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Planning Minutes 05-20-08
TUESDAY – May 20, 2008
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH
Members Present: Chairman Charlie King, David Kestner, Paul Parker Gerry Gibson
Charlie Doke, Cindy Snowdon
Members Absent: Hiram Watson
Selectman’s Rep: Paula Proulx and Joan Funk
Staff Present: Daniel Merhalski, Director of Planning and Community Development
Public Present: Attorney Tim Bates, Packy Campbell, Kevin Gagne (FST), Holly St Peter, Eric Martin. Cynthia Copeland (Moose Mountains Regional Greenway), Julie LaBranche (Strafford Regional Planning Commission).
Chairman Charlie King called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.
Business Before The Board
1. Charlie Doke (Alternate) sits in for Hiram Watson
2. Recognition of Service for Board Member Don MacVane:
Charlie King presented a plaque to Don MacVane for his many years of community service, 1990-2002, 2004-2008 to the Town of Farmington
Motion – Paul Parker motioned to meet with legal council, 2nd Paula Proulx.
Motioned with all in favor.
All agreed. – Meeting ended at 6:25 pm
The Board reconvened at 6:28 pm.
Motion - Charlie King motioned to table the last four items on the agenda. 2nd Paul Parker. Motion carried with all in favor.

Discussion of sidewalk Amendments to the Subdivision and Site Plan Regulations.

• Discussion of Route 11 Re-Zoning.

• Discussion of Site Plan Regulations and Zoning Ordinance provisions for Village Center (VC) District.

• Any other business to come before the board.

3. Presentation/ Discussion of Strafford Regional Planning Commission and Moose
Mountain Regional Greenway memo. Presented by:
Cindy Snowdon is reseated with the board.

• Cynthia Copeland – Moose Mountain Regional Greenway

• Julie LaBranche – Strafford Regional Planning Commission

Motion – At 7:00 pm, Charlie King motioned for a 5 min recess. 2nd Gerry Gibson.
Motion carried with all in favor.
The board reconvened at 7:10 pm. Charlie King opened the Public Hearing.
Cindy Snowdon and Paula Proulx recused them selves from the board, noting conflict of interest. Charlie King seated Joan Funk as Selectmen Rep.
Don Rhodes (Norway Plains), arrived at 7:15pm
Applicant, Packy Campbell (RSA) arrived at 7:42pm
Public Hearing at 7:10 pm
Continued Cases:
Continuation from 3/18/08 of compliance Hearing: For previously approved cluster subdivision By: RSA Development, LLC, for compliance with the terms of the approved cluster subdivision decisions and related plans for the property off of Elm Street / Dick Dame Lane, (Tax Map U-9, Lots 18 & 19 and Tax Map R34, Lots 1-8); Located in the (SR) suburban Residential Zoning District. The projects consist of sixty (60) single-family dwelling units.
Dan Merhalski – Presents site review of resolved and unresolved issues at Campbell Commons.
Review of utility map and cross section
Bond Estimate reduction 26,000.00 from 28,000.00
Review Report submitted by Norbis Engineering
Paving Report, presented by Kevin Gagne (FST)
Charlie King polls Planning Board regarding FST proposal to developer, regarding temporary check dam. Planning Board all in agreement.
Bond Estimate reduction from $28,000.00 to $26,000.00.
Playground regarding swale, catch basin and gravel access road. Planning Board agrees to keep gravel and to loom and seed the rest. This doesn’t change estimate.
Asbelt discussion – Agreed between Charlie King and Packy Campbell, that whatever number Norway Plains proposes, will be honored.
Motion – At 9:05 pm, Paul Parker motions to extend meeting 1 hour to allow for public hearing. 2nd, Gerry Gibson. Motion carried with all in favor.
Packy Campbell requests to be found in compliance at this time. Charlie King
Motion – At 9:10 pm, David Kestner motions for a 3-minute recess, 2nd Gerry Gibson. Motion carried with all in favor
The board reconvenes at 9:25 pm; Charlie King opens to public comments.
Mr. Packy Campbell was not here for these comments.
Holly St Peter – Lot 50, 30 Whippoorwill Ridge. Wanted board to clear up the recommendations by Carl Thunberg (Norbis). Packy Campbell but up a fence between lot 50 and lot 51 on 5/19/08. She would like it removed.
Charlie King refers to letter between the St Peters and Mr. Campbell. He asked the board if there are any comments to this letter.
Charlie King notes that there are no recommendations by Nobis Engineering. The board agrees that these recommendations are need, before any fencing can be put up or taken down.
Eric Martin – Lot 51, Whippoorwill Ridge. Eric states that there is/was already a fence on the top tier. The new fence blocks off their yard to the lower tier.
Mr. Martin requested that they get notification of any recommendations, prior to any work being done. Should it be recommended that fencing be put up, and if Mr. Campbell is found responsible. Mr. Martin also would like to be reimbursed for the fence he put up
Dan Merhalski. – Stated that any reimbursement should be the responsibility of the developer.
The Board still needs clarification to what is the recommendation by Norbis. Dan Merhalski will contact Norbis for this information.
Don Rhodes – Requests that Packy Campbell also receive this also.
Cindy Snowdon – Lot 55, 46 Whippoorwill Ridge. Cindy presented a list of requests and concerns, requiring direction or resolution. Cindy also presented pictures regarding this list.

• Excavation destruction

• Drainage

• Curbing

• Cracked pavement

• Speed bumps

• Lot Pins

• Road specification

Motion – At 10:05 pm, Gerry Gibson motioned to continue meeting to 10:30 pm. 2nd Charlie King. Motion carried with all in favor.
Motion – At 10:45pm, Charlie King motions to continue to 11:00 pm. 2nd Gerry Gibson. Motion opposed by 3, agreed by 3, meeting continued
Dan Merhalski – List of what Dan will try to have done before the next meeting of 6/3/08.
Motion – Gerry Gibson motions to continue at the 6/3/08 meeting, 2nd Paul Parker.
Motion – Charlie King motioned to continue, 2nd David Kestner. Motion carried with all in favor.
Motion to adjourn by David Kestner, 2nd Joan Funk. Motion carried with all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 11:05 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine Labrie
Planning Dept. Secretary
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