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Planning Board Minutes 7/22/2008
TUESDAY – July 22, 2008
Tax Map R-22, Lots 7 and 10, Ten Rod Road, Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Charlie King, David Kestner, Paul Parker,
Gerry Gibson, Charlie Doke, of the Planning Board. Kristie Holtz, Jim Horgan, Randy Orvis, David Connoly of the Conservation Commission

Staff Present:  Daniel Merhalski, Director of Planning and Community Development

Public Present: Gail Ellis, Stephen Currier, owners/applicants; Chris Berry, Berry Surveying and Engineering;  Mark Jacobs, Wetlands Scientist; Terry Grant, Randy Touisant, Residents.

*These Minutes are the legal record of the meeting and are in the format of an overview of the meeting.  It is neither represented nor intended to be a true transcription of the meeting.  

Chairman Charlie King called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.


·       Site Walk for Application for Wetland Re-Classification By: Gail Ellis (Tax Map R 22, Lots 7 and 10) To re-designate the wetlands on the above parcels to Class II and Class II wetlands, as indicated in their application materials dated June 17, 2008. Property is located on Ten Rod Road and Poor Farm Road, located in the (AR) Agricultural Residential Zoning District.  

Dan Merhalski briefly went over the ground rules for the site visit, being that there would be no deliberation of the application on site; there could be questions, but only from the Board members and the public to the applicant and their representatives, not amongst each other, and that the Boards could request information, but should keep any comments pertaining to the application(s) before them to themselves until the Public Hearing is re-opened on August 5th, 2008.

The applicants and their representatives led the group on a tour of the site following the roughly established roadway and pathways through the site, indicating areas of flagged wetlands.

At approximately 7:20 pm the four members of the Conservation Committee left the group to return to their vehicles. The applicants, Gail Ellis and Stephen Currier; along with Mark Jacobs and Dan Merhalski returned to the parking area following the Conservation Commission members as they were to hold a meeting at the Municipal Offices regarding the application and the Conservation Commission’s comments for submission to the Planning Board.

The remainder of the group stayed on site with Chris Berry and continued the site visit until approximately 8:10 pm.

Site Visit was adjourned at 8:10 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Daniel Merhalski
Director of Planning and Community Development

Charlie King, Chairman