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Planning Minutes 4-15-08
Tuesday - April 15, 2008
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH
Members Present: Chairman Charlie King, David Kestner, Paul Parker, Hiram Watson and Cindy Snowdon.
Members Absent: Gerry Gibson
Selectman’s Rep: Paula Proulx
Staff Present: Daniel Merhalski, Director of Planning and Community Development
Public Present: Charles Therriault
Chairman King called the meeting to order at 6:20 pm. Charlie introduced the new Selectmen's representative, Paula Proulx to the board.
Business Before the Board
1. Review of Draft Letter re: Therriault's Landing project in Middleton:
The Board reviewed the draft letter to the Middleton planning board and noted they would like the wording in #5 changed a little in regards to the mutual aid. Then Charles Therriault, applicant for the project, came forward and explained that this airport is not a commercial one and will only have a large grass field to be used as a runway. Mr. Therriault provided a letter from the Auburn Fire Chief explaining that he hasn't had any calls for accidents in the past 17 years from the similar airport in his town. Mr. Therriault further explained that the original application has changed in that he is only proposing seven lots instead of eighteen and allowing for a 3000ft. grass runway.
Charlie asked if there will be fuel storage on the lot. Mr. Therriault explained the airplane fuel federal mandate and that there would be no plane fuel storage on the development at all. Cindy said that she did speak with the Farmington Fire Chief and he said that since the town offers mutual aid to Middleton his staff and volunteers would require a special training in the amount of $350 per person. Mr. Therriault replied that he believes that special training is for commercial planes and it would be beneficial to the Chief in town to contact the one of Auburn. The Board thanked Mr. Therriault for coming in and providing the information and answering their questions.
In continued review of the draft letter, Charlie commented that in #6 Middleton already provides school transportation for their own students so this should not be an issue. Cindy added that the transportation might not be an issue but the added students will add to the need for future expansion. Dan replied that the Superintendent Michelle Langa actually drafted this section to note her concerns. Charlie then asked for the Farmington Planning Board to be added to the closing with his name. Paul Parker motioned to have Dan Merhalski make the noted changes and send the letter to the
Middleton planning board, 2nd Cindy Snowdon. Motion carried with Paula Proulx abstaining because she did not have time to review the entire project and letter.
Noting the lateness of the hour, Paul Parker motioned to go directly into public hearing, 2nd Hiram Watson. Motion carried with all in favor.
David Kestner motioned for a short recess, 2nd Charlie King. Motion carried at 6:57 pm.
Chairman Charlie King reconvened the meeting at 7:05pm.
Public Hearing at 7:05 PM
Continued Cases:

Continuation from 3-18-2008 of Compliance Hearing: For previously aproved cluster subdivision By RSA Development, LLC, For compliance with the terms of the approved cluster subdivision decisions and related plans for the property off of Elm Street/Dick Dame Lane, (Tax Map U-9, Lots 18 & 19 and Tax Map R34, Lots 1-8); located in the (SR) Suburban Residential Zoning District, The project consists of sixty (60) single family dwelling units.

Cindy Snowdon recused herself from the discussion.
Charlie informed the board that the applicant was notified that this hearing would be continued to 5/6/2008 but would like to review the previous outstanding items for updates.
1. In regards to issue #5, Dan stated that this is still outstanding and no new information has come forward.
2. In regards to issue #8, Dan stated that the applicant has provided signed/stamped letter from an engineer stating that the three retaining walls are stable and safe and that third party review is currently underway.
3. In regards to issue # 9, Dan stated that the applicant has provided a drainage assessment by Norway Plains of the change for review and third party review is currently underway.
4. In regards to issue #11, Dan stated that the applicant provided the Town with a bond estimate and the third party review of the estimate is complete. As a result of the review there are a few discrepancies that need to be resolved. Charlie commented that in reviewing the estimates he located two line items for $50,000 a piece that were both slated for retaining wall repairs and only one of these items might be needed. Charlie also stated that in the applicant's estimate is seemed the costs did not include the labor to do the work. Paul added that he also noticed the cost for the remaining compliance issues were not included in the estimate as the applicant had stated he would do.
5. In regards to issue #18, Dan reported that the applicant submitted a signed/stamped "clarification" to the approved set of plans for the board to review and approve provided that legal review does not require a separate public hearing to amend
the original set of plans. Dan stated he will review the document and forward his comments to the Board for the next meeting. The Board then discussed that there was a change with the swales and ditch lines and questioned if this change is appropriate and will address the drainage appropriately. The Board also stated that the change in drainage would need to have new drainage calculations done to ensure the drainage worked properly. It was also noted that the utilities need to be located on amended plans and a cross-section of the area also needs to be added to make sure everything fits correctly. It was noted that the plans need to be 100% correct so that the Town and Board has something to make sure the lots are built to plan.
Charlie opened the discussion to the public at 7:28 pm. A resident of Campbell Commons stated that Mr. Campbell gave him a copy of the retaining wall stability report and is hoping the Board is going to have it reviewed by a third party. He also stated that if the walls are found to be unsafe after review, he furthers hopes the Board is going to make the developer take action to ensure the safety of the walls.
Paul Parker motioned to continue the compliance hearing for RSA Development, LLC for the property located at Tax Map U-9, Lots 18 & 19, and Tax Map R34, Lots 1-8 to May 6, 2008 at 6:30 pm in the Selectmen Chambers, 2nd David Kestner. Motion carried with all in favor.
Charlie reseated Cindy Snowdon.
New Cases:

There were no new cases to come before the Planning Board for this workshop.

The Board continued with the business from the top of the agenda.
Business Before the Board:
1. Discussion of Sidewalk Amendments to the Subdivision and Site Plan Regulations
a. Charlie informed the Board that he spoke with Joel Moulton and he requested a minimum sidewalk width of 6 feet so that maintenance vehicles can travel on them. Charlie said he agrees with this recommendation in the areas where the town maintains the sidewalks but is not sure it is appropriate in the RR (Rural Residential), SR (Suburban Residential) and AR (Agricultural Residential). David agreed with Charlie adding that a 4 foot requirement in those zones would allow more flexibility for swales and utilities. Dan commented that it is the board's decision to set the requirement but reminded that the ADA calls for a minimum of 5 feet and by not meeting the requirement the town may not be eligible for some grants. Paula questioned if Joel's recommendation for 6 feet was due to his preparing for the future and Charlie explained that Joel was just considering the maintenance issue at the time. Paul Parker motioned to adjust the RR and SR zone sidewalk minimum with requirement to five feet, 2nd Charlie King. Motion carried with all in favor.
b. The Board reviewed the AR zone requirements and discussed that the original
intent for sidewalks in this area was for them to be on interior roads only. Charlie noted that he feels the number of units requiring a sidewalk should be reduced from 20 to 7. The Board reviewed the Road and Driveway Standards and agrreed with Charlie's statement to require sidewalks in residential developments over seven dwelling units with new interior roads. Charlie then asked if the Board felt the standards should be defined in the AR as they are in the other zones and if it should be stated that waivers will be considered on a case by case basis. After discussion, Charlie King motioned for the AR zone sidewalk standards to refer to the RR standards and add a disclosure that states waivers will be considered on a case by case basis, 2nd Hiram Watson. Motion carried with all in favor.
c. The Board then reviewed the requirements for the RR zone. Charlie inquired if the Board was willing to accept four inch deep compacted gravel for a sidewalk in this zone. Hiram replied that he would like it at least six inches deep. Paul, Paula and Cindy stated they would like it removed as an option. Charlie said he would like it stated as not preferred and increase it to six inches. David pointed out that the AR refers to the RR requirements and if the Board was to remove compacted gravel as an option here, then it would also not be an option in the AR. Paul Parker motioned to remove compacted gravel as an option for the RR zone, 2nd Paula. Roll call - Paul Parker (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), David Kestner (no), Charlie King (no), Hiram Watson (no) and Cindy Snowdon (abstain). Motion failed. The Board, after further discussion, decided to add the description for six inches of gravel and the words “Not Preferred”.
d. The Board reviewed #7 from the proposed document and was in consensus Dan did a good job with the revisions. Dan commented that the document still needs to be reviewed by legal. Cindy questioned if the road acceptance policy should refer to this document and the Planning Board agreed it should and will recommend to the Selectmen to do so.
e. Paul Parker motioned to accept the revised sidewalk amendments draft with the amendments voted on tonight and to forward the amended document to legal for review, 2nd Hiram Watson. Motion carried with Paula Proulx abstaining because she had not had time to review the document in its entirety.
David Kestner motioned for a short recess, 2nd Charlie King. Motion carried at 8:42 pm.
Charlie reconvened the meeting at 8:52 pm.
2. Discussion of Fee Schedule Revisions:
Dan provided the Board with documentation comparing the fee schedules of surrounding towns and Farmington.
a. Cindy noted that she thought plan copies were $5 plus mileage and Dan replied the town has a printer on site now to make copies and the flat fee will be easier too.
Hiram Watson left the meeting at 9pm because he had previous committments. Paul Parker motioned to extend the meeting for 30 minutes, 2nd David Kestner. Motion carried with all in favor.
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b. The Board was in consensus that fee schedule was very comprehensive and the changes were good. Cindy asked if there is an amended plan application, would all fees apply and Dan replied yes because amendments to previously-approved applications are treated as new applications with Public Hearing requirements applying. Cindy said she would like this plainly stated so that there is no room for argument. It was discussed that all amendments to plans will be treated as a new application and on issues of compliance the developer will be responsible for all fees incurred.
c. Cindy suggested having a place on the fee schedule where the applicant must sign and date they have reviewed the fees so there is a clear paper trail that the applicant is aware of all fees. The Board agreed and decided to add the fee schedule with a signature and date line to the application packet(s).
Paul Parker motioned to extend the meeting for 15 minutes, 2nd Paula Proulx. Motion carried with all in favor at 9:35 pm.
d. The Board discussed having Dan make the noted changes from tonight and bring the document back to them for another review, then to legal and then to the Selectmen for final approval.
David Kestner motioned to continue the remaining agenda items to the May 20, 2008 workshop, 2nd Paul Parker. Motion carried with all in favor.
Charlie King motioned to continue the fee schedule discussion to May 6, 2008, 2nd Paul Parker. Motion carried with all in favor.
David Kestner motioned to adjourn, motion failed for lack of a second.
Cindy Snowdon motioned to put the Board elections on the agenda for May 20, 2008, 2nd David Kestner. Motion carried with all in favor.
David Kestner motioned to adjourn, 2nd Cindy Snowdon. Motion carried with all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 9:43 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary
_____________________________ ______________________
Chairman, Charlie King Date