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Planning Board Minutes 04/20/2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Board Members Present:  Paul Parker, Glen Demers, Dave Kestner, Tracy Major, Cindy Snowdon and Jim Horgan
Board Members Absent:           Tracy Major and Charlie Doke
Selectmen’s Representative:     Charlie King
Town Staff Present:     Director of Planning and Community Development Kathy Menici.
Public Present:                 Dave Crane, Arthur Cardinal, Tim Morrill, Randy Orvis,                                          Frank Monteiro, Jason Plourde, Maria Dolder, Mr.                                                         Schneider and Chris Berry.
At 6:12pm, Chairman Paul Parker opened the meeting and seated Jim Horgan for Tracy Major.
  • Review and approve Meeting Minutes of 3-16-10 and 4-6-10.
  • Jim Horgan motioned to approve the minutes of 3-6-10 as amended, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.
  • Charlie King motioned to approve the minutes of 4-6-10 as amended, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried with Cindy Snowdon abstaining because she was absent.
  • Continue Discussion – FST Estimate for NiAshBre Estates Subdivision
Jim Horgan motioned to table the discussion to the end of the meeting in order for a copy of the new estimate to be made for all members.
  • Discussion of Current Fee Schedule.
Kathy explained that after the last meeting she did some research on the acceptance of fee schedule and found that it was not properly adopted by the Board.  It was accepted by the Board of Selectmen but they do not have the jurisdiction to accept it.
Jim Horgan motioned to review the fee schedule at the May 4, 2010 meeting and schedule a public hearing for acceptance for May 18, 2010, 2nd Cindy Snowdon.  Motion carried with all in favor.
Jim asked if the Board owes anyone money as a result of this and Kathy replied that Legal’s advice was to wait until they ask, but yes.  Cindy commented that she doesn’t feel that is fair because it could be a significant amount of money.  Paul suggested the Board discuss this at the May 4, 2010 meeting and asked Kathy to try to put together a list of what funds are due what applicants.
  • Other.
Paul read an invitation to the Board from CHANCES for an Open House on April 23, 2010 from 3-5pm.

  • Public Service of New Hampshire (PSNH) has requested a public hearing from the Town of Farmington, to allow for the trimming and removal of trees on Poor Farm and River Roads, these roads are designated scenic roads by the town.
Dave Crane, PSNH arborist, explained that all the landowners affected by the tree cutting have been notified and do not have any concerns.  Chairman Parker opened the public hearing and hearing no comments closed the public hearing.
Dave Kestner motioned to approve the PSNH tree cutting request to remove the trees along the scenic roads of Poor Farm and River Roads as requested, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried with all in favor.
  • Application for Major Site Plan Approval By: Dan Cutter, Jr. (Tax Map R36, Lot 004) to allow for a 40’ x 60’ Commercial Building, Parking, Access and Drainage.  Property is located at 203 Paulson Road in the (CB) Commercial Business Zoning District.
Randy Orvis of Geometres Blue Hills, LLC informed the Board that he did take care of the Letter of Deficiency for the State and other than that the applicant has not authorized him to do anything else and in fact might be pulling the application.
Jim Horgan motioned to table the Major Site Plan application by Dan Cutter, Jr. (Tax Map R36, Lot 004) to the May 4, 2010 meeting, 2nd Dave Kestner.  Motion carried with all in favor.
  • Application for Minor Site Plan Approval By: Arthur Cardinal (Tax Map R31, Lot 017) to allow wood processing on this property in the (IB) Industrial Business Zoning District.  Parcel is located on Precinct Road.
Arthur Cardinal provided the Board a new revised plan and a formal request for waivers.  Cindy asked if the waivers that are being requested can be defined and Kathy replied that the applicant came in this afternoon with the information and she suggested the language to the time constraints.  A discussion was then held that the information for this application and all others needs to be received by the Planning Department two weeks prior to a meeting so that Kathy has time to review the information and get comments to the Board.  Charlie K. suggested the applicant make an appointment with Kathy to review the application and put together all the appropriate materials.  
Jim Horgan motioned to continue the Minor Site Plan approval by Arthur Cardinal (Tax Map R31, Lot 017) to May 18, 2010, 2nd Glen Demers.  Motion carried with all in favor.
  • Application for Site Plan Review Approval By: Irving Oil Corporation (Tax Map R20, Lots 33 & 34): To allow for redevelopment of existing retail motor fuel outlet and Voluntary Merger of lots 33 and 34, in the Commercial Business (CB) Zoning District.  Parcel is located at 449 NH Route 11.
Jason Plourde of Greeman-Pederson,Inc explained the updated plan for the Board and stated that Fay, Spofford and Thorndike (FST) completed their review and provided the Town with a summary review dated April 12, 2010.  In response to FST traffic summary, Mr. Plourde commented that they did multiple speed data collections and provided FST with updated speed data.  They calculated the average speed on the right turn lane at 18mph and the 85th percentile speed at 25mph and used these speeds to calculate the site distance as required by the State.
Cindy asked if FST has reviewed this new information and Kathy said no, her last email to FST included the question if there is consensus between FST and the applicant and their response was no.  Mr. Plourde replied that FST requested a formal response/explanation in writing but they did agree to the methodology and Kathy agreed with this comment.  Maria Dolder, attorney for Irving Oil Corporation, noted they are aware the Board would not be able to make any decisions tonight but they wanted to come and update the Board about what they have been doing.
Mr. Plourde then explained that FSTs other comments were in regards to the channelized left turn lane on Rte. 11 and he explained what they have witnessed for traffic in the area and that they do not anticipate any issues.  Paul then commented that by shortening the median people might tend to travel down the lane and turn left into the other gas station.  Mr. Plourde replied that this would be a law enforcement issue and they are suggesting shortening the median by 125’.  Cindy said she is very concerned that people will make this left hand turn into the other gas station and questioned if the median can be lengthened a little.  Frank Monteiro, of MHF Design, replied they can certainly reduce the cut to the median but would like the Board to quantify by how much it should be reduced.  The Board was in consensus that cutting it by one car length would be good.
Kathy asked the applicant if they have had any discussion with the owner’s of Marie’s Restaurant to see if Irving Oil can improve their driveway by seeding the median between their two driveways.  Mr. Plourde replied no, this is an existing condition in an area that they are already improving on.  Frank Monteiro added that he will be talking to NHDOT regarding the median and they can certainly discuss doing some seeding in the area because it is in the right of way.
Dave pointed out some concerns he had regarding the snow storage area and Mr. Monteiro replied they were good points and he will address the concerns.
Paul opened the Public Hearing.  Randy Orvis commented that he is concerned with the cutting of the median less because there potentially won’t be enough room for vehicles to be in the turning lane squarely.  A discussion was held on this topic and it was decided that the proposed median should be lengthened by ten feet.  Paul closed the public hearing.
Jim Horgan motioned to continue the Site Plan Review Application by Irving Oil Corporation (Tax Map R20, Lots 33 & 34) to May 18, 2010, 2nd Glen Demers.  Motion carried with all in favor.
At 7:47pm, Charlie King motioned for a recess, 2nd Dave Kestner.  Motion carried with all in favor.
At 7:58pm the Board reconvened.
  • Application for Minor Subdivision By: Robert A, & Ute M. Peaslee (Tax Map R51, Lot 10) to subdivide the existing 29.6 acre parcel into a 23.69 acre parcel and a 5.37 acre parcel, for the property on Hornetown Road in the Agricultural Residential (AR) Zoning District.
Randy Orvis of Geometres Blue Hills, LLC explained the lot is an open field and the Peaslees want to subdivide a five acre parcel out so Mr. Peaslee can build a new home.  There is a fire pond remaining on the existing lot.  Paul asked if the proposed new lot meets all the required zoning requirements and Mr. Orvis replied yes, they have a State septic approval and a driveway permit approval from the Road Agent.  Mr. Peaslee commented that Joel Moulton just requested a blind driveway sign be installed and he has ordered and paid for one and Joel will install.  
Paul opened the public hearing.  There were no comments.  Jim Horgan motioned to accept the application for Minor Subdivision by Robert A and Ute M. Peaslee (Tax Map R51, Lot 10) as substantially complete, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.
Paul closed the public hearing.  Jim Horgan motioned to approve the Minor Subdivision by Robert and Ute Peaslee (Tax Map R51, Lot 10) contingent upon the modification of the driveway permit to reflect the blind driveway sign, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.
  • Application for 2-Lot Subdivision Amendment By: Sargents Pond Development Co., LLC (Tax Map R49, Lot 15 & 15-1) to amend the existing Subdivision Plan Approval from 1 duplex on each lot to 1 single family home on each lot; for the property located on Trotting Park Road in the Rural Residential (RR) Zoning District.
Chris Berry of Berry Surveying & Engineering informed the Board that the applicant is requesting an amendment to a previously approved subdivision.  The previous approval from February 5, 2008, included the construction of a duplex on each parcel and the current owner of the property would like to amend the approval to allow the construction of single family homes on the lots and remove the shared driveway.  The applicant met with the Public Works Director and he had no issues and issued the two driveway permits.  The proposed driveway cuts will be on each side of the boundary line.  
Kathy commented that when she spoke with Mr. Berry he said he would provide a revised plan with the proposed driveways and removal of the easement.  Mr. Berry replied that he did not prepare this plan for tonight because he was under the understanding that he would provide a revised mylar for recording.  He then added that one single family has been built and septic approval for the second lot.
Dave pointed out that the Board had concerns with the elevation of the driveway on the previous plan.  Mr. Schneider, current owner, stated he brought material in to elevate the area so the grade on that plan is no longer applicable.  The Board stated they would like a revised plan to show the current grade, removal of the easement for the previous shared driveway and the location of the two proposed driveways.
Jim Horgan motioned to continue the application by Sargents Pond Development Co, LLC (Tax Map R49, Lot 15 & 15-1), 2nd Glen Demers.  Discussion followed in which Dave asked if the utility easement is in place because the utility pole will be on one property with the lines running to the other property.  The applicant said he will follow-up on the easement.  Motion carried with all in favor.
  • Continued Discussion – FST Estimate for NiAshBre Estates:
Kathy explained that the applicant provided a timeline of his construction prior to going on vacation last month and FST provided an estimate based on that timeline.  Since then Mr. Huckins has changed his timeline to try to save money and has completed the utility installation and is going to complete the roadway through wearing course this spring.  In response FST has revised their estimate scope but not the dollar amount.  
The Board held a discussion on what the scope of work will now be and some questioned why the estimate dollar amount would not be lower.  It was discussed that FST will not be able to oversee the construction of the road because it has already been completed but they can verify that it has been constructed appropriately and meets Town standards.  Kathy stated she is comfortable going forward with the estimate as is and will be overseeing the remainder of the project and communication between the applicant and FST.
Jim Horgan motioned to accept the estimate by FST for NiAshBre Estates, 2nd Cindy Snowdon.  Motion carried with all in favor.
At 8:55pm, Charlie King motioned to adjourn, 2nd Glen Demers.  Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

Chairman, Paul Parker