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Planning Board Meeting Minutes 11-01-2005
356 Main Street – Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Charlie King, Jim Horgan, Charles Wibel, Hiram Watson, Don MacVane, David Kestner

Absent:         Mark Paulin - without notification,
Jason Lauze – without notification

Selectmen’s Rep:        Paul Parker

Staff Present:                  Paul Esswein, Doreen T. Hayden

Public Present: Beth Capen, Randy Orvis, Craig J. Hays, Kevin Shultz, Russell Purkey, Wayne LaRoche, Philip Minschoanep, Aaron Lord, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morrison, John Theriault, Mark Guilmett, Henry Martino, Randy Tetreault – Norway Plains Associates, Rodney & Yvonne Blinn, Eaton W. Tarbell, III Esq, Norman & Margaret Russell, George R. Gurick, Jr., Nancy J. Gurick, Richard Sager, Esquire – Jones Brook, LLP

(please note that although the attendance sheet requests that names be printed, the public continues to write and
some of the writing is not legible therefore spellings could possibly be wrong.)

Don MacVane opens the meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Hiram Watson motions to approve the meeting minutes of 10/05/2005, 2nd Jim Horgan, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.

Jim Horgan motions to approve the meeting minutes of 10/18/2005, 2nd Hiram Watson, discussion – Charles Wibel; has several things related to himself that need to be revised:  (1)Page 2 – 7th paragraph; change 2-% to 20%; (2)Page 3 – 7th paragraph change wording from “not building on % of density” to “no building density %; (3) Page 6 – 11th paragraph change wording from “do we” to “we do” and add the following wording after (division / further sub-division) “to require the applicant to return to the full sub-division requirements if they want to go beyond single back-lot development” and to the end of the sentence “next year with beautification addition”; (4)Page 7 – 9th paragraph add, “make sure farmers are included”, no further discussion, all those in favor, Don MacVane abstains, motion passes.

6:10 p.m.

Chairman King takes over from Don MacVane and begins the meeting by addressing the letter that was written by Paul Esswein to Mr. Theirault and copied to all others that reside in the sub-division of Cherub Estates; and comments that one of the members of the sub-division had come in and requested copies of the complete Rizzo file that pertains to this sub-division, however that member has not come forth. Chairman King turns the floor over to Mr. Theirault to allow his comments to the letter written by Paul Esswein. Mr. Theriault reviews his meeting with board from October 2005 and comments about the letter written, he presents the board with a letter (copy to file) and asks “are you guys going to help us”?

Chairman King makes a brief statement and then turns the floor over to Paul Esswein who comments that he is sorry the Mr. Theirault feels it was not an adequate response and that I am not in a position to respond to the Town of Farmington accepting the road, it is up to the voters of the Town of Farmington to accept the road.  Chairman King asks Paul Esswein what was the requirement given to Mr. Rizzo for him to acknowledge the Association. Paul Esswein details the requirements from Phase II, that in Phase III it was motioned to accept on 01-06-2004, Paul Esswein reads each of the conditions from the Phase II, 12-lot sub-division approvals.

Chairman King polls each of the board members for comments;

Jim Horgan – no comment;

Hiram Watson – asks Paul Esswein to re-read that line about the by-laws;
Don MacVane – remembers that 8 or so years ago adamant requirements about road associations and by-laws;

Charles Wibel – basically when someone comes to you, you as a broker need to ask about the roads and that information needs to be passed on to the buyers; Charles Wibel further details the process that brokers / sellers should follow when potential clients are interested in buying;

David Kestner – no comment;

Paul Parker – questions civil liability if property is misrepresented or willfully hides particulars;

Charles Wibel responds – errors and omissions insurance is taken out by most brokers;

Chairman King – Mr. Theriault you made a comment that we are trying to appease you, I do have a few comments to make and at the compliance hearing we should have addressed those issues, at this point I don’t know what the board should do and I do not have a proposed solution to this issue; Mr. Theriault makes comments to Chairman King and apologizes to the board that he did not mean to insult anyone, he is concerned with Mr. Rizzo not fulfilling his obligations in the future when he is finally done developing all Cherub Estates.

Debbie Corriea of 22 Cherub Drive addresses the board that there is nothing on her deed stating anything about association articles, only reference is to Mr. Rizzo.  Chairman King replies to Debbie Corriea comments, stating that there are a lot of roads in the Town of Farmington that are not accepted.  Debbie Correia asks how that happens and Chairman King refers it over to Charles Wibel for definition on how the listings and real estate staff can and should have done the title search.  Charles Wibel would like to have a legal calling and suggests the yanking of his permits for PH III, Chairman King and Paul Parker agrees with the statement by Charles Wibel, until such time as Mr. Rizzo complies.

Chairman King opens the floor to any abutters;

Mark Elmont – 40 Holly Lane – Atlas Title Company out of Dover and Caldwell Banker also of Dover were his agents and nobody ever told him that there is an Association; he would not have bought property if he new of this, never figured this would happen.

Henry Martino – 19 Cherub Drive – There is nothing in his deed about an Association; he would not have purchased if he’d known, he has 2 matters he’d like addressed; (1) there is barely enough room for a sidewalk and would you please define a sidewalk, (2) grading of the road that connects Cherub Drive comes within 5 feet of property line, he states that as the Town of Farmington gets built up, they need to revisit the acceptance of the roads.
Beth Kaplan – 20 Cherub Drive – purchased home 6-months ago, 1st time home owner; she’s insulin diabetic and was approved for the loan under USDA rural development, her son is asthmatic, she asked the realtor about the road and checked the listing, nothing indicated association, if there is a huge snow storm and they need emergency services, how are those services going to reach them, she wants to thank her neighbors for notifying her about the association; she further comments that we all pay quite a bit to live here and I don’t feel that I can afford anymore money to support a road association.

Chairman King – the board cannot make commitments or do they have the authority to delineate that process.

Bob Morrison – Cherub Drive – moved into the area to keep all the kids in Farmington, I’m going to call ReMax and find out about this.

Public (?) – I live on the other side of town, I’ve been listening to the board and the public comments, sounds like you people should get a lawyer and sue the pants off the developer.

Jim Horgan – thinks that someone else started PH I and that Mr. Rizzo came on board for PH II and PH III; the road cannot be accepted by the board it is up to Town of Farmington to accept; he believes a verbal commitment made, should be logged somewhere on tape if the minutes are not accurate, we may have to do a review.

Hiram Watson – vaguely remembers what Jim Horgan just stated.

Charles Wibel – I am new to the board, I was here at the compliance hearing and it was stated then Home Owners Association.

Don MacVane – no comment

David Kestner – no comment

Paul Parker – Shares the same thoughts as Jim Horgan, and to remind ourselves to review the ordinance and make it stronger, we also should commit to review the private road standard and include stronger language.

Chairman King – apologizes for the boards’ inability to follow-through, the board needs to do more homework and request some legal counsel input.

Chairman King motions to continue to the regular work session meeting; 2nd Paul Parker, no further comments, all those in favor, motion passes.

Jim Horgan asks; when do we bring legal counsel; Chairman King – at the next workshop meeting of 11-15-2005! Jim Horgan makes a friendly amendment – motioning to have legal review ’01 documents and then have a meeting, 2nd _______________________; no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.

Chairman King asks Paul Esswein if he feels that this is feasible, Paul Esswein replies that he thinks he can get legal to attend.

Hiram Watson raises the same question, as did Chairman King, Paul Parker and Charles Wibel – can we stop issuing Mr. Rizzo permits.

7:00 p.m.

Continuation of site review application by: Elm Street Farmington, LLC (David DeJager), (Tax Map U07, Lot #4): for the relocation of a mobile home to the rear of the lot which allows for more green space; property known as 17 Mechanic Street, located in the (VC) Village Center Zoning District:

David DeJager presents for himself and summarizes his past meetings with the board, covers the requests as previously made (1) existing conditions; (2) what he is hoping to do (3) landscaping (4) lighting plan.  He touches on the items the board particularly requested he comply with by adding notes on the plan per the ZBA requirements.  He is also attempting to get parking off of the street, he presents his locust map that delineates where, elevations for drainage, sidewalks, dumpsters, and paving existing and future.

Chairman King opens the floor to the public – no comment.

Paul Parker – at the very end of last meeting comments were made about lot line going through the barn; David DeJager has not addressed that issues until the board comments, he advises a quick claim deed will take care of it or the owner of the barn will have to remove it.

David Kestner – you proposed 3 additional parking space in back area; David DeJager – yes; David Kestner – are the L.P. tanks above or below ground; David DeJager – above and will remain so.

Chairman King asks if the LP tank is on page 2; David DeJager – system for unit; possibly oil fired and having the LP removed.

Charles Wibel – assuming you give barn owner property, would the side line be 15’; David DeJager – would be 0’, what about dumpster pick-up, David DeJager – every other week; Charles Wibel – how does that effect neighbor, David DeJager – side or back yard set-up.

Hiram Watson – asks about the relocation of the mobile home; David DeJager – will be a newer mobile home; Hiram Watson – what about proposed 3-bedroom will it have a cellar; David DeJager – no, a slab.

Chairman King asks Paul Esswein if acreage and density have been reviewed; Paul Esswein – yes.

Paul Esswein – applicant met with the TRC who made suggested changes and it looks like the changes have been made.

Paul Parker – what changes have been made; David DeJager – delineation of landscaping, lighting plan, sidewalk locations and the removal of the trailer from site plan.  Paul Parker asks Paul Esswein for his observation; Paul Esswein – this complies.

Chairman King asks Paul Esswein if he has had a chance to review the verbiage on the plan, and then asks David DeJager if he has anything to add; David DeJager – nothing.

Don MacVane motions to accept as presented and adds that contingent upon verbiage to be in covenants and that the ZBA minutes be noted, 2nd Jim Horgan, discussion; Paul Parker wants a letter of resolution on the barn, Chairman King asks Paul Parker how you recommend; Don MacVane asks David DeJager if the barn impacts the footprint of the plan; no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.

Continuation of 2-lot sub-division application review by: Kevin J. Shultz (Tax Map R45, Lot 2): Total acreage 19.35 acres; property known as 37 Dubois Lane, located in the (AR) Agricultural Residential Zoning District.

7:18 p.m.

Chairman King recuses himself and turns the meeting over to Vice Chair – Don MacVane;

Randy Tetreault presents on behalf of the applicant and addresses the boundary line dispute with neighbor and advises that Mr. Shultz has been working with the abutters to resolve the boundary line dispute.  Randy Tetreault reviews with the board the plan; Mr. Edmunds is not here, Mr. Shultz advises that we’ve resolved and have shook hands and that it will be included in the plan and recorded.

Attorney Eaton Tarbell representing Mr. & Mrs. Gurick of 212 River Road; discusses the easement with the Guricks granting in exchange for covenants, no further sub-division, single family and 1 of the homes to have an in-law apartment, all issues have been resolved, I ask the board to have the parties execute the agreement (documents supplied D. T. Hayden left room to make enough copies for the board members).

Don MacVane – restates the easement; Paul Esswein – does not impact layout of land but you can condition it to put on the plan.

Charles Wibel – would like to see the R. O. W. be 50’ and not 30’.  Randy Tetreault advises to not get confused with the 50’ R. O. W. and a 30’ width; I agree with you that we should plan for future development.  There is a lengthy discussion about easements and R. O. W.; Mr. Shultz debates the request by Charles Wibel; discussion ensues about the Dubois R. O. W. and future development of another parcel within close proximity to the Shultz land.

Hiram Watson – states that he is glad they were able to negotiate.

Jim Horgan – no comment.

Don MacVane – once again restated the easement; Paul Esswein – I would like to see it recorded and noted of existence on the plan, any further sub-division is to be done by Mr. & Mrs. Gurick.

Jim Horgan motions to accept as presented and make it contingent upon the restate easement as submitted along with the DES wetlands approval and reflection of the easement on the plan, 2nd Hiram Watson, no further discussion, all those in favor, Charles Wibel opposed; motion passes.

Continuation of sub-division application review by: Jones Brook, LLC (George Szirbik), (Tax map R1, Lot 2): Applicant proposes to sub-divide 262.99 acres into 37-single family house lots (60+- acres) and 203 +- acres of open space; Sub-division access to be via Governors Road.

7:45 p.m.

Don MacVane – let the record show that Chairman King has rejoined the board; Chairman King opens the floor to the applicant.

Brian Berlandt presents and introduces whom he has brought with him this evening; George Szirbik – Applicant; Rick Sager – Attorney and Associate Nate Fogg.  Brian Berlandt reviews on 9/6/2005 the board accepted the application as complete but will give a quick review. Modest fine built home for Phase I, 36 residential lots for Phase II and 230 acres will be a conservation easement of 1-lot of fine land, some wetlands, and very little impact. Summarizes in the SR 1 acre zone with 150’ of frontage, all fronting on new roads, smallest 1.13 acre, largest 2.07 acre; all have minimum frontage of 151’, drainage easements are provided, single wetland crossing that is being sent to the DES, previously submitted covenants which are the same as in PH I.  Asks for questions from the board;

Paul Parker – lot 36 detention pond easement

Brian Berlandt – waiver for 40’ road versus 50’ road, only need this small portion (circles in red on the plan on easel).

Charles Wibel asks about a homeowners association for road by-laws.

Attorney Sager replies that yes and bylaws will be done, certificate will be recorded.

Don MacVane asks about the number of requirements; Brian Berlandt – 0-15 = none; 15-50 = apply for exemption; above 50 they want to see everything.

Chairman King opens the floor to the public; and advises that he will not close so you have another opportunity to ask questions.

Randy Orvis as Chair of the Conservation Commission for the Town of Farmington this will be on their agenda for the wetlands crossing.

Greg Hayes – 100 Governors Road – points on the plan to where his house is, he is concerned with the amount of cars that will be entering the road and their car lights shining directly into his house; he also has concerns with the drainage as once again his house sits at the bottom of the proposed development and will everything drain into his yard now, he has issues with water on his property with the runoff from the heavy rains; asks if the area can be blocked, what will the speed limit be as it stands now it is quite a challenge getting out of my driveway what kind of a challenge will it be when this is developed.

Paul Parker revisits a question from last meeting regarding the underground utilities.

Brian Berlandt addresses Paul Parkers question by review on the plan, what they wants now is to review the points of the waiver and shows on the sheet location of such; the waiver requests 4.17A.1 of a 10’ requirement; this waiver will disturb less area and defends the need to have this waiver approved and not to go to plan B, which would cause a loop road to be developed, taking away the conservation land, would be more access from Dodge Cross Road, and the need to build more house to accommodate the added expense of a loop road in the proposed development.

Attorney Sager addresses the board and reads a prepared wording suggestion for the waiver.  He is Chairman of the ZBA in Wakefield and requests his Secretary take accurate wording on the motions, Attorney Sager also defends the suggested Conservation Easement.

Jim Horgan is opposed to waiver; feels ultimately trying to get road turned over to the Town of Farmington.

Hiram Watson asks how wide is paved portion; Brian Berlandt – as is according to your ordinance 20’.

Attorney Sager makes comments to Greg Hayes in that Mr. Hayes when you bought the lot/house, the corner was there, planting could be done to deter lights shining into your home.

Hiram Watson – Our ordinance refers to nuisance lights

Charles Wibel asks if the applicant has approached either owner in regards to the 50’; Attorney Sager – the other landowner was approached and had no desire to change his property line.

Don MacVane – I am sympathetic, planting of trees for a light buffer, noise is no issue it’s the light reflections that are a problem, I am in favor of a 40’ R. O. W.

David Kestner poses questions regarding the 40’ R. O. W. asking if they have talked to a utility contact; Attorney Sager – No; David Kestner – Advises that he works for the utility and goes into great detail about the size requirements the utility company mandates and suggests that under ground utilities be placed in the proposed development.

Paul Parker voices concerns about the abutter Greg Hayes and makes a suggestion to design some type of landscaping at the corner to shed his house from the car lights turning into the road as well some fencing that also could be installed to deter such light reflections.

Chairman King states that he is not totally against waiver, would like to see a plan for impact on neighbor Greg Hayes and the other citizens; he would not be in favor until impact is minimized as well as the concerns brought forward from David Kestner comments regarding the utilities.

Charles Wibel asks who is going to own the Conservation land and what is specifically written; Attorney Sager replies that Jones Brook will maintain ownership of the land and he will write to the Conservation Commission that he’ll continue to own, some logging will be done, snow mobile trails will remain. Charles Wibel asks if they are willing to put it on the plan the screening for abutter Hayes, Attorney Sager – we are willing to speak with Grey Hayes and resolve, Brian Berlandt screening would be okay, but not that drainage is not a problem.

Charles Wibel motions to continue the hearing on the request for waiver to the next Planning Board Meeting of 12/06/2005 relating to the outline of specific utilities, landscaping and drainage issues; 2nd Don MacVane, discussion, Jim Horgan makes a friendly amendment to the motion to have input from the Town of Farmington Highway Department basing that conversation on the possibility of having the road turned over eventually to the town. Chairman King continues the discussion with the members of the board;

Paul Parker – questions the children that will be in the additional 36 lots, if there will be a school bus pick-up as typically school buses do not enter private road, Brian Berlandt – have not thought about that; Paul Parker suggests some type of area near the intersection where there is a 50’ width as a location for the school children to be picked up.

David Kestner – 50’ R. O. W. extends out to the Conservation area and asks if that is for future logging access and what about parking for entry into Conservation Easement area.

Chairman King – in follow-up I have a few points; what about access points for motorized vehicles and I would like to see another access to the Conservation Area.

Don MacVane – suggests a common area for both School bus pick-up and mail drop / pick-up.

Charles Wibel – poses a logging questions and hopes that they can make it out through Dodge Cross Road and to put it in the Association documents making the citizens aware of logging trucks going down their road.

Hiram Watson – voices same concerns as Paul Parker with the children getting on the bus. Would like to see some type of shelter for the children to wait in.

Jim Horgan – Conservation on a piece of property that doesn’t exist; would recommend open space.

Abutter Grey Hayes poses a couple more issues to consider; who will keep the drains clean on the private road; Chairman King – Homeowners Association; Grey Hayes and what about future growth, sidewalks needed in 20 years.

Don MacVane – motions to continue the public hearing to 12/06/2005 meeting; 2nd Jim Horgan;

Paul Parker asks the applicant if we have given you enough information to revise their plans to come back on 12/06/2005; Brian Berlandt – yes and asks the board if they have addressed all the boards questions.

Hiram Watson asks if they have planned for sidewalks, Brian Berlandt – no

Margaret Russell – suggests that sidewalks should be put in, where would the residents walk their babies, where are the children going to walk to get to the bus, it is not a very big expense, we put in a sidewalk on Bunker Street and it was not that costly.

8:50 p.m.

David Kestner motions for a 5-minute recess; 2nd Charles Wibel, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.
9:02 p.m.

Paul Parker motions to continue the Planning Board Meeting until 10:00 p.m.; 2nd Don MacVane, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.

Paul Parker motions to move 2-applications to Wednesday, 11/02/2005 due to time constraints; LaRoche –Yes; Smart – Stick it out;  no 2nd on the motion

9:08 p.m.

Continuation of site review application by: Route 11 Ridge Road Farmington, LLC (Tax Map R50, Lot 47-3): Total acreage 6.88; Property known as N. H. Route 11; development to allow construction of 2 commercial structures totaling 16,000 sq. ft in the (IB) Industrial Business Zoning District, located at the intersections of Ridge Road and Route 11.

Attorney Craig Salomon opens the presentation by identifying himself and his discussion will be based on noise levels, Chuck Goss will be discussing the building design, Randy Orvis the surveyor and Phil Serowik the land owner.

Chuck Goss gives a detailed overview of the proposed building being a commercial multi-tenant building, the 1st building we’ll call building A and 2nd building B; he comments that the board wanted to have something of what it would look like; 1st building which will be along the lines of a colonial look with 12 rather small units for businesses, to in-town service bays with 1 or 2 employees, will have overhead doors; air conditioning units at ground level, all will be self contained units; the 2nd building office building with 2 possibilities, 1 if which could be 2 stories, the market will dictate; multi-light windows, keeping colonial style, evergreen burm of bushes, with the 2-story approach – keeping with the same styles; office use with front door for a multi-unit building.

Paul Parker – building B; what about delivery out back; Chuck Goss – there will be 1 overhead garage door;

Charles Wibel – a long building, is there potential for hazardous or volatile materials; Chuck Goss no outside storage of materials, Charles Wibel - what about fire breaks, Randy Orvis – will put fire walls between some units, there is a certain amount of square feet required for fire wall installation, a lot depends on the Building Permit and note that we must meet all fire codes.

David Kestner – building B; 3 doors facing Route 11; what about a sidewalk; Randy Orvis there is enough room, I apologize for incomplete plan, health issues for the last month have prevented me to complete all plans. David Kestner – dumpster locations; Randy Orvis – behind building which was addressed at last meeting, dumpsters will be used in common.

Hiram Watson – will there be cinder blocks going up through the roof line; I don’t like the looks of the Barrington facility; Attorney Salomon this is not a storage facility.

Charles Wibel asks if ugly stuff remains behind the building

Attorney Salomon – there will be an easement along the front for future development Randy Orvis shows the 50’ easement all along back going right out to Route 11; landscaping along the front and side of buildings there could be a couple of poles at building B.

Chuck Goss there will be no residential or restaurant tenants, there will be a peak roof, panel doors, vinyl siding, we don’t know ultimate tenants.

Chairman King – we don’t want it to be to restrictive on tenants

Chairman King asks Paul Esswein about the fire wall as the water line does not go that far and has anyone done a cost analysis as to what upgrading would cost; Paul Esswein – no analysis done, discussion with TRC members from the water department.  Discussion continues on the cost to the applicant for upgrading.

Attorney Salomon – we have determined the type of air conditioning units / products that will be used and those decibel levels are at .69, which is the same volume as a ringing telephone, these will be placed on the back side of the building up against the hill.

Charles Wibel – comments that the back area is 18’; Randy Orvis says 24’ at the narrowest and 42’ at the widest. Charles Wibel uses a cabinet maker as an example with a box truck and parking it out back, questions the noise levels when the garage doors are open, Randy Orvis explains the noise level and what abuts the back of the building.

Chairman King would noise not be a nuisance; parking could be an issue with a 20’ cargo truck and I’m not convinced that wouldn’t be an issue particularly if it’s a condo.

Paul Parker – building a; underground gas storage proposed, building b similar, what is size; Randy Orvis – have not determined.

David Kestner – underground LP tanks, water and Class 3 wetlands tanks could pop up; Randy Orvis addresses and states only in the spring time water tables rise.

Chairman King – some changes to the plan are needed; when do you think it will be done.

Jim Horgan – underground tanks need some type of barrier to not pop-up.

Chairman King motions to continue this application to the next Planning Board Meeting of 12/06/2005; 2nd Charles Wibel, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.

9:50 p.m.

Application for Site Review By: Cardinal & Glidden Oil Company (Tax Map U1, Lot 24): Property known as 48 Tappan Street, located in the (CC) Commercial Center Zoning District.  Applicant proposes to relocate petroleum storage tanks and construct a 30’x75’ vehicle garage.

Chairman King and Don MacVane recuse themselves from this application and Hiram Watson will be seating as Chair.

Randy Tetreault – Norway Plains Associates is presenting on behalf of Cardinal & Glidden Oil Company and is joined by Project Engineer Scott Lawler also of Norway Plains Associates.

Randy Tetreault reviews the full size drawing with the board and comments about the permits that have been applied for referring to Environmental Engineer Walter Shivitz; provides a small narrative written by Mr. Glidden.  Discussion about drainage onto Tappan Street and the installation of a catch basis. Speaks about specific lots 24, 25, 25-1, slight piece of Lot 23 for a lot line adjustment.  The entrance on the Town of Farmington side will require a little brush cutting to provide a better and safer situation than on Mechanic Street.  State permit by DES runs out after 1 year, which is November 05; have asked for an extension and state granted.

Hiram Watson asks Paul Esswein if the applicant has addressed all of our concerns and questions if the paving is to capture any runoff, what about pads for loading and off loading will they have there own catch basins.

Hiram Watson opens the floor to the public – no comments

Charles Wibel – most questions he had have been answered; suggests landscaping on front and along Pharmacy side, asks about safety issues and alarms for the site.

Mr. Glidden – there are overfill alarms on all tanks, it is a state requirement we must meet.

Jim Horgan motions to extend the meeting until 10:30 p.m., 2nd Hiram Watson, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.

Paul Parker asks about the Town of Farmington well that is near the site and the wellhead intersection; Randy Tetreault explains; Paul Esswein – it is in wellhead protection zone, discussion continues about the paving and residual seepage from vehicles and roof run-off.

Paul Parker we must be mind full this is in the wellhead protection area and if the applicant can address the safety of our water.  We have issues with our water now, Poses a question to Randy Tetreault with regards to page 2 of the plan and truck turn around distance.  Randy Tetreault advises that we actually did a turn around to prove that can be done, Paul Parker – what about in the winter time with snow accumulation, buildup interfere with turn around.

David Kestner – looks good, makes a better site.

Jim Horgan – commercial center – sidewalk – area Tappan Street.  Randy Tetreault I did not see any, there is a flat paved sidewalk not curbed, if granite curbing was imposed on Rite Aid then we must impose on applicant.

Hiram Watson – 2 issues; monitoring well and paved or unpaved parking area; Mr. Cardinal paving not really feasible, all the water from Rite Aid parking lot comes right down the street.

Discussion about monitoring well between the board members.

Randy Tetreault reviews the boards concerns that must be addressed at next meeting; (1) possible monitoring well, (2) issues with site capturing oil & grease, (3) DOT curb cut / granite cut (4) landscaping, (5) lighting and security.

Charles Wibel – what about fencing; Mr. Glidden – yes it is a state requirement.

Jim Horgan motions to accept application a complete, motion fails for no 2nd; Jim Horgan motions to continue the application to the next Planning Board Meeting of 12/06/2005, 2nd Charles Wibel, discussion, Charles Wibel motions to move the last 3 applications to tomorrow 11/02/2005 special meeting, 2nd Hiram Watson, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.

10:30 p.m.

Don MacVane motions to adjourn, 2nd Charles Wibel, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.


____________________________________                            _______________________
Charlie King, Chairman                                                                  Date
Farmington Planning Board