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Planning Board Workshop Meeting Minutes 03-21-2006
TUESDAY – MARCH 21, 2006
356 Main Street – Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Charlie King, Don MacVane, Hiram Watson, Jim Horgan, David Kestner, Charles Wibel,

Absent: Jason Lauze, Alternate – without notification
        Paul Parker, Selectmen’s Rep – with notification

Staff Present:                  Paul Esswein, Doreen T. Hayden

Public Present: None in attendance

Chairman King called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.

Discussion Continued:  From 02-21-2006 RE: Town of Farmington Master Plan – Chapters 4, 5, and 6.


Chairman King turns the floor over to Paul Esswein to begin dialogue on the Master Plan beginning with Chapter 4.  Paul Esswein reflects that Chapters 4 & 5 are drafts that were completed by the ZAMPS Committee and are ready for Planning Board review and comments.  Chapter 6 is not finalized, however he has comments, those begin with the School Department Changes and all other Municipal Department Heads have until next Monday, March 27, 2006 to submit their comments.

Chairman Kings makes note that there are no members from the ZAMPS Committee present this evening.

Chairman King begins polling the board members for their comments; Jim Horgan advises that Page 5 needs some corrections; 2nd paragraph – remove the line in parenthesis beginning with the word NOTE: and add in the proper reference.  Under Figure 4.13 Housing Change – Table needs to be reformatted and there is page confusion (due to the copy machine having issues) pages should be numbered for ease; Paul Esswein comments that 4.13 and 4.14 go before 4.15.

Hiram Watson questions Figure 4.3 Population Trends and makes comment that there is no percentage(s) listed under Farmington; Paul Esswein explains that everything in the table is compared to Farmington; Chairman King questions the 13%; Paul Esswein advises reflects the growth rate.

Discussion ensues regarding the Chart of Percentage under Figure 4.3.

Charles Wibel asks if  the State of New Hampshire should be broken down to show decimels.

Don MacVane asks if the numbers used were for 2005; Paul Esswein – no – replies that 2000 census used and growth projects also used.  Paul Esswein further comments that these were prepared by consultants.

Charles Wibel – it seems that most is based on 2000 and now we are into the 3rd month of 2006 and in actually when this goes to print this whole Chapter will now be 6 years old (estimate printing beginning in August / September 2006) compared to now we are now a whole different Town.

Don MacVane agrees with Charles Wibel; Chairman King asks can we do some analysis based on the 2005 percentages; Paul Esswein advises that at the end of the Chapter there is discussion on the most recent studies; i.e.; Section 7.0, Scenario A, and Scenario B.

Charles Wibel has concerns with the cover page relative to wording “primary market”; wants to know how Barrington and Strafford got thrown into the mix of primary market. Paul Esswein replies - surrounding communities are considered by law.  The board goes into discussion of this subject.

Chairman King voices that he disagrees a bit with Mr. Wibel; he drives 15-minutes on the back roads to his business in Somersworth from his home on Ten Rod Road and there is a lot of traffic.

Paul Esswein will review the numbers that we have and will plug in more info; Chairman King –such as; Paul Esswein – trend items okay; fair share housing permits; rates of growth; you can run risk of confusing.

Jim Horgan – if you change too much it will cause a ripple effect that will cause each of the subsequent Chapters to change.

David Kestner – the implementation Chapter has summaries.

Paul Esswein – trying to analyze too much information; perfectly happy in letting this document rest as is.

Chairman King agrees with Jim Horgan in principal – maybe review introduction and last 2 Chapters with clarification to enable people too understand.

Board members entertain discussion about the contents, the numbers, and the percentages as referenced in the Chapter.

Chairman King – review summary and population forecasts.

Jim Horgan thinks it is ready to go as is; Don MacVane – looking forward with help in the implementation Chapter.

Paul Esswein – projections and numbers in Chapter 4 ar3e valid; Farmington will get a share of that growth.

David Kestner agrees with Jim Horgan – implementation is where we really need to focus.

Paul Esswein – fairly comfortable with whatever numbers we get will be between high and low.

Jim Horgan motions to continue with Chapter 4 to the next Planning Board Workshop Session of 04-18-2006, 2nd Charles Wibel, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.


David Kestner comments – definitely need some Economic Development.

Don MacVane – not looked at this Chapter.

Charles Wibel – area really gets into the implementation – gets into good- bad-ugly; some pictures should be changed; i.e. page 5-10; page 5-14 more attractive picture of Downtown Farmington

Hiram Watson page 5-3 Economic Implications; will there be any changes.  Paul Esswein – thinks some changes have been made; Hiram Watson feels that it still paints a negative picture, page 5-5 Economic Goals – have there been changes or additions from last time; thought that more was going to be added.

Chairman King – feels word smything (sp) has been done; Hiram Watson thought more words used; he hasn’t seen a copy of this for several months.

Charles Wibel page 5-4 #13 – 1st line – hardly think that is unique to Farmington, shouldn’t be in there; Hiram Watson – last sentence – I don’t like that statement; Paul Esswein agrees with the board and doesn’t believe it should be there.

Discussion between Paul Esswein and the board members on the statement of the last line in #13.

Charles Wibel motions to change #13 by adding the words “Following National Trends” to the beginning of the sentence; 2nd Jim Horgan, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.

Jim Horgan – good with Chapter 5 and motions to move the discussion to the May 16th 2006 Work Shop Session, 2nd Don MacVane, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.


Paul Esswein passes out questionnaire that was prepared / developed by the ZAMPS Committee, he has edited some of the questions to be in more of a direct relation to the Master Plan and that is applicable to Chapter 6.

Chairman Kings thinks some of the questions are very good requests, and some decisions after next year will impact this Chapter.

Don MacVane - #4 Solid Water – should be Solid Waste – Paul Esswein – yes.

Paul Esswein reads what was contained in the original questionnaire and again states that the Department Heads have until Monday, 03-27-2006 to answer questions and get back to the ZAMPS Committee with answers.  Paul Esswein further comments that the School Board has done their own projections and that Brian Blake will be getting to him those projections as previously it was thought Middleton would be getting their own School and that class sizes would be changing, but that is not going to be happening.

Chairman King asks Paul Esswein if he will be forwarding that information to the board – Paul Esswein – yest

Jim Horgan comments that on page 6-10 the highlighted area needs to be fixed as well as page 6-11 paragraph 3.0 highlighted area.

Charles Wibel page 6-4 – children should be a longer away shot, in view of safety precautions; Don MacVane – good idea.

Charles Wibel – all Town services should reflect the outcome of the Town Meeting.

Don MacVane – page 6-11 picture – should be changed to show Fire Truck / Apparatus – not someone leaning on the front of the truck.

Jim Horgan motions to continue this discussion to the May 18th 2006 Planning Board Workshop Meeting, 2nd Don MacVane, Chairman King asks Paul Esswein if he has any further discussion on the Master Plan – Paul Esswein – no; no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.

7:18 p.m.

Chairman King calls for a 5-minute recess; 2nd Jim Horgan, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.

7:26 p.m.

Chairman King reconvenes the meeting.

Discussion Re: Planning Board Rules of Procedure – Revision in the process of accepting applications.

Chairman King opens discussion regarding the proposed changes to the Planning Boards Rules of Procedures and turns the floor over to Paul Esswein for definition of the suggested change Jurisdictional Acceptance; and advises that the change is highlighted in yellow under section (g).

Don MacVane – and Jurisdictional Acceptance means what.

Chairman King explains the reasons why the change is being suggested and Paul Esswein supports with further explanation.

David Kestner has one question about the abutters having to come back after they already been here through the abutter notification and shouldn’t we somehow have a mechanism that advises them of the fact the application might not get heard that particular night.

Jim Horgan is opposed to this change and feels that we’re building a roadblock when the Planning Board has assigned the TRC to review applications for completeness, and it is their job to review for completeness.  Paul Esswein replies that the point of this change is to allow the board meets their statutory requirement in application review.

Discussion on impact to abutters on the Jurisdictional Acceptance change to the Planning Board Rules of Procedure.
Board comments that the NOTE: Jurisdictional Acceptance definition be included in the abutters letter.

Chairman King comments a formatting change to (h) and (i) to be (a) and (b) under (g); he feels it is written well, but could be clearer in definition.

David Kestner suggests layman’s language be used for ease of understanding.

Paul Esswein makes a suggestion that you could prepare the agenda to be New Business to be Considered; then Public Hearings; then Continuations to a later date.

Charles Wibel review (g) and gives his opinion / reading / understanding of the Jurisdiction Acceptance definition.

Chairman King thinks the board should add another meeting if applicable to accommodate any applications; further comments that Barrington has 4-meetings per month if needed.

Jim Horgan motions to continue this discussion to the July Planning Board Workshop Session 07-18-2006; 2nd Don MacVane; discussion; David Kestner opens discussion on the back-logged applications and how it brings us forward to the Jurisdictional Acceptance and again reiterates his feelings on the abutters not being aware of the definition let alone coming down to hear / speak for or against the application and then not being allowed time only to find out the application has been continued for a later date. Chairman King again makes a suggestion that additional meetings might have to be added to review smaller projects and to address the back-log, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.

Doreen T. Hayden asks about the election of new officers, Chairman King advises this will be done at our next regularly scheduled Planning Board Meeting of 04-04-2206; Doreen T. Hayden comments that this is not listed on that agenda, Chairman King – I realize that however we will have time prior to the 6:30 p.m. public hearing portion to elect officers.

8:02 p.m.

Chairman King motions to adjourn, 2nd Jim Horgan, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.


____________________________________________                            ____________________
Charlie King, Chairman                                                                  Date
Farmington Planning Board