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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 07/28/2003

JULY 28, 2003
(Public Session)

Attendance:  Chairman Joan Funk, Gerald McCarthy, Barry Elliott, David Hall & Matthew Scruton
Staff:  Ernest M. Creveling, Town Administrator, CEO Paul Charron

Chairman Funk called public session to order at 6:45 p.m.
Barry Elliott motioned to approve the minutes from the July 14th public hearing about E 911.  Joan Funk  seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. David Hall motioned to approve the minutes from the regular public session from July 14th with one small grammatical correction to include the letter ”l” in the word “fee”. Matthew Scruton seconded the motion, as amended and the vote was unanimous.  
David Hall motioned to approve the minutes from July 21st meeting.  Joan Funk seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.  
Public Comment
Old Business Updates
Rte # 153 & 11 Intersection
Ernie said the Town now has actual plans from the NH D.O.T. and the project is moving along.  He said he fully expects the State to put the work out to bid in the fall, as they proposed.  Ernie said the Selectmen could view the plans after tonight’s meeting.  Gerry asked how the State is doing regarding the “rights of way” for this project and Ernie said they are still engaged with Irving Oil, but all else is going well.  
E 911
Ernie said Farmington has now addressed every property in Town and he has spoken with Sean Goodwin of the Bureau of Emergency Communications, who says they hope to have the maps ready the second week of August.  He said November 15th is the absolute deadline for the postal service, but further progress is dependent upon the timely return of the State approved maps.
Purchasing Policy
Ernie said one thing the Selectmen bandied about at the last meeting, was the “buy local” policy.  He said the new draft policy states no dollar figures, just “business with local businesses, when feasible”.  Discussion ensued concerning Board discretion, in the final bid award decision.  Ernie said he would follow up on this at the next meeting.
Current Use
Ernie said the Town of Farmington is in receipt of letter from Rizzo Enterprises offering the donation of a parcel of land, which would connect the Abbott and Waldron grants, in lieu of the current use penalty tax they face for their proposed subdivisions.  Ernie said the hard data concerning the property values would be available in a few weeks.  He said the Conservation Commission has worked with Rizzo Enterprises and has negotiated the possibility of an easement to connect the Waldron, Abbot (Town lands) and Rizzo land.  Gerry said all of the mill pond property would be surrounded by Town land if the Selectmen agree to accept this donation of land.  Ernie said he would advise further, after the revaluation figures are received.  
Building Permit Applications on Private Roads
CEO Paul Charron came before the Board saying he had five building permit applications on private roads in Town.  He said four of them are for Lancelot Shores and the fifth is for Hersom Drive.  Paul said the first permit for review is for Palmerlo.  He said the application is for a 1 ? story log home with two bedrooms and two bathrooms.  The second application is for Hersom Drive for a 24’x36’ single story, ranch style, two bedroom home.  Paul said the septic has been approved, there is no homeowners association and there are already three homes on this road with the applicants property located between two existing homes.  He said the third and fourth applications are identical and are for lots owned by Morris Pigeon, both for two
Selectmen’s Minutes 07/28/03-Pg. # 2

bedroom, Cape style homes.  Paul said the fifth application is for David Balkas for a single story summer home, measuring 24’x32’. He said on behalf of the Planning Board he requests the Boards’ approval of the
applications and asked the Selectmen to sign the road acknowledgements. Barry said he believes it is wrong for the Selectmen to be approving of all these building permit applications on private roads.  He said he fears eventually all the residents of all these homes permitted on private roads will come before Town Meeting and ask that their roads be accepted by the Town, meaning Farmington would have all these new roads they would then be responsible for.  Ernie said this could very well happen, but he doesn’t see how the Selectmen could really deny the applications. Gerry said if Farmington ever votes for an SB-2 form of government, having to take over the private roads could really become a reality. Matthew Scruton motioned to approve all five building permit applications submitted.  Joan Funk seconded the motion and the vote was:  Gerry-yes, David-yes, Matthew-yes, Joan-yes and Barry-no.  The motion passed.  
Joan asked Ernie about a stonewall on Elm Street and if he’s had the opportunity to look further into the situation.  Ernie said he had not yet spoken with the State and that he would also speak with Clark Hackett about it.  
Real Estate Transfer
Ernie said the Wentworth Economic Development Corp.(WEDCO) would like to deed over to the Town, a conservation lot within Commerce Park.  He said no transfer tax would be incurred.  David Hall motioned to authorize Selectman Chairman Joan Funk to sign the deed transfer from WEDCO.  Matthew Scruton seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.  
Gerry asked to have the Sarah Greenfield Business Park (SGBP) put on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board He said the original plans for the business park were to extend the road out to the daycare center and he said he doesn’t believe the bank on this particular lot should be removed in preparation for the road.  Gerry said it would be too close to the daycare center, feels it would be dangerous and that the bank helps to provide for a buffer against noise from the businesses within the park.  
Ernie then spoke to the Selectmen about the Virtual Private Network (VPN) and said he’s prepared to now look at scheduling time for the computer vendor to come from Massachusetts, to prepare for the set up of the VPN.  He said he believes this will be costly.  
Barry asked his fellow Board members if they are familiar with the Interim Growth ordinance (IGO).  He said the Planning Board is proposing one, wondering about the procedure to hold a Special Town Meeting.  Ernie said if the IGO passes, then Farmington must have a Special Town Meeting within ninety days.  Joan wondered if any elderly housing had been discussed with the Planning Board, saying it is her hope that elderly housing would still be permitted if the IGO passes.  Barry said the planner working for Farmington has worked on a great many IGO with the primary reason behind them being to grant time to revise the Master Plan and zoning.  He said planner, Mike Garrepy felt it would be best not to make provision for specific exceptions or exclusions.  He said the Planning Board is trying to make the IGO very simple.  Barry said he feels it is unrealistic to think this would provide the necessary time to perform all the work that’s needed and said he doesn’t believe the IGO will be particularly effective.  Gerry said he hopes the IGO passes, but said the resources need to be made available to the Planning Board, in order to work on the necessary changes.  Ernie said the planner has just gotten a new job with the private sector and he may or may not be able to continue to consult for the Town. He said he would not be available for evening meetings.  Ernie said the Planning Board has flexibility and said he’d like Town Counsel to sit with them, without any site reviews before them, just to hash out requirements, which must be met first, before any submission to the Planning Board, in hope of making the process more efficient.  Ernie said the Planning Board seems to “be in it’s own way.”  Matt said he agrees the Planning Board gets too bogged down in minutia.  Ernie said Milton’s Town Administrator, Chris Rose is looking to hire a planner collaboratively with another community.  He said he too thinks this is a good idea, particularly because planners are hard to come by.  Ernie said the Planning Board has to become disciplined with its time and have the understanding of the planner’s side (technical assistance).  

The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Lynn C. Seaboyer
Admin. Asst.

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Chairman Joan A. Funk

Gerald McCarthy

David Hall

Barry Elliott

Matthew Scruton