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Planning Board Minutes 01/13/2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Board Members Present:          Paul Parker, Dave Kestner (arrived at 5:54pm), Cindy Snowdon, Charlie Doke, Jim Horgan (arrived at 6:13pm) and Glen Demers

Selectmen’s Representative:     Charlie King (arrived at 5:54pm)
Town Staff Present:             Director of Planning and Community Development Kathy Menici
Public Present:                 Neil Johnson

At 5:38pm, Chairman Paul Parker opened the meeting.

  • Any Other Business to Come Before the Board:

        NEW CASES:
  • Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments – Paul opened the public hearing for the Zoning Ordinance Amendments and commented that the purpose of tonight’s public hearing is to hear any public comment or questions on the amendments.  There were no comments from the public.  The Board made a final review of the Zoning Amendments.  (Charlie King and Dave Kestner arrived at 5:54pm.) (Jim Horgan arrived at 6:13pm.)  Neil Johnson questioned what is meant by Permitted, Permitted with Review, and Special Exception and Kathy explained their definitions but also stated the definitions are located on Page 21 of the Zoning Ordinance documents.  Paul seated Jim Horgan in the open seat.  Paul closed the public hearing.
Charlie King motioned to accept the proposed Zoning Amendments as written, 2nd Glen Demers.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Dave Kestner motioned to forward the proposed Zoning Amendments to the Selectman for posting on the warrant for legislative approval, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried with all in favor.
  • Other Business to Come Before the Board
  • Kathy stated that one of the Board’s conditions of approval for the Governor’s Road Subdivision was to have them provide an updated bond estimate for the town’s engineering firm (FST) to review.  She questioned if the Board wanted to have FST review the bond estimate now or wait until the applicant is ready to move forward with construction.  Charlie K. asked Kathy to get a cost from FST for the review of the bond estimate.  The Board was in agreement to not forward the bond estimate for review until construction is going to commence.
Kathy reminded the Board that they are scheduled to hear Mrs. Minimas’ application on January 18 and the meeting was noticed as such, but the abutter notices were not mailed accidently.  Kathy asked if the Board would be willing to hear this case on February 1, 2011 and the Board agreed this would be satisfactory.
  • Charlie K. asked if the proposed warrant articles regarding the definitions can be combined so that there are fewer articles.  Kathy replied that she will double check with town counsel if they could be combined.
At 6:38pm, Jim Horgan motioned to adjourn, 2nd Cindy Snowdon.  Motion carried.

Meeting reconvened at 6:42pm.

Paul noted that since there are no changes to the proposed amendments the second public hearing is no longer needed.

Jim Horgan motioned to cancel the meeting scheduled for January 27, 2011, 2nd Cindy Snowdon.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Jim Horgan motioned to adjourn, 2nd Cindy Snowdon.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 6:43pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary
Chairman, Paul Parker