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Planning Board Minutes 11/16/2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Board Members Present:          Paul Parker, Charlie Doke, Glen Demers, Dave Kestner and Jim Horgan (arrived at 7:47pm)

Board Members Absent:           Cindy Snowdon

Selectmen’s Representative:     Charlie King
Town Staff Present:             Director of Planning and Community Development Kathy Menici
Public Present:                 Neil Johnson, Rick Lundborn, Barbara Marsh, Carrie Frisbee and George Szerbic

At 6:05pm, Chairman Paul Parker opened the meeting.

  • Review of Minutes
  • Dave Kestner motioned to accept the minutes of 10-19-10 as amended, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.
  • Dave Kestner motioned to accept the minutes of 11-3-10 as amended, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.
  • Governor’s Road Realty, LLC (Tax Map R49, Lots 1 & 1-1)
Rick Lundborn of Norway Plains explained that the applicant would like to request an extension for completion of specific activities due to the economic times and personal medical reasons.  Mr. Lundborn presented the Board with a formal, written request for the amendment to the notice of the decision the Board approved previously.  Paul reminded the Board that they have granted two other extensions for this project and stated that he would not be in favor of granting an extension past March of 2011.  Mr. Lundborn replied that this additional waiver would give Ms. Marsh the additional time to find a purchaser for the subdivision.  Kathy informed the Board that a waiver request needs to be publicly noticed to abutters and the public in order to be considered by the Board.  Charlie K. asked if the extension needs to be requested with a formal waiver and Kathy explained that she feels it would be appropriate especially since the original approval is from November of 2007.  Ms. Marsh informed the Board that she has an interested party at this time and would appreciate a little more time.  Kathy stated she has some additional concerns and would like to speak with town counsel to be able to advise the Board appropriately.  (She is unsure if the construction oversight needs to be added and the bond would need to be updated)  Mr. Lundborn stated he could update the bond with the current figures.  The Board had some concerns as to how the pending zoning changes will effect this approved subdivision if they pass in March at the Town Meeting.  Charlie King motioned to continue this discussion to December 7, 2010 in order to allow the applicant to notify the abutters and the public and the Planner to ask questions of town counsel, 2nd Dave Kestner.  Motion carried with all in favor.

  • Paul Parker motioned to continue the remaining Business Before the Board after the public hearing, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.

  • Compliance Hearing for Energy Resource Group, Inc. (ERG) -
Carrie Frisbee of ERG informed the Board that they have provided the town with the draft site plan that is currently being reviewed and will be ready to discuss it during the Board’s December meeting.  Charlie King motioned to continue the compliance hearing for ERG to December 21, 2010, 2nd Dave Kestner.  Motion carried with all in favor.

  • Governors Road Subdivision – Review of As-Builts -
Kathy informed the Board that the final paving was completed this past Saturday and Drew Brassard, inspector on-site for FST Engineering, provided a copy of his field report noting there were no problems during the final paving.  FST will formulate an official report and forward it to the town.  With the final inspection FST confirmed that there are no comments from their earlier letters/reviews that have not been addressed.  The only exception to the approved plans is the depth of the gravel noted in SW Cole’s hand borings and FST suggested having SW Cole provide a statement that the depth of gravel meets the requirements of the approved plans.  Charlie requested that Mr. Szerbic get a letter from SW Cole answering to the depth of the gravel.

Mr. Szerbic stated that the only thing left is to back up the pavement with gravel and this will be done by the end of the month.  Kathy stated that Mr. Szerbic would like to know if his letter of credit can be reduced.  Charlie asked if Mr. Szerbic has an estimate for the remaining work and he replied yes, it is for $6,700.  Charlie King motioned to reduce Mr. Szerbic’s letter of credit to $10,000, 2nd Dave Kestner.  Motion carried with all in favor.

At 7:08pm, Dave Kestner motioned for a recess, 2nd Glen Demers.  Motion carried with all in favor.
At 7:22pm the Board reconvened.

  • Other Business Before the Board:
  • Discussion of Questions for Peer Review Interviews – The Board reviewed the draft questions that Kathy prepared for the Board to use during the interview process.  Several of the questions were changed a little and Kathy will update them.  Kathy will also forward a letter to all the firms that are interviewed requesting some sample bills for attending a Board meeting and coming to town to complete an inspection, so that the Board can have details on how the mileage/travel time will be billed.  She will also request a written statement of whether or not there has been any legal action against their firm with regard to peer review services and if they have liability insurance for professional eras. (Jim Horgan arrived and Paul seated him for Cindy Snowdon.)  The Board then agreed to forward the question as to whether or not the firm foresees any potential for conflicts of interest due to work they have done or are doing in town.
  • Pike Industries – Pike Industries forwarded a response to the town in regards to why they feel they are grandfathered and do not have to comply with the town’s request to renew their permit application.  Kathy will review the files and prepare a summary report for the Board for the January meeting.
At 8:15pm, Charlie King motioned to adjourn, 2nd Dave Kestner.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

Chairman, Paul Parker