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Planning Board Minutes 11/03/2010
Tuesday, November 3, 2010
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Board Members Present:          Paul Parker, Dave Kestner, Charlie Doke, Jim Horgan and Glen Demers

Board Members Absent:           Cindy Snowdon (excused)
Selectmen’s Representative:     Charlie King
Town Staff Present:             Director of Planning and Community Development Kathy Menici
Public Present:                 Neil Johnson

At 6:05pm, Chairman Paul Parker opened the meeting and seated Jim Horgan for Cindy Snowdon.

  • Dave Kestner motioned to move peer review proposals to first in the agenda, 2nd Charlie Doke.  Motion carried with all in favor.
  • Continued Discussion of Preliminary Review of Proposals from Potential Peer Engineering Review Consultants:
Paul reminded the Board that the purpose of this discussion is to narrow the list of potential consultants to three or five, in order to set-up interviews.  The top five were FST, CMA, Jones & Beach, Louis Berger Group and then a tie for fifth place with Weston & Sampson, Underwood and Civil Consultants.  Kathy explained that legal suits, turn-around time and whether or not they are a full service firm where the top considerations for her.  The Board agreed to interview all the above listed consultants except for Underwood and Civil Consultants.  Charlie King motioned to hold the interviews for the peer review consultants on November 30, 2010 at 6pm, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried with Dave Kestner opposed.  The Board members will review the proposals again for the firms being interviewed and Kathy will draft a list of interview questions for the Board to consider.
Jim Horgan motioned to continue the discussion of preliminary review of proposals from potential peer engineering review consultants till November 16, 2010, 2nd Charlie Doke.  Motion carried with all in favor.

  • Continued Discussion – Subdivision Plan Lot Regulation:
Kathy and Glen provided templates and plans for the Board to use to look at sample lots to see how different requirements would affect different lots.  The Board came to an agreement that the 40,000 contiguous uplands requirement should be reduced to 30,000 in the Suburban Residential and the Rural Residential Zones.  

At 7:37pm, Jim Horgan motioned for a short recess, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.

At 7:50pm the Board reconvened.

The Board reviewed some additional plans with the templates and were in agreement that the reduction to 30,000 sq. ft. would have the desired affect and create better buildable lots.  The Zoning Ordinance will require 30,000 sq. ft of contiguous uplands exclusive of the steep slopes, wetlands and such and the Subdivision Regulations will consider the lot configurations.  Kathy will draft the proposed suggested language for this change to the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision Regulations for the Board to review and finalize.

Glen Demers motioned to continue this discussion until December 7, 2010, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried with all in favor.

  • Continued Discussion – Review of Zoning Ordinance:
Kathy reminded the Board that a few sections still need to be reviewed.  The first was under the introduction where Kathy reviewed earlier editions of the Ordinance and learned it was a grammatical area and the last word should read “them” and not “the.”    She then looked at a number of cell tower heights for surrounding communities and 25-30 ft. above the tree canopy is average and the total height where the average is 100-150ft.  Kathy suggested reducing the total height threshold from 200 ft. because this height would require a blinking light.  Paul asked if the threshold is reduced to 175 ft. would any of the existing towers be non-conforming and Kathy replied she would have to research the current structure heights.  Most of the Board members agreed that the new height threshold should be 190 ft.

Kathy then stated that after speaking with town counsel she would recommend having the waterfront protection guidelines in Section 4.02 removed and put within Section 1 because they really apply to all land within the Town.  The Board was in agreement that the change made sense.  Kathy then explained that she is working on a revised Table of Permitted Uses with some definitions to go with it and she will have a draft for the Board for the December 7th meeting.

Town Counsel suggested a definition for multi-family dwelling be added to the Ordinance and Kathy drafted a definition for the Board’s approval.  The Board was in agreement that three or more dwelling units in one structure would be appropriate. Kathy also drafted a definition for “Special Exception” for the Board to review and the Board was in consensus the definition was appropriate and it should be forwarded to legal for final review.

Jim Horgan motioned to continue this discussion until December 7, 2010, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.

  • Preliminary Discussion – Small Wind Turbine Ordinance:
Kathy provided the Board with a sample small wind turbine ordinance for their review.  Charlie K. asked if all small wind turbines would require a permit or review and Kathy replied yes.  Charlie K. stated he wouldn’t agree that small turbine with rotor diameters of under 4ft. should not require review.  Kathy stated that state regulations require permits and Charlie K. stated that he would like to review these requirements.  Jim Horgan motioned to continue this discussion until December 7, 2010, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Paul asked if the Board wanted to review the section on hydronic heaters that was attached to the wind turbine materials.  Jim responded that at some point the Board should review this but that the current work load should be completed before commencing on a new project.

At 9:00pm, Jim Horgan motioned to extend the meeting by 15 minutes, 2nd Glen Demers.  Motion carried with all in favor.

  • Other Business To Come Before the Board:
  • Kathy showed the Board the newest maps that came in from Strafford Regional Planning Commission, as a result of the combined mapping project with the Conservation Commission.  She will ask SRPC to provide another overlay to depict the zones and also a digital copy of the maps.  Charlie K. also asked for a PDF of the maps be provided to the Town for town use and also so the maps can be put on the town website.  Charlie King motioned to authorize Kathy Menici to order an additional overlay to depict the zones, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried with all in favor.

At 9:11pm, Jim Horgan motioned to adjourn, 2nd Dave Kestner.  Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

Chairman, Paul Parker