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Planning Board Minutes 07/06/2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Board Members Present:  Paul Parker, Glen Demers, Dave Kestner, Charlie Doke, and Jim Horgan

Board Members Absent:           Tracy Major and Cindy Snowdon
Selectmen’s Representative:     Charlie King
Town Staff Present:     Director of Planning and Community Development Kathy Menici.
At 6:13pm, Chairman Paul Parker opened the meeting and seated Jim Horgan for Tracy Major.
  • Discussion – Having applicants supply colorized plans
Paul explained that when he took part in the Plan reading workshop at the OEP conference they talked about the use of colorized plans and he wanted to know if the Board would like to consider requiring applicants to supply colorized plans.  He explained that the color makes it much easier to read plans and highlights the major parts.  Kathy stated that she worked for a town that required a set of colorized plans and it is a amazing how much it makes the topographical features pop out.  She added that the particular town she worked for required only one colorized plan that the developer used during their presentation and then gave to the Board for the file at the end of the presentation.  Glen informed the Board that it is not a lot of work to add color to the plans and for one set the cost should be minimal, plus he would agree that the color does make features pop-out and be more readable.  The Board was in agreement to require one colorized full size set of plans to be used during the applicant’s presentation and then submit it to the Town to be put on file.  It was noted that the Subdivision and Site Plan Regulations and the Fee Schedule will need to revised in order to make this change therefore the requirement for the color copy will be a request at this time.

Charlie King motioned to request that applicants from this date forward supply the Board with one full size colored plan set, 2nd Glen Demers.  Discussion followed where Dave asked if the Board intends to request these plans for all types of applications, including a minor site plan applications.  Charlie King amended his motion to include that the request be for all major site plan and subdivisions applications, Glen Demers accepted the amendment.  Motion carried with all in favor.

PUBLIC HEARING to accept input from the public regarding a proposed Fire Protection Regulation that, in part, requires the installation of a fire cistern or other water supply to be used for fire protection purposes.  Following the Public Hearing, the Planning Board may vote to amend the Town of Farmington Subdivision Regulations and the Town of Farmington Site Plan Review Regulations to include the Fire Protection Regulations.  CONTINUED FROM MAY 4, 2010.  

Dave asked if under IV. F (2) the word “/or” should have been included in the last sentence before infrastructure.  The Board agreed this was how it was supposed to read and because this is a grammatical change in the publics favor so another public hearing is not required.  Charlie K. then noted that the changes to the alternative systems as discussed with the Fire Chief were included.

Jim Horgan motioned to accept the Fire Protection Regulation as part of the Subdivision Regulations and Site Review, 2nd Dave Kestner.  Motion carried with all in favor.

PUBLIC HEARING to accept input from the public regarding proposed revisions to the Fee Schedule for the Town of Farmington Planning Board.

Charlie King motioned to approve the amended Fee Schedule with the revision date of 6/2/10, 2nd Glen Demers.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Any Other Business to Come Before the Board:
Kathy explained that in the refunds that went out in regards to the overpayment in application fees due to the improperly adopted fee schedule, the escrow accounts were not included in these refunds.  She further explained that the Planning Office is currently reviewing the escrow accounts for the past year and will be forwarding the refunds due within the next few weeks.  The correspondence from Geometres Blue Hills, LLC is in regards to an escrow account and Kathy will reply accordingly.  Kathy stated that the escrow account payments will be for unused balances not overpayment.

At 6:56pm, Jim Horgan motioned to adjourn, 2nd Glen Demers.  Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

Chairman, Paul Parker