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Planning Board Meeting Minutes 07-11-2006
TUESDAY – JULY 11, 2006
356 Main Street – Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Charlie King, Don MacVane, Hiram Watson, Jim Horgan, David Kestner,
Edward Weagle-Alternate

Absent: John Law  – Leave of absence
        Stacey Gilman-Alternate – without notification

Selectmen’s Rep:        Paul Parker

Staff Present:                  Paul Esswein, Doreen T. Hayden

Chairman King called the meeting to order at 6:14 p.m. and seats Edward Weagle for John Law.

Review and approve meeting minutes of 06-06-2006; Jim Horgan motions to approve; 2nd Hiram Watson; discussion; Paul Parker indicates that on page 6 of 10; 1st paragraph; 3rd line; to add the word Route before 75; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

Review and approve meeting minutes of 06-20-2006; Jim Horgan motions to approve; 2nd Hiram Watson; discussion; Paul Parker indicates that 1st page; last paragraph; 1st through 4th lines; add (UR) Urban Residential Zoning District and (VC) Village Center Zoning District respectfully; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

Review and approve meeting minutes of 06-27-2006; Jim Horgan motions to approve; 2nd Hiram Watson; discussion; Paul Parker indicates that on page 2 of 7; 5th paragraph; 2nd line; after CEO add and the ADA (Americans with Disability Act); no further discussion; all those in favor; Don MacVane and Edward Weagle abstain; Chairman King, Hiram Watson, Jim Horgan, David Kestner and Paul Parker in favor; motion passes.

Chairman King asks if there are any other items to come before the board; Paul Parker interjects that The Board Of Selectman have asked Police Chief Scott Roberge to attend this evenings Planning Board Meeting to offer discussion and clarification of the TRC Meeting that was held regarding Farmington Ridge Mobile Home Park expansion; Chairman King thanked the Chief for being here; but the applicant is not here; Paul Esswein interjected that their Attorney Malcolm McNeill had called him to request that the hearing for their portion be moved to the end of this evenings agenda as Mr. McNeill had another Planning Board Meeting to attend and would not be able to be in Farmington until 8:00 pm.  Norman Russell spoke up to the board stating that at the last meeting of the Planning Board the Chairman stated that this application would be 1st on the agenda; Chairman King replied that yes that is true, however the applicant called and requested they be moved to the end of the evenings agenda.  Chairman King and Paul Esswein entertain discussion regarding placement on the agenda and Chairman King advises Chief Roberge that he does not know what time exactly this application will be heard, assuming it will be no sooner than 8-8:30 pm and advises Chief Roberge to return at that time.

6:22 pm

Chairman King motions / calls for a 5-minute recess until 6:30 pm; 2nd Jim Horgan; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

6:30 pm

Chairman King reconvenes the meeting and opens discussion with the 1st item on the agenda.

·       2nd reading by the Planning Board for the adoption of the design review guideline entitled “Farmington Design Manual Volume I and II” for the Urban and Commercial Mix Use Zoning Districts.

Chairman King indicates that Paul Esswein sent out a cover letter that will be included in the Farmington Design Manual Volume I and II, which briefly summarizes what the Town of Farmington is trying to accomplish.  Paul Parker reads into the record the full context of the letter entitled “Why a design guideline is needed” as prepared by Paul Esswein.  Chairman King asks for comments; Don MacVane would like to see the Design Manual dated; Hiram Watson would like to have a signature line on the Manual; Don MacVane compliments the cover letter by Paul Esswein; Ed Weagle interjects that he’s hopeful this manual will speed the process of applications; Hiram Watson feels that the board should vote on adoption of the manual.

6:36 pm

Chairman King opens the floor to the public for comment; no comments heard.

Hiram Watson motions to have the date and a signature line added to the introductory letter; 2nd Jim Horgan; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

Hiram Watson motions to adopt the Farmington Design Manual Volume I and II, 2nd Jim Horgan; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

Chairman King interjects that this manual is a voluntary requirement / process “at this time”,.

·       Application for an Earth Removal Permit By: Floyd Tanner, (Tax Map R19, Lot 15); 35-acre parcel; Property known as 39 Main Street; Located in the (CC) Commercial Center Zoning District; Removal of approximately 10,000 yards of sand and gravel.

Jake Tetreault, President of J. T. I. Site Development, Inc. presents on behalf of the applicant Floyd Tanner.  

Chairman King requests the applicant to describe this request; Jake Tetreault states that basically it is 1-acre of a 35-acre parcel that he will be taking down a very steep hill only, it is a nob on the property, there maybe future development on the land, there are no drain issues, this is well above the water table, will be crowned for drainage, characteristics to remain the same.  Chairman King asks for any test pits on the property; applicant’s representative replies yes and this will be at least 8’ below the finish grade.  

Paul Parker asks for any tests results that can be provided.

Chairman King asks Paul Esswein if he has any issues on this sight; Paul Esswein replies that the only significance is the proximity to the existing wetlands located at the upper side of the drawing and that a buffer must be maintained; there will be no detrimental effect; should be monitored for vegetation and drainage; fairly straightforward project.

Chairman King asks if any board members have questions; David Kestner asks if this is the location of the cord wood that when the floods hit the cord of wood came floating down the river; Floyd Tanners nephew (did not identify himself) speaks to the members of the board on his Uncles behalf and replies to the wood that was floating down river; David Kestner asks Paul Esswein about the grades and elevations per the Town of Farmington Regulations and asks / requests that some type of hale bails or silt fencing be placed around the work sight; Paul Esswein advises that the applicant will be required to provide buffers; Paul Esswein briefly reads the requirements for barriers.

Chairman King asks about the time table for this project; Jake Tetreault replies – 2-years; Chairman King asks Paul Esswein if permits have been issued; Chairman King advises the applicant that a bond will be required and that the Town of Farmington Selectmen will make that determination and provide that number to Paul Esswein.

Jake Tetreault explains to the board his opinion on the silt coverage.

David Kestner replies that there is a 100’ buffer and that the board will not be standing over watching and they have not done a site walk on the property, David Kestner indicates that he has driven by and saw the water table very high and wood floating.

Chairman King states that he sees deficiencies within the application.

Paul Parker revisits an earlier statement by the applicant that this is a 35-acre parcel however on the permit it states 12-acres and that the depth listed on the permit is 20’ feet above grade; Jake Tetreault states yes; Paul Parker also revisits under “g” slope is crowned at 1/8” ; diagram shows ¼”; Ed Weagle interjects the letter states 1/8”; Paul Parker again refers to the diagram where it indicates ¼”; he also indicates that he has concerns with the bridge on the Cocheco Road going out to Chestnut Hill Road and asks what is the bridge limitation(s) for trucking.

6:56 pm

Chairman King opens the floor to the public and will leave the floor open for the balance of this application.

Norman Russell states that the bridge has no restrictions; might be a little narrow but no weight limitations.

Chairman King again states that this application is lacking a lot of points that are in our excavation regulations; ie; delineations; high water table; documentation.  Chairman King addresses to Paul Esswein that it is up to the board to make the decision and agrees that some of the information in the application is missing.  Chairman King asks the applicant when they intend to start the project; Jake Tetreault replies that it will be dependent upon the boards’ approval.  Don MacVane asks how much gravel weighs; Jake Tetreault replies approximately 2000 lbs. Chairman King asks if the applicant has applied to the state; Jake Tetreault there is a Gravel Tax Permit in place.

Hiram Watson asks how long on the gravel permit; some discussion ensues amongst the members of the board; reply made of 1 years time; question is asked what do our regulations state.

Jim Horgan motions that he would be inclined to decline; application not complete; concerns over the high water table; 2nd David Kestner; discussion; applicant needs to fulfill the requirements of the Town of Farmington Regulations; Jim Horgan advises the applicant to get together with Paul Esswein to determine the requirement; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

Chairman King motions to continue the application to the next regularly scheduled Planning Board Meeting of August 1, 2006; 2nd Don MacVane; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

·       Continuation of Application from 05-02-2006 and 06-06-2006 for a Site Review By; RSA Development, LLC (Tax Map U12, Lot #23); For the development of 9-single family homes (applicant has changed from original application of 13 residential units in 4 buildings); Property known as 61 Charles Street; Located in the (UR) Urban Residential Zoning District on 1.51-acre parcel.

Packy Campbell presents on his own behalf; he’s presenting a modified concept of a previously accepted application; changing from a 13-unit triplex project of multifamily dwellings to a condominium development of 9 single family homes of which the left side of the street will have garages down under and the right side of the street will have walk out basements; very similar to the existing Campbell Commons development on Sky View Drive / Whippoorwill Ridge Road; they will vary in floor plan size from 1400 sq. ft. to 1600 sq. ft; some will be 24x32 foundations and some will be 26x32 foundations; varying styles of colonials, capes, mix and match. Packy Campbell further states that he hopes the board appreciates his changing from 13-units to 9 single family homes; he indicates that he’s spoken with abutters about fencing and will maintain integrity of trees along the property lines; would like to participate in a joint effort with property owners in adding fencing around the new development.

Paul Esswein advises that he received the revised engineering drawings at then end of the day on Thursday, July 6, 2006 and has not had anytime to review, call the department heads together for a TRC Review and feels it is prudent to have such a review.

Jim Horgan asks about water issues that have been raised; Packy Campbell talks about the water elevations in that area as being at 425 and that certainly if there is no water pressure with individual housing “if needed” water boosters will be installed; all indicators now he says show no problem with water pressure; that again is another reason from changing plans of 3-story to 2-story.  Packy Campbell also discusses potential future benefit of adding water line(s) for future looping to alleviate the lacking water pressure and states that he’s had many discussions with Dale Sprague.

Hiram Watson asks if he’s seen the Farmington Design Manual; Chairman King interjects that we will give you a complimentary copy.

Ed Weagle asks about the water and sewer line never being extended; Paul Esswein replies he only knows what is detailed in the letter.

Paul Parker comments that the board members have only received the plans this evening and as he understands those revised plans were submitted to the Planning Department last Thursday the 6th of July; Packy Campbell makes a laughing comment about Paul Parkers remark to only receiving the plans this evening.

Packy Campbell and members of the board entertain various discussions regarding the water line sizes and water pressure(s).

7:25 pm

Chairman King opens the floor to the public for comment

Ray Couch – Mt Vernon Street; he’s at the end of the sewer line; next guy to him has a septic system; I am next to last on the water line, when I run water in my pool the next door neighbor gets no water; Hiram Watson asks where the Weimerts’ live for clarification purposes. Ray Couch also states that he would like to see some type of fencing because of the kids cutting through the properties and adds that we live on the shortest ¼ mile drag strip in this town; he also questions the evaluation of his property, he has a 28 x 40 with an addition, best looking piece in the neighborhood and he’s concerned about a de-valuation with the added sub-division.

Ed Weagle asks how do you figure your property will be devalued with the addition of 9 single family homes; these will be nicer homes than the 4 building 13 units structures as previously submitted and will have a better value.  David Kestner support Ed Weagle in his statement about the value added.

James Locke – 21 Mt. Vernon; thinks single-family homes are great; fencing along tree line would also be nice;
I am not the builder and I am not building anything and I don’t feel that I should share any of the expense but would like to see a fence; we deal with enough of other renters with kids in the area and this is now going to add to that.  Hiram Watson asks James Locke what type of fence; James Locke replies he would like to see a 6-foot style fence with a good buffer. Jim Horgan makes a suggestion that maybe a temporary fence during the construction phase and then something more aesthetically appealing at completion

Don Howard – His comments could not be heard

Chairman King asks if TRC had a meeting regarding this; Paul Esswein not to review the latest revisions; did not have time.

Chairman King states that he has a few concerns based upon what I’ve heard, states that Dale Sprague needs to address in writing what the water issues are; I also have issues with screening not being shown, feels it’s necessary for the Town Staff to have the appropriate time to review these revised plans.

Hiram Watson has concerns about screening around the complex; particularly a stockade fence will not look good.

Don MacVane agrees with Hiram Watson, would much rather see trees of some type and staggered.

David Kestner states that the project has improved tremendously from the duplexes of 13 units to 9 single family homes; agrees that screening is an issue and should be more attractive than a stockade fence.

Paul Parker agrees with all comments from the board members; he offers compliments to Packy Campbell on submission of the new plans and asks Packy Campbell what the hours of operation for construction will be; Packy Campbell advises that typically his construction crew work from 7:30 am to dusk as it states in the ordinance and sometimes the crew does have a tenancy to arrive and fire up the equipment around 7:00 am and he adds that he has a rule that no work on Sundays.

Packy Campbell addresses the abutters concerns.

Members of the board and Paul Esswein discuss the water pressure and water line sizes and how the water is carried through the project.

Chairman King calls for comments from the board; Jim Horgan states that he has issues and would like to see the following; letter in writing from Dale Sprague clearly stating the water pressure adequacy for this project; what type of screening will be provided and decision and approval of such by the Planning Board; address concerns of Mr. Locke and others on the side screening; association documentation and private road agreement; review of engineering documents by the TRC Committee / Town Staff; written agreement from Mr. Campbell in the event of a water problem and reviewed by Dale Sprague, Paul Esswein, and qualified engineer for their evaluation.

David Kestner adds comments about the water line problem and should be a concern for approval.

Paul Parker asks about the snow removal during the winter months; Packy Campbell states that the condo association typically hires a snow removal firm, but indicates that it is a push through for the snow and he adds that they will plow and the town will plow and a pile of snow will be made, it is no different in any other part of the Town of Farmington, again I would say all over Town piles of snow accumulate and sight issues are everywhere.

Chairman King motions to continue this application to the next regularly scheduled meeting of 08-01-2006; 2nd Paul Parker; discussion; Chairman King lists items of his concern; screening, water pressure; no condo docs; nothing to assure conditions will be complete, private road issues; and lots of other minor details that need to be addressed.  Jim Horgan states I can wait; thinks the association documents are pretty standard; screening and tree line are issues; safety for the kids on the road; headlights into the neighbors house; I would be inclined to continue this application; Hiram Watson feels the same way, he’s not ready to make a decision; Don MacVane also feels the same way; David Kestner feels the applicant is 90% there with minimal needs to be done and asks the applicant to come back in 1 month with the requirements that have been stated; Ed Weagle no comment; no further discussion; all those in favor of continuing to the next regularly scheduled Planning Board Meeting – Chairman King, Paul Parker, David Kestner; opposed – Hiram Watson, Jim Horgan, Don MacVane and Edward Weagle; motion fails.

Packy Campbell speaks to the board, referring to the statutory regulations of accepting applications and if need be he will pursue this approval in other ways.  There is no need to have me come back next month when you have had the plans available for your review in sufficient time. He has come here tonight hoping that the board would give him the conditional approval that he seeks so that he can begin his project.

Jim Horgan motions to approve with conditions; 2nd Hiram Watson; discussion; Paul Parker states that this is a much better plan, however there are lots of small items to address before the project can be approved; David Kestner wants to wait the additional month and have the applicant come back with the information the board has requested; Paul Parker further states that he has no doubt that the applicant will be able to comeback with all the issues resolved; Don MacVane states that he is opposed to the 6” pipe; no further discussion; all those in favor; Jim Horgan, Hiram Watson, Don MacVane; opposed – Chairman King, Paul Parker, Edward Weagle, David Kestner; motion passes.

Packy Campbell voices his concerns over the boards’ findings.

Hiram Watson states he had no issues and agrees with what Packy Campbell states – procrastination is where we are.

Jim Horgan motions to approve the application contingent upon - letter from Dale Sprague; review of requirements of 6” vs. 4” water pipe; screening to be established and approved by the Department of Planning and Community Development Planner; condo association documents; private road agreement; establish a project review at 3-month intervals; revised engineering plan to be reviewed by the TRC Committee and Town staff; 2nd Edward Weagle; no further discussion; all those in favor; Ed Weagle, Don MacVane; Hiram Watson; Jim Horgan; opposed – Chairman King, Paul Parker, David Kestner; motion passes.

8:25 pm

Jim Horgan motions for a 5-minute recess; 2nd Chairman King; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

8:31 pm

Chairman King reconvenes the meeting

·       Continuation of Application from 06-06-2006; for Site Review by: Peter Alfe (Tax Map R03, Lot #004): For the operation of a retail/wholesale exotic & domestic wood flooring, granite and marble showroom; Property known as 115 N. H. Route 11; in the (ORB) Office, Research, Business Zoning District. Use Variance previously approved at the 12-01-2005 Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting.

·       Continuation of Application from 06-06-2006; for Site Review by: Stanley F. Gray (Tax Map R03, Lot #004): For the operation of an auto retail sales facility; Property known as 115 N. H. Route 11; in the (ORB) Office, Research, Business Zoning District; Use Variance previously approved at the 02-02-2006 Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting.

Peter Alfe presents on his own behalf; Chairman King states that the applicant has brought in additional plans this evening and that he, Paul Esswein and the applicant had a brief meeting prior to the start of the Planning Board Meeting to review the revised plans to assist in resolving some issues.  Chairman King turns the floor over to Paul Esswein to add any comments; discussions regarding the proposed project on the site plan i.e. directly in front of building 2A; parking spaces on center line would not be allowed; parking needs to be to the side or read under the ordinance; display area back behind front line of the building; Peter Alfe replies that Mr. Gray would not be allowed to display any vehicles in that area and also indicates the driveway in 1B would veer off to the right and connect to 1A; Paul Esswein continues that the structure has 3000 sq. ft. of building area sufficient for retail and auto sales as proposed is adequate parking; Chairman King requests outside building light; Peter Alfe states yes and reviews the sign layout; Hiram Watson also requests that a checklist be available for review; Jim Horgan comments that the last thing he wants to see is another used car lot on Route 11; Chairman King calls for public input and will leave the floor open; Chairman King further states that under the site review regulations there is still stuff missing, it is minor in detail and I will not beleaguer the process any further, feels that a 2nd handicap parking space should be required.  Chairman King also indicates that based upon no structural changes this is a Minor Site Review not requiring the applicant to have outside engineering assistance.  Paul Esswein concurs this is a Minor Plan not requiring the plans to have an engineers stamp and he believes there is sufficient information to make a decision.

Jim Horgan motions to accept as complete, 2nd Edward Weagle; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

Paul Parker asks if the waiver is for paving only requirement and adds that as a board we should be adhering to the requirements of the ordinance and not issuing waivers, regarding paving on Route 11 corridor; Chairman King adds that there are 6 or 7 other things that will be required.

Edward Weagle motions to accept the waiver for paving; 2nd Jim Horgan; discussion; Hiram Watson asks that the waiver as submitted be titled, dated and signed; Jim Horgan asks about the landscaping plan, states that the pavement is in tough shape and asks Peter Alfe is he will be paving or patching; Peter Alfe states patching; Jim Horgan also indicates that the aprons off of the highway also need to be addressed; Paul Parker states that he is not in favor of granting of the waiver; Don MacVane asks the applicant how long of a time frame are they looking for to complete the paved area; Peter Alfe replies 1-year; Hiram Watson states that the Economic Development Committee has in the past been willing to waive such a requirement for a 1-year period; no further discussion; all those in favor; Edward Weagle, David Kestner, Don MacVane, Hiram Watson, Jim Horgan; opposed – Chairman King, Paul Parker.

Margaret Russell asks the board if they have examined the Special Exception on that property in addition to the Variance regarding Brakes Plus; Paul Esswein interjects that the Special Exception had been vacated for 2-years and that the applicant came before the Zoning Board for a Variance.

Chairman King states that the only way to resolve this application tonight is to add exceptions to the approval; those being – a compliance review in a 90-day period as a condition of approval; prior to compliance review a landscaping review will be required; removal of parking adjacent to building; relocation of display area not past the front of the building; additional handicap parking on paved area in front of 2-A where 1 parking space is to be paved / concrete and 1 will need to be in accordance with the ADA (Americans with Disability Act) requirement; repair of the apron to the highway; landscaping by 90-day compliance hearing; adequate drainage.

Jim Horgan motions to approve the application based upon Chairman Kings’ outline above; 2nd Edward Weagle; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

9:15 pm

Chairman King motions to continue with the public hearing until 10:00 pm; 2nd Don MacVane; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

·       Continuation of Application Discussion from 04-07-2006, 05-02-2006, 06-06-2006 and 06-28-2006; By Farmington Ridge Ltd Partnership (Tax Map R47, Lot #5); Site plan review of 70-unit manufactured home development on approximately 130-acres; Access to proposed development is via Dick Dame Lane.

Malcolm McNeill addresses the board as representative for the applicant; reviews previous discussions of bonding and paving; approval being conditional that all State of New Hampshire approvals have been received; that Winter Street by a previous Planning Board decision closed and gated and that this Planning Board could if so desired remove that previous condition and that a 200,000 gallon water booster systems be installed at the 29th unit. Malcolm McNeill reads through conditions of approval that he’s developed to assist the board in coming to closure on this application.

Chairman King opens the floor to the public for comment and invites Police Chief Scott Roberge to step forward and address the board as he was requested by the Board of Selectmen; Chief Roberge stated that he’s had concerns with the project many months ago at a TRC Meeting; as an example he uses the impact on Route 11 with Wal-Mart opening; stating that since that opening the 3-6 pm use of Chestnut Hill Road has increased to 300 vehicles this figure was determined by use of the departments new monitoring system; Chief Roberge states that he has been in this Town for 20 years; he’s seen many children waiting at the end of Dick Dame Lane for the school bus as it is my understanding that the roads in the park are considered private roads and that the policy is no school buses on private roads; he states that it certainly would be much easier for the gate on Winter Street to be open.  Chief Roberge gives the board a review of the ration of citizens to police officers as indicated by a census report; he voiced his concerns with the vehicles in that area now, there are no sidewalks for the children’s safety.  

Chairman King asks Chief Roberge about Sky View Drive going into the park and using that as an entrance to and exit from the park. Paul Parker asks Chief Roberge for his thoughts on the necessity for sidewalks; Chief Roberge feels they are absolutely necessary to create safe walking paths for the kids.

Chairman King thanks Chief Roberge for coming down and providing his input and voicing concerns.

Margaret Russell adds that the Packy Campbell development on Elm Street has no bus access as buses are not allowed into private developments; what good is a hut a the end of Dick Dame Lane outside of the park; the kids are still walking down the road to get to the hut with no sidewalks.

Rick Lundborn interjects that at the last meeting a discussion was held regarding the 1 ½ mile radius as the cutoff used to determine whether children got bused to school or had to walk; he adds that he could change the hut to the R.O.W. (right-of-way) off the side at Dick Dame Lane.

Norman Russell steps to the front to address the board and states that he’s going to advocate for a couple of things and has brought documentation to support; he feels that Dick Dame Lane (old portion) should be surveyed and that sidewalks be required; he refers to the 09-11-90 meeting minutes; page 4; about 2/3rd down the page and reads the excerpt; he also reads excerpts from various documents that he has researched and collected; lastly refers to TRC Meeting Minutes.

Chairman King asks Norman Russell where would you put a sidewalk; Norman Russell states that he advocates for the people on Dick Dame Lane and suggests that there is sufficient room along the road.

Don MacVane motions to continue the meeting until 10:30pm; 2nd Hiram Watson; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

Chet Bryant comes forward to voice his concerns over the construction vehicles that go up and down Dick Dame Lane; Chet Bryant suggests that at the wall in the park where the mailboxes are located at entrance you could put a hut for children with sufficient turning for school buses; he questions the drain near the mail house, has asked many times and still has not received any answer as to the number of bedrooms in the park, stating once again that originally those homes were to be only 2-bedroom mobile homes.

Bill Vachon also indicates that the original agreement for that park was only 2-bedroom mobile homes; and that at that time they were to create a play area for the children of the park “in the old park” and that has not happened; wants to know who is checking on them; agrees that there should be sidewalks and lastly sewer and water was addressed 2-years ago at town meeting.

James Spaulding – once again addresses the board regarding the commitments and legal issues from many years ago, states that the board should have a survey done, wants a ruling for this coming school year that no construction trucks be allowed; questions what is the set back for the new construction; there is some bantering back and forth with the Chairman trying to rein back control from Mr. Spaulding as he ends his concerns by yelling to the Chairman stating that you should allow the public to speak.

Gary White steps up to the front and pointedly asks Paul Esswein if he’s brought the proof that he previously stated of having the 33’ ROW and steps away.

Chairman King closes the public hearing portion.

Malcolm McNeill addresses the board stating that he erred in a statement regarding the number of children that would be added with the additional units in the park; correction should be .243 children not 2.43 children; as regards to the school bus he feels this is the ultimate red herring and agrees to put in a school hut for the children.

Chairman King calls for comments from the board; Jim Horgan has 2 comments; excellent paperwork Mr. McNeill put together an excellent package; Hiram Watson states that he’s looked at and reviewed all the paperwork, he would like to see a sidewalk but that’s in the past; would also like to see Winter Street opened but I know that’s not going to happen, I do like the conditions of approval as developed by Mr. McNeill; Don MacVane is in agreement and feels that that information Mr. McNeill gave is very good; David Kestner states that to him the board seems to beat many things around; improvements on Dick Dame Lane long over needed; tremendous water damage he’s seen during the boards’ site walk; in agreement with the conditions of approval; Edward Weagle would like to see Winter Street open, but not giving authority over to the Selectmen; Paul Parker agrees with Jim Horgan in that it is way unsafe to open Winter Street; feels that Sky View Drive is not appropriate; sidewalks I believe are need but feels there is not enough room; Paul Parker summarizes; if acceptable approve it, if not, don’t.

Chairman King states that he appreciates Mr. McNeill supplying the Conditions of Approval; he is disappointed no Town Staff to coordinate with Mr. McNeill on his conditions of approval.

The members of the board, Malcolm McNeill and Mark Phillips entertain lengthy discussions on the dollar requirement for Dick Dame Lane improvements and how / why would the Town of Farmington be positioned to pay over $40,000; Chairman King poses to Paul Parker as the Selectmen’s Rep how the Town of Farmington would pay; Paul Parker advises that those dollars are not in the budget.

Chairman King questions the feasibility of Sky View Drive being the emergency access only to the park and not to be used as an entrance / exit to the park, Chairman King further states that although the original conditions stated 2-bedrooms only, currently he believes that is not being done.

There is discussion about a mountable curb being a staging area during construction; a requirement by the board would be put in; also he’d like bonding, phasing and compliance reviews to be included.

Malcolm McNeill entertains negotiations that the original vested portion of the park of 35-units remain at 2-bedrooms and in the new phase if the board would be so inclined to allow 3-bedrooms, Mr. McNeill advocates that in this day and age a 3rd bedroom typically is used as an office, study, media type room, not necessarily a bedroom.

The board members entertain discussion and concur that the thought the applicant would be carrying the cost of the whole road not just a portion; there is much discussion on various aspects of the dollar investment for road repairs, water and sewer hook-up fees.

Malcolm McNeill asks the chair if he might have 5-minutes to concur with his client regarding the funding of the repairs to Dick Dame Lane.

10:46 pm

Chairman King calls for a 5-minute recess; 2nd Jim Horgan; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

10:55 pm

Chairman King reconvenes the meeting; Jim Horgan motions to extend the meeting to 11:15 pm; 2nd Hiram Watson; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.

Malcolm McNeill addresses the board and proposes as per the applicants agreement that he is willing to fix the whole road; $104,000.00 for the 1st 1000 feet and $42,000 for the upper portion of the road for a total of $146,000.00 which is a rough equivalent to the figure of $1500 per units as indicated by Don MacVane; Malcolm McNeill summarizes as; from the base of 75 to Dick Dame Lane to 1st complete drainage; then to bond the rest and schedule out the rest as Don MacVane indicated; Malcolm McNeill states as a quick co-pro stating that the road condition is not all the fault of the applicant and would like to have the 2-bedroom requirement waived tonight and that this application be approved.

Chairman King indicates that he agrees to barter with the applicant to go with the 3-bedroom homes providing they financially take care of the complete road; Jim Horgan is in favor of waiving the 2-bedroom requirement and also in favor of the applicant paying for all of the Dick Dame Lane repairs; David Kestner is for the agreement and feels we’ve taken a huge step forward; Edward Weagle agrees this is good; Paul Parker also agrees this is good.

Chairman King asks Paul Esswein to read back the list of conditions;

Jim Horgan motions to approve this application with the conditions as developed and read by Paul Esswein; 2nd Don MacVane; no further discussion; all those in favor; Chairman King, Don MacVane, Hiram Watson, Jim Horgan, David Kestner, Edward Weagle; opposed – Paul Parker; motion passes.

11:37 pm

Jim Horgan motions to adjourn; 2nd Hiram Watson; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion passes.


Page 8 of 12; 3rd paragraph; change word payment to paving; also after issuing waivers add “regarding paving on Route 11 corridor”.  Changes notes in bold typeface.

____________________________                            ________________________
Charlie King, Chairman                                                  Date
Farmington Planning Board