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Planning Board Minutes 03/03/2009
Tuesday – March 3, 2009
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Chairman Charlie King, Paul Parker, Charlie Doke, Cindy Snowdon and David Kestner                       

Selectman’s Rep:        Paula Proulx

Staff Present:  Daniel Merhalski, Director of Planning and Community Development

Public Present: Stamatia Miminas

Chairman Charlie King called the meeting to order at 6:13pm

Business Before the Board
  • Review and Approve Meeting Minutes of 2-3-09 and 2-17-09:
        1. Paul Parker moved to accept the minutes of 2-3-09 as written, 2nd Paula      Proulx. Motion carried with all in favor.
        2. Paula Proulx moved to accept the minutes of 2-17-09 as amended, 2nd
        Charlie King.  Discussion followed in which the amendments noted where to change the motion for the road petition to read “review and recommendation to the Board of Selectmen” and to continue that same discussion until 3/3/09.  Motion carried with Cindy Snowdon abstaining.

  • Other Business:
Dan informed the Board that Steve Edwards provided an amended set of plans with the items the Board requested, however he did notice an addition on the plans that included a block wall 8ft. from the rear of the building. Dan asked if the Board would like to accept the plans as submitted or ask the applicant for more information because of the change.  The Board agreed they would like more information regarding the exact use of the block wall, elevations, cross-sections and how the traffic and parking changes will be addressed with the addition of the wall.  Once the Board receives this information they will make a decision on whether or not an amendment to the application will be required.

  • Continued Review and Recommendation to Board of Selectmen for Road Acceptance- Labrador Road and Cottontail Lane:
        Dan informed the Board that he received an update of the cross-section of the plan and that he has not received additional information from Joel Moulton, Road Agent.  Joel has no official reports but he does have some field notes he took while observing the roads.  Charlie King stated that he is concerned with recommending the acceptance of the road before the infrastructure as approved has been completed, such as the roadways, ditches, swales and pedestrian ways.  He noted that if the roads were accepted by the Town then it could potentially become a liability to the Town instead of a compliance issue.

        Dave added that with 15 additional lots left to be developed there is potential for damage and/or disturbance to the present infrastructure.  Paul asked the developer if there is a designated pedestrian way within the development and he replied that there is a 5’ extended gravel shoulder.

        Cindy asked when the 2” layer of pavement was installed because it is her understanding that without the overlay this pavement course does not last and will need to be redone.  Dan replied that the outside engineer for another development noted that if a 2” course sits for more than two years then a tack course would be needed before the final topcoat.  

        Paul Parker motioned to forward to the Board of Selectmen a letter regarding the status of Labrador Road and Cottontail Lane and that at this time the Planning Board is not recommending the acceptance of these roads.  Motion carried with Cindy Snowdon and Paula Proulx abstaining.

Public Hearing at 6:56pm
  • Continuation of Site Plan Review Application from 1-6-2009; By: Mrs. Stamatia Miminas (Tax Map U05, Lot #182); Located  at 498 Main Street; for the proposed renovation of the top two floors over Farmington Town Pizza; converting into two units; each unit comprised of 2 bedrooms and full bath on the 2nd floor; 1st floor comprised of ½ bath, kitchen, living room and dining room.
Fire Chief Richard Fowler forwarded a letter to the Board approving the installation of a sprinkler system, a statement that the installation of underground utility tanks will not impair access to lot 183 and the approval of underground tanks in the right of way at the rear of the building.  Mrs. Miminas stated that the building above the pizza place is determined not to be safe by her engineer and she would like permission to tear the top two floors down and replace them so that they will be safe. She provided documentation from her engineer that verified the status of the top two floors.  Dave commented that the Administrative Order from NH DES says that all expired and unused sewer connections plus any proposed connections cannot be connected until such time that the Town’s wastewater plant can meet the licensing requirements.  Charlie King motioned for a short recess so the Board could review the letter by Mrs. Miminas’s from the engineer, 2nd Dave Kestner.  Motion carried at 7:10pm.

        At 7:22pm the Board reconvened.  Dan concurred that there are presently no sewer connections above the first floor and therefore NHDES would most likely not allow this development to receive a sewer connection permit.  Also, the Building Inspector would most likely not be able to issue a Building Permit without the ability to hook up to the sewer. Charlie King asked what would prevent the Board from continuing the application with the Building Permit being conditional upon the sewer moratorium being lifted.  Dan said that the application could be revised for reconstruction with no utilities, but he would have to check with Dennis if the project in its present form could be granted a Site Plan Permit conditional upon the moratorium being lifted, and if Dennis could issue a Building Permit without a sewer connection permit available. Mrs. Miminas replied that she would not be interested in this because she could potentially lose her apartments due to zoning changes. Cindy suggested that the applicant contact NHDES to see if she can get an exception. It was discussed that maybe Dan could contact DES but decided that it would be better if the applicant did so.

        Mrs. Miminas still needs to address the easement with her neighbor for any new items above the ground within the easement and the parking issue, plus if she is relocating the gas tanks this also needs to be reflected on the plans. Paul noted that the 3rd floor window for egress needs to show that it is the appropriate size.  Paul Parker motioned to continue the discussion for Mrs. Stamatia Miminas (Tax Map U05, Lot #182), 2nd Cindy Snowdon.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Dave Kestner motioned to adjourn, 2nd Paul Parker.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:18pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary