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Planning Board Workshop Meeting Minutes 02-20-2007
356 Main Street – Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Charlie King, Don MacVane, Hiram Watson, Jim Horgan,
David Kestner, David Meehan – Alternate, Gerry Gibson - Alternate

Selectmen’s Rep:        Paul Parker

Staff Present:                  Doreen T. Hayden.

S.R.P.C.                Julie LaBranche, Strafford Regional Planning Commission

Public Present: None

Chairman King called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.; seats David Meehan for resigned John Law and advises Gerry Gibson to please feel free to enter into any of the discussions the board may entertain.

Chairman King asks for a motion to rearrange the agenda by moving the last item up to the first position; Jim Horgan motions to begin the meeting with the discussion of Peter Alfe compliance hearing; 2nd Hiram Watson; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

·       Continuation of Discussion: Re: Compliance Hearing of Peter Alfe (Tax Map R03, Lot #004); regarding the N.O.D. (Notice of Decision) requirement from the Planning Board Meeting of 07-11-2006; 4-conditions of compliance apply.

Chairman King turns the opening over to Julie LaBranche who states that she has not had a full opportunity to review the application but according the RSA rule the application carries a 1 year validity from the issuance of the N.O.D. (Notice of Decision) with the condition that the board must make a determination with a final notice within that 1 year time period and if the applicant has not made the conditions of approval it is stated in the Town’s regulations that the application could be closed, however I recommend that this application be continued until the 1 year expiration which is 07/2007 and to advise the applicant that effective that date his application will be closed.  Don MacVane brings forth that the agenda has it listed as a continuation of discussion and isn’t he to come in for review because of the change of use he’s proposed. Paul Parker adds that this board has made previous requirements for paving and accessing parking, adding that first Peter Alfe wanted to start with gravel and then have a compliance hearing to see where completion was required. David Kestner recalls that there was to be a stone cutting operation in the back and a used car operation in the front. Paul Parker interjects that the applicant was given a variance for an auto dealership. Don MacVane questions if the compliance hearing is for re-use and can’t we just move forward as such. Chairman King advises that the Site Review Regulations give 1-year with conditional approval and if he hasn’t done anything in that time frame we could revoke his approval. Jim Horgan feels that we should notify the applicant that if he has not taken any action to comply by 07-18-2007 then the application lapses. Julie LaBranche adds that the use will also expire; she will look into the RSA to see if we can revoke or close the hearing and then the applicant would have to re-notice, re-apply and pay all associated fees once again.

Chairman King states that we should make a formal motion in this regard; Don MacVane motions that the applicant has once again requested a continuance until May 2007 and that the applicant is not in compliance and that as of 07-18-2007 the window of opportunity will be closed and lastly that the conditional approvals will have expired at that time; Chairman King interjects that the binding date is 07-11-2007; 2nd Hiram Watson; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

Chairman King motions to move the third item on the agenda to the next discussion; 2nd Don MacVane; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

·       Discussion Re: Notice of Assessment of Fees relating to application reviews (as submitted by: Julie LaBranche, Sr. Land Use Planner – Strafford Regional Planning Commission).

Chairman King hands over discussion to the Assistant Planner Julie LaBranche to review with the board the Notice of Assessment she’s developed that will be handed out to all applicants for Site Review and Subdivision; this is up front notification of the additional fees associated with the Planners review.  Chairman King preempts by stating this language is already in both Site Review and Subdivision Regulations, but this gives the applicant up front immediate notice; Julie LaBranche interjects that this does not kick in until formal application not under any preliminary; Chairman King confirms that we should not charge for a proposed application only on formal application; Chairman King polls the board members asking if anyone has a problem with the fees; there is a question asked if these are additional fees; Chairman King replies these are not in addition to the fees as listed in the Site Review and Subdivision Regulations.  Julie LaBranche explains to the board how she tracks the application time and time she’s spent on each; various levels of discussion on the billing(s) to the applicant(s).

Chairman King asks for the boards opinion on having Julie LaBranche charge her time to the applicant and that the Planning Board time should come out of the 10 hours and not be charged to the applicant; David Kestner adds that is almost like double billing to the applicant if we have her bill for the actual meeting time; David Kestner also adds that her preliminary review should ease the transition during the Planning Board Meeting; Jim Horgan adds that it should have been established once at the formal application and not at the TRC only at active application.

Chairman King asks Julie LaBranche to change some of the wording in the Assessment of Fees Notice.

Chairman King motions to now move to the second item on the agenda Revised Site Plan Review Application; 2nd Jim Horgan; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

Chairman King asks Julie LaBranche if she drafted this revised application, she did not, this draft was in place but does not see to have ever been adopted formally, the draft date reflects 04-03-26; Chairman King indicates that the check list still needs to be revamped; Julie LaBranche likes the expanded application form, the one that is presently used does not provide much detail, it is very basic, only 1 page, this new application directs the applicants to more clear definitions.

Paul Parker asks how would the applicant know whether the were applying for a Minor or Major Application; Chairman King interjects to change that area to include staff review only for Minor or Major annotation; Paul Parker asks how to differentiate between Minor and Major; Julie LaBranche responds that maybe there could be some type of symbol or annotation to differ the Minor and Major requirements; she also adds that our regulations asks for a quantification factor for distinction; Hiram Watson suggests putting a narrative in front with explanation; Julie LaBranche suggest a type of cover page on the application that is defining the requirements, like a step by step instruction sheet.

Chairman King motions to have Julie LaBranche rewrite the checklist section with an attached definition sheet; 2nd Jim Horgan; discussion; Chairman King also adds that when the revised document(s) are complete to have Doreen T. Hayden implement them into the Site Review and Subdivision Regulations Application packages.

David Kestner speaks up that there appears to be some grammatical areas of incomplete sentences; page 5 of 10 item #2; Don MacVane suggests that maybe it should read just drop on; Jim Horgan interjects to just have Julie LaBranche read, review and prepare for the next Planning Board Workshop of 03-20-2007. David Kestner also points to the Utility portion of the application making suggestions to add Electrical and Cable TV requirements pointing out that some customers would have to pay certain line charges to run the lines from the poles to their house.

Discussion ensues regarding utilities, R. O. W. and who would be the responsible party to pick-up the costs; David Kestner adds that possibly the Planning Department should request a point specific letter from each utility company on their individual line connections; a letter of confirmation from any utility service who would be able to provide service and any additional charges that may apply.

Hiram Watson poses a question regarding the fees on Page 8 of 10; Section 7.01 contained in the Site Review Application Form.  

Jim Horgan adds that the reference to the Town Hall should be changed to The Municipal Office.

Paul Parker asks for an explanation of the Site Plan Completeness Review and Site Plan Compliance Review forms; Chairman King adds that he’d prefer 1 form versus 2; Paul Parker suggests that maybe we should only have 3 columns; 1 for Application Check List, 1 for TRC Checklist and 1 for Planning Board Checklist and to add a single column to add in a letter designation of the requirements of responsibility i.e.; SA – submitted by applicant; NA – not applicable; RW – requests waiver – applicant; C – item complete by TRC or Planning Board; WR – waiver recommendation of TRC; WA – Waiver action by Planning Board.

Chairman King interjects that he would like to see Julie LaBranche take a stab at creating the form; Julie LaBranche advises that she can model it on the application.  Chairman King formally motions to have Julie LaBranche revise the checklist; 2nd Jim Horgan; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

7:00 pm

Chairman King motions for a 5-minutes recess; 2nd Don MacVane; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

7:08 pm

Chairman King reconvenes the meeting and opens the floor for formal discussion of:

·       Continuation of Discussion: Re: Chapter IV of the Master Plan.

Hiram Watson begins by advising the board that he believes some of the changes that have been previously discussed have be made.

Paul Parker adds that this was completed prior to 2004 and the document does state in various areas that it was created to the year 2000 census.

Hiram Watson starts at 4.3; 2nd paragraph – Much bantering back and forth on what is the correct copy; Doreen T. Hayden thought she had the correct one and left the chambers to make several copies for the members.
7:15 pm break to make copies

Then to be advised by Chairman King that she was working with an incorrect copy and he had the most recent that he’s put a hand written date at the top of the front page and Doreen T. Hayden is making sufficient copies for all to this latest revision per Chairman King, Doreen T. Hayden did explain to the board that Paul Esswein was in control of the Master Plan and that she was not involved in any aspect of creation and for that reason was not / is not sure of what exactly are the most current / correct chapters of the Master Plan.

7:36 pm reconvene

Hiram Watson continues with his review;

Page 4.3 – no issues

Page 4.4 – proposed changes have been changed

Page 4.5 – bottom 2nd bulleted item does not think that is a fare statement; Paul Parker can you disagree; Don MacVane was it true; Chairman King rephrase would be better; Jim Horgan less than ideal reputation; Don MacVane does it have to be in at all; continued discussion on removal or changing of the statement; Julie LaBranche suggests that “Farmington has become a more desirable community to live and this has brought more development pressures on the community”.

Page 4.6 – Don MacVane – Voith Paper picture should be changed; Paul Parker take the picture out; Don MacVane agrees to take the picture out; Paul Parker suggests that Seneca Machine picture be the substitute; It is unanimously agreed that Seneca Machine picture should be in the place of Voith Paper.

4.8 – total employment; Chairman King states those are 2002 numbers and they can not be changed

4.12 – no issues.
Paul Parker questions the several locations in this document that makes reference to Farmington and surrounding Towns without identifying what the surrounding Towns are; this is his main objection to this chapter; David Meehan points out that under 4.1 it makes reference to the specific surrounding communities.

4.17 – middle paragraph, last sentence – Farmington tax base; Chairman King states that changes have been made to the Zoning Ordinance to disallow Mobile Home Parks and with that change it will allow those numbers to bring in more of a tax base.

4.18  - 2nd paragraph from bottom; Don MacVane states those are 2002 numbers and we can’t start changing them as it will change the document contents throughout.

4.20 -  median household income; Jim Horgan states that numbers are out of the O.E.P. and other
things are based on the 2002 census and can’t be changed.

4.26 – item #7 – controversy talk on the last line, not just Farmington, it’s a nationwide trend.

Paul Parker states that lots of things in this document are hard to read and the numbers reflect 2002 and for all to be aware that we have made improvements since that time.

Doreen T. Hayden interjects that as Paula Proulx has stated in the past this is a living document and that it is going to have changes as we go forward and that in the next couple of years as this document gets updated changes will be shown to be more recent.

Paul Parker motions to accept Chapter IV of the Master Plan as amended; 2nd Don MacVane; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

Chairman King asks Doreen T. Hayden what is on the agenda for the next workshop; She explains to the board that Deb Lee, Health Officer and Director of Emergency Management along with Paula Proulx have stressed that this document needs to be reviewed and adopted by the Planning Board at the next workshop; Chairman King talks about the contents of the Hazardous Mitigation Plan and the requirement of items that is part of the Plan; Chairman King asks if the board adopts this Plan who is going to pay for “all the stuff” as required.

Don MacVane suggests that Deb Lee attend the Planning Board Workshop of 03-20-2007 and explain to the members just what this Plan and the requirements are before the board jumps in and adopts.  David Kestner interjects that this could hold up dollars from FEMA if the Plan is not adopted; Chairman King states that if there are items listed in the Plan that we don’t need then we should have them removed from the document.

Jim Horgan motions to put Chapter VI of the Master Plan on the next Planning Board Workshop Agenda of 03-20-2007; 2nd David Meehan; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

Riley (TV Monitor Operator) asks if he might make a comment about Chapter VI of the Master Plan; Chairman King offers for him to step forward; Riley comments that on page 4.5 there is some text missing in the box next to the chart.

Chairman King made an additional motion to add this correction along with the picture change from Voith Paper to Seneca Machine; 2nd Jim Horgan; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

8:00 pm

Jim Horgan motion to adjourn; 2nd David Meehan; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

Approved as amended 03-06-2007; with changes in bold typeface.

Page 5 of 6; 7th paragraph; change Paul to Paula

______________________________________                          ______________________
Charlie King, Chairman                                                          Date
Farmington Planning Board