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Planning Board Workshop Meeting Minutes 08-16-2005
356 Main Street – Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Charlie King, Hiram Watson, Jim Horgan, David Kestner,
Charles Wibel-Alternate - Seated for Don MacVane, Mark Paulin-Alternate - Seated for Gerald "Gary" White

Absent:         Don MacVane - without notification
Gary White - without notification

Selectmen’s Rep:        Paul Parker

Staff Present:                  Paul Esswein, Doreen T. Hayden

Public Present:         Margaret Russell-ZAMPS, Norman Russell-ZAMPS, Paula Proulx-ZAMPS

Chairman King called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m.

Chairman King announces that Paul Parker would like to address the members of the board for a brief moment.  

Paul Parker - I would just like to take a moment and introduce our new Town Administrator - Mr. Paul Weston, he comes to us from the Town of Holderness and brings with him several accomplishments. Introductions are made to each member of the board as well as Ed Mullen - Farmington Community Television.

Chairman King welcomes Paul Weston to the Town of Farmington.

Chairman King turns the floor over to Paul Esswein to open discussion on the road standards; This is a continuation from last months workshop, I've collected data of highway standards from a couple different areas; State Rural Road and 2 other areas as well as having discussions with the board previously regarding road uses.  I have provided each of you with a rough draft for discussion this evening.  Paul Esswein suggests that each section be reviewed and commented on individually.  


A/ Arrangement of Streets:

Charles Wibel - we should put something about street requirements in sub-division, should not be laid out in patterns, but to create the least amount of impact.

Chairman King - I would like to back-up and go to the top of 1.  Road Design Standards; one thing that is started under II. "M" construction standards, we should add to 1. Road Design Standards.

B/ Rights-of-Way:

Paul Esswein - current R.O.W. 50' but have discussed limiting that to 36' and made clear that final decision is up to the planning board for 36' being adequate.

Hiram Watson - would like to see the 1st word NO to be removed.

Chairman King - regarding R. O. W. - would like to see burden of proof and is the applicant responsible to demonstrate.

C/Dead-end Streets / Cul-de-Sacs:

Paul Esswein - first contained 900' maximum and limit residential units.

Paul Parker - what did you use to come up with 20 units?

Paul Esswein - South West Regional Planning Comm.

Chairman King - Farmington Fire Department and Planning Board should be added to alternative provisions approved by.

Chairman King - dead end street - exhibits given but no hammer head references.

Paul Esswein - willing to put it in if the board wants it in.

Jim Horgan - no hammerheads.

Hiram Watson - no hammerheads.

Paul Parker - Cul-de-sac much better design; hammerheads used just to generate road frontage.

David Kestner - seem them both used, hammerhead is viable in some instances.

Paul Esswein - former road agent preferred hammerhead versus cul-de-sac, better turn around for winter vehicles.

Chairman Kin - no hammerheads.

Charles Wibel - leave it as an unwritten option.

Chairman King to Paul Esswein - note that the Fire Department and Planning Board approval will be required.

D/ Intersections:

Chairman King - add grade.

David Kestner - already listed / addressed under K; discussion of the 3% change in the table should be changed to 5%.

E/ Street Names:

Paul Esswein - who has authority to approve street names?

Chairman King - doesn't the selectmen approve.

Jim Horgan - selectmen or their appointment.

Chairman King - suggests selectmen to approve.

Jim Horgan - should be on the plan and reviewed with E-911 for approval.

Paul Parker - Board of Selectmen have final approval; I will research it.

F/ Existing Street Conditions:

Chairman King - asks for clarification and definition.

Paul Esswein - explains his definition, discussion in detail with various members of the board, Paul Parker gives his interpretation of the definition.

Norman Russell - deficiencies of development discussion and monies budgeted by the Town of Farmington, would be scattered and premature development.

Paul Parker, David Kestner, Charles Wibel - discussion in great detail about the spending of funds for improvements.

Paul Weston - clearly at Town of Farmington Meeting; raise and appropriate municipality funds, Selectmen have a standard article to allow them to accept gifts for improvements.

Paul Esswein - example used - Bay Road - upwards of 100-200 units - if New Durham adds development the road would eventually need to be widen under those circumstances.

Chairman King - only for the developer to pay his/their fair share.

Norman Russell - talks about the transportation plan, referring to Old Bay Road that is a major, major road and that the CIP should have definition.

Paul Parker - leave as is.

Mark Paulin - Bay Road; 100-200 homes increased tax revenues generated; how does this offset monies the Town of Farmington has?

Chairman King - questions the use for a betterment assessment.

Paul Weston - explains a betterment assessment used for existing not new and taxed on the value not on the use.

Charles Wibel discusses the fact of putting to the voters.

David Kestner - questions individual responsibility on a Class 5 road, i.e. - Meaderboro Road, Sheepboro Road to have those residents be responsible for major road improvements.

Chairman King - discusses the subject of impact fees, Paul Parker rebuts that suggested requests.

G/ Minimum Design Requirements:

Paul Esswein reviews minimum design requirements.

Charles Wibel - assuming that Table 1 shows design speeds of 15-20-25 MPH; no roads in Town of Farmington have less than 35 MPH; I believe roads designed for 15 MPH should be posted for 15 MPH.

Paul Esswein - refers to the State Highway and Traffic Engineer definitions of road speeds.

Margaret Russell - voices her opinion that with all the new developers coming in and developing the land, to require the road speeds set by the individual development, so the discussion here is not relative to sub-divisions.

Paul Parker - common thought on today's study as well as thoughts on road designs and traffic patterns.

Chairman King - forward infrastructure data on to Selectmen and Police Department, Paul Weston - should be Fire, Police and Water Works Departments.

H/ Curbing:

Paul Esswein - standard 3 types in Town of Farmington; straight and granite, sloped granite, and rolled bituminous curb; the highway department does not like concrete, as it does not stand up to salt.

David Kestner - concrete breaks down quickly.

Paul Weston - in the granite state it should all be granite.

Paul Parker - if it breaks down and doesn't wear well why do we have it; remove rolled bituminous curb.

Hiram Watson - cost of granite versus bituminous is very costly.

Chairman King - need something that lasts.

Hiram Watson - would like exhibit 6 removed.

I/ Sidewalks:

David Kestner - questions Table 1A.

Paul Esswein - have not developed as yet and thinks could be complete soon. Paul Esswein asks the board if they think we should have some minimum requirement when sidewalks are required; Packy Campbell development on Sky View Drive looks good but no sidewalks; Paul Esswein asks for suggested triggers.

David Kestner - number of units.

Paul Esswein - how many.

Chairman King - gives examples of a couple of scenarios.

Charles Wibel - leave it up to discretion of Planning Board.

Norman Russell - questions what is trigger.

Paul Esswein - used New Dam as an example.

Norman Russell - this is something that has been discussed already, if not serviced within bus routes, children need a walk for passing.

J/ Bicycle/Pedestrian Paths:

Jim Horgan - no comment.

Mark Paulin - no comment.

David Kestner - no comment.

Charles Wibel - no comment.

Hiram Watson - no comment.

Chairman King - no comment.

Paul Esswein - what triggers a requirement - similar to I = Sidewalks.

K/ Steep Grades:

Paul Weston asks about roadway profiles definition.

Paul Esswein - gives profile, elevations change along centerline.

David Kestner - have a clause in preceding paragraph about guard rails, road elevations exceeding 5% should have some type of rail, the safety section does refer to guard rails.

Paul Parker - thinks this needs more clarification.

Chairman King - refer to state standards and follow; do not improve or lower the standard.

L/ Superelevation:

Paul Esswein - to bank the curve on one side of road - is higher than the other; use of guardrail; radius requirements.

II. Construction Standards:

Paul Parker motions to continue this section to the next Planning Board Workshop Meeting of September 20, 2005; 2nd Jim Horgan, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.

8:00 p.m.

Chairman King motions for a 5-minute recess, 2nd Jim Horgan, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.

8:15 p.m.

Chairman King calls the meeting back to order and opens the floor to Paul Esswein for discussion on Chapter 5 of the Master Plan.

Paul Esswein - suggests since there are (3) members of the ZAMPS Committee present that we should allow them to begin.

Chairman King - Ms. Proulx you can begin.

Paula Proulx asks the members of the board what do they want to know; the ZAMPS Committee is still working on Chapter 4.

Jim Horgan - comments this is the most depressing read; page 5-8 "one key missing element" should read differently; page 5-9 5th line should read "it has" not "is has"; page 5-17 should be a space after 2. - and Effectiveplanning should be two words not one.

Charles Wibel and Jim Horgan both talk about the - grant reference to low income and do not like the way it is referenced.

Charles Wibel makes reference to rental properties bought and then converted to condos' i.e.; 4-10 unit rental versus 4-10 purchased condominiums.  He also refers to the accreditation of Farmington Schools that would enable higher priced homes.

Paula Proulx - questions where is the more dollars for school referenced? Basically these are strategies from Russ Thibeault to give the Town of Farmington an idea where they are going, she further explains this is to help the Planning Board in making suggestions / recommendations.

Margaret Russell - this is used as a process and guiding tool.

Charles Wibel - has various suggestions to implement and re-vitalize the downtown area and stores.  Farmington has 19 businesses that you can purchase food of which only 1 is unique.

Hiram Watson - implication is real depressing; has seen a lot mentioned of downtown improvements but only 1/2 paragraph for agricultural; we should be looking towards helping them and put more emphasis in the paragraph on agricultural areas of Farmington.

Chairman King - in agreement to enlist and expand what currently goes on in Farmington relating to the agricultural areas.

Hiram Watson - there are tree farms, animal farms, sawmills account for 3 on Ten Rod Road.

Norman Russell - joins into the discussion regarding the downtown area and the agricultural areas.

Chairman King - refers to chart on page 5-10, and asks what about the other commercial properties in the Town of Farmington.

Charles Wibel - talks about his position on the downtown committee and what does and does not happen.

Paula Proulx - talks about the strategies and the niche of the working downtown area, which is a very slim happening in other parts of New Hampshire.

Mark Paulin - asks the new Town Administrator Paul Weston what he thinks about the Town of Farmington and different committees.

Paul Weston - only 2nd day on job and can't really respond, but commented on a community development fund, he and Paul Esswein discuss the definition of design charrette = planners, architects, and landscape architects get together and look at the community, take senses of surrounding community and brainstorm amongst themselves to present possibilities to areas of town for improvement.  A combination of private and public funding typically is used.

David Kestner agrees with the other board members about the depressing information contained in Chapter 5; the business and community activity along Route 11 needs to be addresses and refers to the CLOD that was in the works back in January and hopes that this will now kill the CLOD, also need to be in support of home business and look at it under the Master Plan.

Chairman King asks Paul Esswein about the current zoning; Paul Esswein - replies pretty wide open; home businesses do not impact facilities.

Paul Parker - feels the newer version is better than the older version; sub-paragraph on page 5-2, 5th line down - what criteria is being used to make that statement.  

Paula Proulx, Margaret Russell - data in Chapter 4 supports that statement.

Chairman King - is that an accurate statement?

Paul Parker - strongly feels that statement #5 on page 5-3 should be removed, it is unnecessary.

Norman Russell - it is a true statement.

Margaret Russell - is an economic challenge / implications.

Paul Parker - questions #11 and the last tax valuation.

Paula Proulx - break even family of 3 = $300,000.00; factual statement and findings, truthful not meant to hurt.

Paul Parker - downtown is not as attractive as it could be, thinks same statement could be made in a different manner.

Charles Wibel - more than repair and maintenance in areas.

Chairman King - notes that it is past 9:00 p.m.

9:06 p.m.

Jim Horgan motions to continue the Planning Board Workshop Meeting for an additional 30-minutes, 2nd Charles Wibel, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.

Charles Wibel - feels that the design guideline paragraph is good.

Margaret Russell - asks for suggestions for picture replacement on page 5-15 since Voith is going out of business.

Paul Parker - suggests 3-Phase, comment made - not in commerce park.

Charles Wibel - suggests just using commerce park sign.
Jim Horgan motions to accept changes as amended in the general discussion, "administrative changes"; 2nd Chairman King, for discussion purposes; Paul Parker agrees with most of what has been discussed, and makes a friendly motion to rephrase item 5 on page 5-3, 2nd Jim Horgan; discussion; Charles Wibel asks value in value out, Jim Horgan replies and Margaret Russell goes back to Chapter 4 stating statistical, Chairman King calls for any further discussion, all those in favor 4=David Kestner, Mark Paulin, Charles Wibel, Jim Horgan, opposed 2=Hiram Watson, Paul Parker, motion passes as amended.

Chairman King addresses the Rizzo Compliance issue of removing from the 09-06-2005 agenda to the
09-20-2005 workshop agenda.

Chairman King addresses the Equivise, LLC conceptual discussion on the 09-06-2005 agenda; Paul Parker recuses himself from discussion; Chairman King notes, last time they were here, Paul Esswein was to make a density interpretation; the applicant originally wanted 140 units, after density review allowable would be 39 units, a substantial difference.  They want to argue that the Planning Board has authority to establish their own density not code enforcement officer. Chairman King states he will give the applicant 10-15 minutes only for their presentation.

The board members have a very detailed discussion on the authority of the Planning Board and the interpretation of the Code Enforcement Officer relating to Equivise, LLC.

Jim Horgan has 2 suggestions; (1) sit down and talk with applicant (2) review if Paul Esswein interpretation is reasonable.

Charles Wibel - requests copies of previous ZBA minutes relating to Equivise, LLC application.

Hiram Watson - would like to see the applicant come before the board on 09-06-2005.

David Kestner - fairly lengthy discussion, should give them more than 10-15 minutes.

Chairman King - at the next work session another application has been put on the agenda already, if another meeting is required that's okay. Jim Horgan motions to keep on agenda as last item for 15-minutes of meeting, 2nd Hiram Watson, no further discussion, all those in favor; 1=opposed; motion passes.

9:52 p.m.

Jim Horgan motions to adjourn, 2nd Charles Wibel, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.


_________________________________________                                       ___________________
Charlie King, Chairman                                                                  Date
Farmington Planning Board