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Planning Board Minutes 03/17/2009
Tuesday – March 17, 2009
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Paul Parker, Charlie Doke, David Kestner and Cindy Snowdon

Selectman’s Rep:        Charlie King

Staff Present:  Daniel Merhalski, Director of Planning and Community Development

Public Present: Steve Edwards, Rick Lundborn, Chris Berry, Gail Ellis, Mr. R.   Toussaint, Carol Borg, John Borg, and Terry Grant.

Vice-Chairman Paul Parker called the meeting to order at 6:06pm.  

Business Before the Board
  • Dan informed the Board that Steve Edwards is present to answer questions on the changes to his plans.  Rick Lundborn of Norway Plains explained that Mr. Edwards is proposing an 18” block wall eight feet from the rear the building.  He explained that box trucks and fire trucks can clear the site behind the building even with cars parked in all the spaces.  However, tractor trailers (they don’t expect any on the site) will not be able to maneuver the corner so they have proposed a sign that says “no tractor trailers beyond this point” so that these trucks will know to go between the office and motel.
        Charlie Doke asked how far the retaining wall is at an average from the back of the building.  Rick replied 55 feet.  Rick stated that the Fire Chief went out to the site today and approved the plan noting that they could maneuver the fire apparatus around the building.  Charlie King motioned to authorize the vice-chairman to sign the plat, 2nd Charlie Doke.  Motion carried with all in favor.

        At 6:29pm, Charlie King motioned for a short recess to give the vice-chairman time to review and sign the plat, 2nd Cindy Snowdon.  Motion carried with all in favor.  At 6:41pm the Board reconvened.

Public Hearing
New Cases:
  • Application for a Major Subdivision by Gail Ellis (Tax Map R22, Lots 7-3 and 10) for construction of twenty-five (25) residential lots and supporting roadway and infrastructure improvements; Property is located on Ten Rod Road and Poor Farm Road, located in the Agricultural Residential (AR) zoning district.
Chris Berry of Berry Survey and Engineering presented the Ellis Estates proposed subdivision.  He explained that this is the same subdivision that was brought before the planning board for conceptual hearings in the previous year.  He provided a drainage analysis, a road construction layout and he met with the Fire Chief about the fire suppression 11,000 gallon cistern that will be installed at the corner of Ellis Lane and Currier Drive.  Cindy stated that she is concerned that the Fire Chief stated that after a year he would take over and maintain the fire cistern. She is unaware of a cistern being taken over by the Town as an agreeable item.  Charlie King said he will bring this question up at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

Mr. Berry stated that an Alteration of Terrain Permit was submitted to the state and they ensure that the development will not create undue water run-off.  The report is available in the planning office because it is too large to photocopy.  Mr. Berry added that he has completed a traffic analysis but he has been unable to finalize it with the road agent as of yet and as soon as he does he will forward it to the Board.  Currently they are proposing additional signage, a left-turning lane to go onto Meetinghouse Hill Road and lane line delineations.

Mr. Berry provided the Board with a list of four waiver requests because he found conflicts between the Town Zoning Ordinance, the Subdivision Regulations and the Road and Driveway Standards.  Dan confirmed that he has been through these items with Mr. Berry and that he agrees with the request for waivers and their reasoning and would suggest that the Board review the conflicted items over the next year.  Mr. Berry noted that the application meets the Road and Driveway Standards.  The first waiver request was from section 4.16 of the Subdivision Regulations for street design because they designed the subdivision to meet section 4.17 of the Road and Driveway Standards.  The second request for waiver was from section 4.17 for the classification of streets A.3; there are three other regulations that allow for and require less than 5% grade and the subdivision has a minimum slope of .75 which meets all other standards.  The third waiver request is from section 4.17 Classification of Streets A.9 for the road reverse curve.  The last waiver request is from 4.18 Street Improvements; the subdivision was designed with a 3 ft. should to meet halfway in the middle between the varying 2-5 foot standards.

Charlie King asked if the first waiver is for the Poor Farm Road entrance and Mr. Berry replied that it is for both entrances and the intersection by the cistern because they are all at a 3% grade.

Dave stated that he is concerned that it appears they are creating a kind of dam with the road at the entrance of Ten Rod Road at station 450.  Mr. Berry replied that there is an existing 12” culvert that is inadequate in the wetland area and they are proposing to improve it with a 30” culvert and adding headwalls to assist with the flow.  (Charlie noted a scribner’s error on the plan; the culvert should be 30” not 24”.)  Dave then questioned why there are two 36” culverts on Ellis Lane before the intersection with Currier Drive instead of a box culvert.  Mr. Berry explained that the two will work better than a box culvert and they are at a 1% grade to minimize the impact and to be self-cleaning so they won’t create erosion problems at the outlet. Dave asked if the sidewalks in this area are a dirt shoulder along the edge of the road and Mr. Berry said yes.  Then Dave asked if they are providing drainage easements for the lots along Currier Drive.  Mr. Berry replied yes and they will be recorded.  Dave followed up by asking if at station 1200 to 1800 should there be something more permanent than “temporary stone?”  Mr. Berry replied that they are going to place rip-wrap on these swales with about 6-12” stone.

Charlie King stated that the plan shows two sections of guardrails with a gap in between them and questioned why the gap is present.  Mr. Berry explained that the gap was generated due to the driveway of lot 10-1 that will flatten the area.  Charlie K. suggested getting comments and concerns from the road agent prior to approval. Charlie K. followed up by stating that the Town will need an easement for use of the fire cistern until it potentially becomes public.  Mr. Berry replied that the applicant wants to restrict the public use of the cistern unless the Town agrees to take it over.  Charlie K. would like to see the sidewalks continuous across the wetland crossings and the rest of the Board concurred.  Charlie K. noted that he is concerned with the site distance going left onto Poor Farm Road and that the brush is probably going to have to be cut back more.  Charlie K. noted that he would like the Road Agent’s comments on the waiver requests; especially for section 4.16 and on the slopes and the drainage.  Lastly, Charlie K. noted that he still has concerns that a few of the lots are going to have pending wetland impacts and issues.

Dan noted that his concerns were identified in the TRC minutes and the applicant will address them for the next meeting.  He stated that the traffic study will be imperative and the easements with the identification of who will own them and who is responsible for their maintenance.

Charlie King motioned to accept the application by Gail Ellis for a major subdivision on Tax Map R22, Lots 7-3 and 10 as substantially complete, 2nd Cindy Snowdon.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Paul Parker opened the hearing for public comment.  Carol Borg, abutter, asked what the actual number of lots being created is and Paul replied that there are a total of 29 lots being created with 5 that have been previously approved.  She also asked for an explanation of where the lane line delineations are being proposed.  Mr. Berry depicted this to her.  Lastly, Mrs. Borg stated that she is concerned that this development will disrupt the scenic culture of the area.

Mr. R. Toussaint, abutter, stated that he came to an earlier meeting about this subdivision and asked the applicant to provide a buffer between his lot and hers in the form of a fence because trees will not grow big enough in his lifetime to create a buffer.  Mr. Berry stated that he discussed the buffer request with the applicant and they feel a buffer would not be needed because of the large distance between his home and the roadway which is about 160 feet.  Charlie K. noted that the triangles of land created along the driveway have no use.  Mr. Berry stated that they will be deeded to the road right-of-way.  Charlie K. stated that he feels the abutter has a valid concern and that maybe they can still address it.
Terry Grant, abutter, is concerned that this development may effect the value of her home.  Paul stated that he is concerned there needs to be a school bus stop included in the plans.  The Board agreed a bus shelter will be needed and suggested the applicant contact Bonnie Tellis for her preference as to placement of the shelter.

Charlie King motioned to extend the meeting for 15 minutes, 2nd Dave Kestner.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Charlie K. stated that the applicant also needs to address the placement of mailboxes and they are usually on the opposite side of the road as the sidewalk or in a mail house.  Paul questioned if a third party engineer review is necessary to review the drainage calculations and/or road layout and construction.  Dan stated that at this time he hasn’t seen anything exceptional to require third party review but he is still awaiting the traffic study.  Mr. Berry added that NHDES has reviewed the drainage calculations and the wetland disturbances were monitored by the state as well.

Charlie King motioned to continue the hearing for the Gail Ellis Subdivision (Tax Map R22, Lots 7-3 and 10) to April 7, 2009, 2nd Dave Kestner.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Charlie King motioned to adjourn, 2nd Dave Kestner.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:17pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary