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Planning Minutes 09/02/2008
Tuesday - September 2, 2008
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Chairman Charlie King, Paul Parker, Charlie Doke and Cindy Snowdon

Members Excused:        Gerry Gibson and David Kestner

Selectman’s Rep:        Paula Proulx

Staff Present:  Daniel Merhalski, Director of Planning and Community Development

Chairman Charlie King called the meeting to order at 6:16 pm.  

Business Before the Board

1.  Review and approve Meeting Minutes of 08-05-2008, and 08-19-2008:
        A.  Paul Parker motioned to table the minutes of 08-19-08 until the next meeting, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried.
        B.  Paul Parker motioned to accept the minutes of 08-05-2008 as written, 2nd Charlie Doke.  Motion carried.

2.  Other Business to come before the Board:
        A.  Paul informed the Board that the November 4th meeting should probably be rescheduled since it is election day.  Paul Parker motioned to reschedule the 11/4/08 meeting to 11/11/08 at 6pm, 2nd Charlie Doke.  Discussion followed in which Dan pointed out that the 11th is Veteran's Day so there may be a conflict.  Paul Parker amended his motion to change the meeting to 11/5/08 and Charlie Doke accepted the amendment.  Motion carried with all in favor.
        B.  Dan informed the Board that there would be no public hearings tonight because of requests for continuations.
        C.  Paul Parker motioned to change the agenda to move the voluntary merger up on the agenda, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried.

Public Hearing
New Cases:
Voluntary Merger of Pre-Existing Lots - 231 Camelot Shore Drive (Tax Map R-6, Lots 143 and 144)- Barbara Talbot.

Dan informed the Board that he went to the site to verify the information in the application and noted that there is only one structure on one of the lots and that RSA 674:39A requires Planning Boards to approve applications for Voluntary Mergers of Existing lots unless there is a zoning violation. Paul commented that he is concerned with the secondary owner’s faxed in signature. Dan responded that it is a legal signature and that the application does not require notarization of signatures. Charlie King stated that he has the same concern as Paul and to have Mr. Meier submit a notarized Letter of Intent, as a condition of approval. Charlie King motioned to approve the voluntary Merger of pre-existing lots - 231 Camelot Shore Drive (Tax Map R-6, Lots 143 and 144) contingent upon a notarized letter of intent from the 2nd owner, Mr. Meier, stating that he is aware of and approves of the merger, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Public Hearing for Minor Site Plan Approval (Tax Map R30, Lot 5)- To install twelve (12) panel antennas to be collocated on the existing 560-foot communications tower; Property is located at 623 Ten Rod Road in the (AR) Agricultural Residential Zoning District - Verizon Wireless.

Dan explained that there was an error and the abutters notices and notices to neighboring towns were not sent out.  He further explained that he apologized to the applicant and they requested that the Board consider continuing their application to the workshop meeting on 9-16-2008.  Paul Parker motioned to continue the Public Hearing for Minor Site Plan Approval (Tax Map R30, Lot 5) to 9-16-2008, 2nd Charlie Doke.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Continued Cases:
Continuation of Site Plan Review Application from 2-7-2008; By Mrs. Stamatia Miminas (Tax Map U05, Lot #182); Located @ 498 Main Street; for the proposed renovation of the top two floors over Farmington Town Pizza; converting into two units; each unit comprised of 2 bedrooms and full bath on the 2nd floor; 1st floor comprised of 1/2 bath, kitchen, living room and dining room.

Dan informed the board that a letter was received from the applicant requesting a continuation because she is still trying to locate alternative off-street parking.  Paul Parker motioned to continue the Site Plan Review Application from 2-7-2008; By Mrs. Stamatia Miminas (Tax Map U05, Lot #182) to 10-7-2008, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Charlie Doke motioned to adjourn, 2nd Cindy Snowdon.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 6:43pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger, Recording Secretary

Charlie King, Chairman