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Planning Minutes 10/21/2008
Tuesday - October 21, 2008
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Chairman Charlie King, David Kestner, Paul Parker, Charlie Doke and Cindy Snowdon

Members Excused:        Gerry Gibson

Selectman’s Rep:        Paula Proulx

Staff Present:  Daniel Merhalski, Director of Planning and Community Development

Chairman Charlie King called the meeting to order at 6:15pm.  

Business Before the Board

1.      Dan informed the Board that the Board of Selectmen authorized him to petition the planning board for their comments on the Sarah Greenfield Business Park (SGBP) roadway layout and asked if the planning board would want to hold a public hearing or public meeting on this proposed roadway.  Dan told the Board that according to town counsel the planning board is not required to hold a public hearing and could just post the discussion on a regular agenda.  Dan recommended the board not hold a public hearing to save the town money by not having to send out certified letters or post a hearing in the newspaper. Dan then told the board that the end result would be the same from either type of meeting because the Selectmen already approved it and it does not require planning board approval.  Paul Parker motioned to require a public hearing on 11/5/08 for the SGBP roadway layout and to include certified letters notifying all abutters of the hearing, 2nd David Kestner.  Motion carried with all in favor.  Paula told Dan that the money for the mailing and the posting could come from the SGBP fund.

David Kestner motioned to recess until 6:30pm, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried at 6:25pm.

Public Hearing at 6:37PM
New Cases:
1.  Discussion of Route 11 Re-Zoning:
    Dan informed the Board that he contacted several other towns about Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) and the consensus was that PUDs are great when used appropriately and when the market is right.  Dan then reviewed the examples of PUDs in neighboring towns with their advantages and disadvantages.  Charlie K. asked how many structures are on the former Collins & Aikman site.  Dan replied that there are two structures that include a main facility and a warehouse for a total of 303,000 square feet.  Charlie K. asked what the current status of the site is and Dan said that the state owns it and has it on the market for sale.  Paul asked if there are still areas of concern with the pollution and such.  Dan replied that the state has a fund established for the mitigation for the site.  David stated that he thinks it would be difficult to get residential use on the site and suggested a mix commercial/industrial site.  Paul agreed with David.  Dan responded that the Board would just have to be careful that they are not spot zoning and that they could consider a PUD without the residential component.  Charlie K. said that with a PUD there is a high possibility of getting an approved PUD that is never completed and it might be more appropriate to change the lot size and frontage requirements to encourage commercial/industrial use.  Paula asked if it is just this one parcel the board is talking about why can't they work with the state to create a commercial/industrial park and encourage development that way.  The board agreed that a PUD would not be economically appropriate at this time and to put the idea on hold for now.

Charlie K. stated if the board decided to not go with a PUD for the Collins & Aikman site, how else can they accomplish the same flexibility without spot zoning.  David suggested overlaying the Industrial Business (IB) zone with the Commercial Business (CB) zone along Route 11 going east from the site.  Dan replied that the only problem with that is you could potentially have industrial businesses abutting commercial uses.  A discussion was held as to why the town limits multiple permitted uses on one parcel.  Charlie K. said he doesn't see what the problem is with these types of multiple uses like a lawn and garden center with a sawmill.  Paul said he disagrees and that it would not be wise to have open use all the way down Rte. 11.  Charlie K. replied that some of the town's most successful businesses on Rte. 11 have multiple buildings and uses on one lot.

Dan suggested that a CB and IB mix might be appropriate for Paulson Road to Rte. 153 on both sides and from the Collins & Aikman site to WEDCO, without utilizing spot zoning.  The board was in agreement that it would be good to have a CB and IB overlay district with special use permits for these areas. This would mean that the CB areas would allow IB development with special use permits and IB areas would allow CB development with special use permits.  Charlie K. said the conditions to accept or deny these special use permits would need to be developed.  Paul asked if this overlay district would include the SGBP.  

Charlie K. asked if the board wanted to consider multiple uses and structures on one lot without subdivision.  Paul said he would like to put this discussion on hold.  David said he would like to see Dan create a draft ordinance to look at this more.  Paula said that she feels access management would play an important role in this discussion and whether or not she would accept such an idea.

Charlie King motioned for a recess, 2nd David Kestner.  Motion carried with Paul Parker opposed.  Meeting recessed at 8:05pm and reconvened at 8:20pm.

2.  Discussion of Draft Access Management Ordinance:
Dan prepared a draft access management ordinance for the board's review and informed them that he is still awaiting a response from the State and Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) as to enforcement issues on Rte. 11 since it is a state highway.  He told them a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) might be needed.

Dan reviewed the draft.  Charlie K. mentioned that the planning board previously set forth a guideline how/when they would require a traffic impact study and questioned if this ordinance should point to it and if it is consistent with it's language.  Dan replied that he was not aware of such a guideline but would be willing to look into it. Charlie K. said he believes they are part of the Road and Driveway Standards.  

Dan continued to review the draft ordinance.  Under section L, Charlie K. asked what would determine what should be reviewed in a traffic impact study.  Dan said the definition is included in the draft and the planning board would have the right to accept or deny a study.  Paul questioned if a development would have to utilize a rear entrance if they had one and Dan said yes, but this section was intended to address corner lots so that developments would utilize roads that are already present as a shared "driveway."  Dan added that unless there was a safety or environmental hazard a development would have to utilize a rear entrance.  The Board considered multiple scenarios.  Charlie K. suggested adding a footage requirement of 1000 feet to this section and the board agreed.  Dan will add this requirement.

At 9:00pm,  Paul Parker motioned to continue the meeting until 9:30pm, 2nd David Kestner.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Dan continued review of the draft ordinance.  Under section M the board discussed several different scenarios and Dan explained how the site plan review process would identify and correct any issues.  Under O, Charlie K. asked how one would clearly determine if a development is a minor site or not.  Dan said he can add a definition.  Charlie K. then said that if there is going to be a minor then there should probably be a major and both should have a definition.  Dan said the major would have a maximum 55' curb cut and he would add them.

Paul stated that the ordinance talks about it being in conjunction with a transportation plan but Farmington does not have a transportation plan.  Dan replied that this ordinance would only apply to Route 11 and that a transportation plan is not necessary for the ordinance to be effective.

Charlie K. polled the board as to if they were in favor of this proposed access management draft ordinance and all members agreed they were.  Charlie K. then noted that under section F there should probably be a number because it is really only for Rte. 11.  Dan said he would contact DOT for this information.  Charlie K. also suggested changing one of the illustrations to a design with more than two lots on it.  Dan said he would look for more examples.  Charlie K. then reminded Dan that under section K "rear" needed to be added and Dan said he already made that note.

Paul Parker motioned to continue the discussions on the Rte. 11 re-zoning and the draft access management ordinance to 11/18/08, 2nd David Kestner.  Motion carried with all in favor.

David Kestner motioned to adjourn, 2nd Charlie Doke.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:33pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

Charlie King, Chairman