pumps, noting he needs to identify the problem and then decide if he could cost-effectively treat/correct the problem.  He said his feeling is the problem is most likely from sump pumps.  Discussion then ensued regarding the

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extent of the problem and Dale said it extends up Garfield Street onto Crowley and Mechanic Streets and to E. Grove St. (where there’s a high water table anyway). Dale then told the Selectmen they should see a significant decrease in the Phase I consultant budget line, due to the fact that this phase is almost complete and the Town’s not yet prepared for Phase II.  Joan asked why the training line is down and Dale said he wouldn’t be attending the annual conference for the next few years and the amount in that line, as it stands now, is sufficient for annual training opportunities.
Highway Dept. Budget 2004
Clark said with the exception of wages, striping and the fuel budget lines, his budget is pretty much level-funded.  Discussion then ensued about road striping.  David asked for last year’s figure for diesel fuel and Clark said he wasn’t sure, but the bookkeeper handles the bills, consumption amounts and the bidding process.  Ernie said he could provide the information to the Board.  He said over the years Farmington has had a credit with the oil company and last year the Town exceeded what was available in their credit balance.  David asked if the price was honored when Farmington exceeded the bid amount and Ernie said they didn’t have to honor that price, but they did.  Gerry asked if vehicle fuel consumption is monitored and Clark said yes.  Barry said he noticed in the wage budget line ? of the cost for a floater employee in Clark’s budget.  Both Ernie and Clark said the floater was added a few years ago and is the employee that assists many departments.  Barry said he notices a 6.53% increase in this line and Ernie said this is due to one position upgrade.  Matt asked if Clark plans to continue improvements to the dirt roads and Clark said he has plans to apply 12 miles of calcium chloride and to continue the improvements to Meaderboro Road.  Gerry asked about the radio/phones and Ernie said he’s working with Nextel to make the system service cost improvements/reductions.  Gerry said he understands a lot of money was saved toward bridge improvements. He went on to say he knows the Tibbetts Hill Road bridge is not in that critical need of repair/work, wondering perhaps if money could be saved, by not continuing to fund it.  Clark said there liability concerns, as well as requirements that must be met in order to be eligible for State bridge aid.  Gerry said if repair needs for the Tibbetts Hill Road bridge are anything as simple as what was needed for the West Milton Road bridge, which amounted to only a drain, then it would be foolish to continue to fund for this in the budget.  Joan said if the State has told the Town to fix the bridge, then the money must be appropriated.  Clark said the Tibbetts Hill Road bridge has been “red-listed” by the State.  He said there must be an engineer of record responsible for the improvements to any bridge, in order to avoid liabilities and to meet the bridge aid eligibility requirements.  Discussion then ensued regarding the bridge.  Gerry said money spent for the West Milton Road bridge was a disgrace and Farmington could have “re-worked the Mississippi River” for the same cost.  Ernie concurred with Clark, saying the State has said Farmington can make the decision on how to repair the bridge, but they do need to weigh the cost-offset when able to share the cost with the State.  He said he would explore options and report back to Gerry.  Ernie said the Town would most likely spend the same, if not more, to perform repairs on their own versus with assistance from the State. The proposed new highway garage was discussed next.  Ernie said this is another area of impact; one option would be to budget half this year in the Capital Reserve and then complete the following year.  Ernie said originally this was budgeted for earlier in year 2000.  Matt asked why pay for all in one whack versus over 30 years and Ernie said many other costly items over the years are needed too.
Clark said the current building is bulging at the seams.  Joan asked if it would be feasible to construct a temporary shelter and Clark said he’s waited this long for a new building, he can wait another few. Clark said the line-painting budget line is up due to the cost for paint beads and the increased number of crosswalks, etc.  
Parks & Recreation Budget 2004
Joan said the Parks maintenance budget line is up considerably, wondering why.  Kerry said this is due to bidding out the mowing of the parks.  She said she only received one bid.  Matt asked if the cost is what Kerry expected and Kerry said yes.  She said the mower used by the Town was not really equipped for the workload and it actually spent more time being repaired.  David asked about the consideration to purchase a new mower and Kerry said the real reason the mowing was put out to bid, is to free up the maintenance technician.  Joan asked if the P&R grant employee could perform the mowing and Kerry said she hasn’t had a grant employee for years and they are no longer available.  Dale said the Town could purchase a “gang” mower attachment for the sidewalk tractor.  Discussion ensued regarding alternatives/options.  Joan then asked if Kerry could research the cost for Dale’s suggestion.  David said it would helpful too to price

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the cost of commercial mowers.  Kerry said one other issue she’d like to discuss is the need to restore the grass to the former ball field section of Fernald Park.  She said the telephone budget line isn’t correct and
should be changed from $1,450.00 to closer to $2,200.00.  Barry asked if there is any money in the park maintenance line that could cover the cost for a new mower.  Kerry said $4,500 is generally kept in the budget line.  Ernie said he could place the cost of a new mower in Capital outlay and then reduce the park maintenance budget line to $4,500.  
Kerry said one item not included in the other culture & recreation budget line would be $4,200.00, which would cover a 14-week internship.  
Fire Rescue Budget 2004
Joan asked how the Fire Rescue stipend works and Ky explained that it’s flat rate for officers including the number of calls the particular volunteer responds to.  Ky said it is his hope to change the distribution of the stipend in order to improve the response to calls and to “weed out” those that are not responding with any regularity.  Joan asked Ky if he is utilizing the older, more experienced volunteers for training and Ky said yes.  David asked about the 50% increase for tires, maintenance, oil, etc. wondering if this is covered by the Town mechanics and Ky said yes, but his department still has to pay for materials and service.  David then asked if there are any problems and Ky said Engine # 1 required costly repairs totaling over $5,000, much more than anticipated.  Barry asked about the secretary for the department, wondering how many hours she works and Ky said she works approximately 16 hours per week, but she’d like 20 hours.  Barry then asked how the ambulance revenue compares to the department expenditure, saying if it’s costing more money to provide service, then the Town should charge more for the runs.  He also asked if the Board would be addressing revenues tonight and Ernie said he would get the figures for Barry and the Board could address this at the next meeting.  Joan asked if any of the secretary’s hours come from the Fire dept. or just from the Rescue dept. side of the budget and Ky said it’s his entire budget anyway.  
Barry asked what the overall impact to the budget would be to increase the secretary’s hours. Joan also asked for a job description and Ernie said he would provide this information at the next meeting.  Gerry asked if Ky had received pricing for a new defibrillator and Ky said not yet. He then passed around copies of the Fire Rescue department “wish list”. Matt asked if the “wish list” was prioritized and Ky said no.  Discussion then ensued regarding a new defibrillator. Ky said he doesn’t know much about defibrillators.  Joan said perhaps an EMS volunteer should be present to answer such questions, and as to why this is really needed.
The Selectmen discussed the “wish list”.  Ky said the department likes to replace five sets of gear per year.  They then continued to review the items listed, determining the number of items for each, that would actually be needed.  Ernie said the total for everything on the list is $27,436.00. Matt said, so basically they’re looking at a 50% increase in the budget and Ernie confirmed everything totaled a 44% increase.  Matt asked if the list was prioritized and Ky said his department needs all the items now, but they could prioritize, if the Board of Selectmen would like them to.  Matt asked if there are any grants available and Ky said his department applies for whatever’s available and applicable.  Joan asked if he’s actively seeking grants or waiting for them to “fall into his lap?”  Ky said he receives information regularly about what grants are available.  Ky said the items on the department’s list are things needed to provide for safety of the volunteers. He said his volunteers understand that he can only ask for that which is absolutely necessary.  Joan asked if Ky has cut anything from the volunteer’s “wish list” and he said yes.  Discussion then ensued regarding air packs.  Ernie said the total impact to the budget would be $30,040 versus $27,436.00. Joan asked if Ky is looking for five new radio/phones and Ky said no, he’s looking for replacements.  He said he really only needs two, mentioning how high the phone bill was recently.  Ky said his secretary discovered the Fire dept. was not on the correct plan.  Barry said it seems the problem is the charges are for incoming calls, wondering why volunteers are giving out their numbers.  He said this could indicate abuse, which Ky should check into. Ernie said he and Scott are drafting a policy concerning the use of the Town’s radio/phones.  Barry asked about the building maintenance line.  He asked if this increase includes the cost of improvements that Ernie has calculated or that Ky has obtained and Ky said he obtained various estimates.  Joan began to address the issue of unfinished rental property inspections and Ky said he’s got three more months to catch up.  Gerry said the inspection fees should be increased in order to help fund this budget line.  Ernie said he’s drafted a fee schedule and will present it at the next meeting.  Gerry asked if all those linked to the Master Box have been informed of the cost to link into the Town’s new alarm system and Ky said yes.  
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Ernie said Capital outlay should be reviewed.  Joan, Matt and Gerry all agreed the command vehicle should be a used patrol car, not a new purchase.  Barry said the Fire department could use a utility vehicle, but he feels the department should prioritize their needs. He said volunteers should only be reimbursed for training and classes, but the Town should consider budgeting for a utility vehicle.  Matt asked if Ky discussed the need for a utility vehicle with the CIP Committee and Ky said no.  Matt then asked why this wasn’t planned. David said the department could put the vehicles they no longer want up for bid and the revenue from the sale could be used toward the purchase of a new vehicle.  Ky said the older vehicles aren’t worth enough to really help.  
Ky said the next thing he needs to discuss with the Board is the unsafe ladder on the ladder truck.  Ernie said it would cost $85,000 to repair the existing ladder, $550,000 to replace the ladder truck with a new one or $10,000 to purchase a used (1987) ladder truck.  Both Barry and Gerry asked if the used ladder truck is certified and Ky said yes.  Joan suggested that Ky and Ernie work on this and determine which route is the most advisable.
The Selectmen briefly recessed.  The time was 9:10 p.m.  The meeting reconvened at 9:20 p.m.  
Ernie then discussed with the Board the closing time for the Town offices on Christmas Eve.  He said in the past the Selectmen have allowed the employees to work a half-day and then attend a Christmas party and when he last spoke with the Board they expressed the desire to have the offices open during the party.  He said this upsets some employees because they will be unable to keep their office(s) open and attend the party at the same time.  Ernie said he’s looking for permission to close the Town offices at 10:00 a.m. and for the employees to be allowed to attend the Christmas party and then simply go home.  Gerald McCarthy motioned to close the Town offices on Christmas Eve at 10:00 a.m.  Matthew Scruton seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Kerry then invited the Selectmen to attend the party, which would be held at the old Town Hall gym.  
Dale said he was disappointed the Board did not want to individually review all the Town employees’ evaluations.  He said the department heads have a situation where they have to evaluate the employees and decide upon what should be their compensation.  He said he was hoping tonight to get the Board’s consensus to develop a program for incentives such as: gift certificates, plaques, etc. as employee recognition.  He said he doesn’t have a dollar value at this time, but he would like at the discretion of the department heads the independence, within the framework of their departments, to make this happen.  Joan said she thinks this is a wonderful idea and asked that the department heads put together the cost for such a program and report back to the Board.  Gerry said this could be a double-edged sword if it is not implemented properly each year.  Dale agreed saying he and other department heads have discussed this.  Ernie said the idea has been tossed around for years, but has never been implemented.  Dale said he feels the Town has some excellent employees and the Board should be aware of who they are.
Joan said the newspaper has reported another sizeable layoff at Collins & Aikman with closure pending yet again.  She said the Town really needs to address the issue of Economic Development again.  
Town Clerk/Tax Collector Budget 2004
Gerry asked Kathy about the cost for flat screen monitors and she said they cost approximately $289.00 to $300.00 each.  There were no other questions.  
Gerald McCarthy motioned to authorize the Town Administrator to sign the parking lot lease agreement.  David Hall seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.  Joan Funk motioned to enter non-public session.  David Hall seconded the motion and the role call vote was:  Gerry-yes, Barry-yes, Matt-yes, Joan-yes & David-yes.  The Board of Selectmen adjourned to executive session.  The time was 9:35 p.m.

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Respectfully submitted,

Lynn C. Seaboyer
Admin. Asst.


Joan A. Funk, Chairman

David Hall

Gerald McCarthy

Barry Elliott

Matthew Scruton