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Planning Board Workshop Meeting Minutes 09-18-2007

356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Chairman Charlie King, Hiram Watson, David Kestner, Jim Horgan, and Gerry Gibson.

Absent:         David Meehan - without notification
                        Paul Parker - with notification
                        Cindy Snowdon - with notification
                        Don MacVane – with notification

Selectmen's Rep:        Joan Funk

S.R.P.C.:       Julie LaBranche, Strafford Regional Planning Commission – absent with notification

Public Present: Wayne Jenness and Kim Jenness

Chairman King called the meeting to order at 6:11 pm and seated Alternate Gerry Gibson for Paul Parker.

Business Before the Board:

The Board reviewed the invoices from Strafford Regional Planning Commission to be issued for technical, professional and other review services required by this Board for multiple applications.  Jim Horgan questioned why there were two reviews for the same applicant; one before the TRC and one after.  The Board concluded that the type of review is typical for larger applications requiring site plan review so that the applicants are prepared for the planning board meeting.  Jim Horgan motioned to pay the invoices approximately totaling $325.00 in their entirety to Strafford Regional Planning Commission as submitted, 2nd David Kestner.  Motion carried with all in favor.

The Board reviewed the final N.O.D. for Peter Alfe.  Jim Horgan motioned to have the Chairman sign the final N.O.D. for Peter Alfe, 2nd Gerry Gibson.  Motion carried with all in favor.


Continued Cases:

Continuation of Discussion from 09-04-2007 Re: Administrative Policy:  For the processing and payment of fees relating to technical, professional and other review services required by the Board for an application; RSA 673:16.II. (d).

Charlie King reminded the Board that at the last meeting they asked for Julie LaBranche to meet with the Town Administrator to get his suggestions on how to proceed with these billing procedures.  Charlie suggested having the Board wait until Julie is able to provide those answers to hold the discussion.  Jim Horgan motioned to continue the administrative policy discussion until 10-02-2007, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Continuation of Site Review Application from 09-04-2007 By:  Wayne Jenness; To allow the operation of a lunch wagon at 91 Main Street (Tax Map R19, Lot #016); Property owned by James Strout and Gary Hoage; who are presently operating a service center known as Ajax Service Center (dba – Watson Corner Service Center, Inc.)  Located in the (CC) Commercial Center Zoning District.

Charlie asked for a clarification as to what the hours of operation would be.  Mr. Jenness responded Tuesday through Saturday 11am to 8pm, with Sunday and Monday being closed.

Hiram suggested having signage to direct the flow of traffic.  David questioned if there is a home behind the garage that will directly receive the headlight glare during night operations.  Mr. Jenness responded the closest home is over 100 yards away and the traffic would not be that great that there should not be an issue, though if one arises he will work to remedy the situation.

Joan asked how the applicant is proposing to designate the parking spaces.  Mr. Jenness responded that he would use signs.   

Charlie informed the Board that the applicant is seeking waivers from Sections 24, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35 and 39 of the Article III Design Standards.

Jim asked how many customers Mr. Jenness has had a day over the past few weeks.  Mr. Jenness responded about 10-12.  Jim also added that the applicant will need to see the Code Enforcement Officer, Dennis, about the sign regulations and cautioned him to keep in mind the nature and quality of the area.

Charlie asked how he’s going to connect to the electric pole.  Mr. Jenness responded that he will be plugging into an outlet on the pole not having it hard-wired.

Joan questioned if Mr. Jenness could make the parking stop at the end building and have patrons back out, instead of driving around the back of the service station building.  David asked why the applicant does not have the parking even with the front of the building.  Charlie stated that there needs to be a 55-foot road setback in the CC.

Gerry Gibson motioned to grant the waivers from Section 24 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 32, 34, 35 and 39 of Article III of the Design Standards for Wayne Jenness to operate his lunch wagon at 91 Main St, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Charlie King motioned to accept the application from Wayne Jenness to operate a lunch wagon at 91 Main Street as substantially complete, 2nd Hiram Watson.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Charlie King motioned to accept the application to operate a lunch wagon at 91 Main Street (Tax Map R19, Lot #016) by Wayne Jenness; property owned by James Strout and Gary Hoage located in the (CC) Commercial Center Zoning District as proposed; conditional upon the applicant 1. Getting approval from the Code Enforcement Officer for any traffic flow and or parking revisions, and 2. Any and all signs will be pre-approved by the Code Enforcement Officer; 2nd Hiram Watson.  Motion carried with all in favor.

New Cases:

Application for Voluntary Merger By: Jean G. Merrill (Tax Map R32, Lot #15, 17 and 18); Property located @ 143 Main Street; in multiple zones (CC, RR, and SR); Commercial Center, Rural Residential and Suburban Residential Zoning District; Presented by Norway Plains, Inc. – Randy Tetreault.

Hiram Watson motioned to grant the voluntary merger by Jean G. Merrill (Tax Map R32, Lot #15, 17 and 18), 2nd David Kestner.  Discussion followed that Jim questioned what zone would take precedence in this merger.  The Board was unsure but confident that the representative from Norway Plains is very knowledgeable in the Town’s zoning and should be aware of what he proposed for his client.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Gerry Gibson motioned to adjourn, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Discussion followed in which Hiram asked what the Board would like to do with the new correspondence from James Spaulding.  Charlie stated the members should read it and if they feel it deems further discussion they can bring it up at the next meeting but as far as the original discussion a final decision was rendered.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Chairman King adjourned the meeting at 7:37pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary


______________________________                                                  __________________
Charlie King, Chairman                                                                          Date
Farmington Planning Board