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Planning Board Meeting Minutes 07-12-2005
"   SPECIAL   "
TUESDAY – JULY 12, 2005
356 Main Street – Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Charlie King, Hiram Watson, Jim Horgan, Mark Paulin-Alternate Seated for Gerald "Gary" White, David Kestner

Absent:         Don MacVane     - with notification     
Gerald "Gary" White - without notification
Jason Lauze-Alternate - without notification
Charles Wibel-Alternate - with notification

Selectmen’s Rep:        Paul Parker - recused himself - meeting w/Selectmen

Staff Present:                  Paul Esswein, Doreen T. Hayden

Public Present:         Thomas Cox, John Huckins, Norman Russell, Margaret Russell

Chairman King called the meeting to order at 6:20 p.m.


Chairman King turns the floor over to Paul Esswein for opening discussion. Paul Esswein advises that he's been re-doing a lot of what the board has done in the past and just recently been made aware (07-11-2005) that there are/were documents readily available from previous meetings. Paul Esswein further states the board had basically adopted suggestions in the Master Plan Road Standards -Street Design Table that references 6 categories that are used as reference. Paul Esswein hands out "minimum design standards" dated 12-04-2003, technical bulletin #12 ROADS, and as an example "Town of New Durham Guidelines for Class VI Roads".

Paul Esswein agrees that with narrower roads you would have less speed, he supports the widths as listed in the Master Plan that are; minimum R. O. W. 50' in any sub-division, in the Master Plan reads 36'; Paul Esswein suggests using the DOT as a guide/model and to modify section 5 of the Master Plan to reflect suggested change.

Chairman King questions Paul Esswein - in your opinion on the DOT minimum design standards is complete enough for us to accomplish; Paul Esswein - No, still need to add public roads as well as Class VI roads and bring those up to the minimum standards.

Chairman King questions Norman Russell on the minimum and minor local street data as to how this was determined.  Norman Russell we just accepted Steve Whitman version.  Chairman King and Norman Russell have continued discussion on the possible changes to the street design standards.

Mark Paulin asks about the "when is a driveway a driveway and not a street" summary as previously handed out by Paul Esswein, Paul Esswein feels it is part of this and that we need to define a driveway.  There is nothing in the Town of Farmington Regulations that defines standards.
Chairman King asks Paul Esswein if there are any highlights to be brought up regarding New Durham's Class 6 Roads.  Paul Esswein - refer to page 3 of that document; discussion is continued on the 600' spacing between driveways as well as Class 6 roads.  

John Huckins comments - seems unreasonable for Building Permit requirements on Class 6 roads requirements, Norman Russell agrees with John Huckins. Both John Huckins and Norman Russell address the members of the board on their ideas/feelings for Class 6 and Class 5 standards.

Discussion ensues amongst all regarding various issues that could come forward by changing road classifications, particularly discussion is geared towards sub-divisions and those road requirements and what the Town of Farmington would and would not maintain.

Hiram Watson comments there are 30 miles of private and 30 miles of public road in the Town of Farmington and that if the residents of private roads got together and petitioned the Town of Farmington for acceptance there would be quite a bit of public roads in Town of Farmington.

John Huckins would like to add that he disagrees a little with Paul Esswein's comment and feels it should be incorporated into the sub-division regulations.  Paul Esswein - I would add a table not all text.

Chairman King comments that part of the numbers as listed are just not dwelling standards but also vehicle trips per day.  Paul Esswein interjects with his thoughts.  Chairman King feels we should incorporate a policy on issuing building permits on private roads, Paul Esswein would give guidance to the Planning Board to present to the Selectmen.

John Huckins brings up the subject of reversed curves, and that it should be added and to also document reversed curves is a safety issue.

Paul Esswein - wants to focus on the street design standards that are to be incorporated, Paul Esswein agrees with Chairman King in the base classification on vehicle trips per day versus number of dwellings.

Chairman King talks about the New Durham plan that Paul Esswein handed out, asks for any further discussion, Paul Esswein does discuss the 600' requirement, the Class 5 road standard as outlined in the New Durham document.

Chairman King voices his opinion for 2' minimum shoulder width under the minimum local street design standards chart versus n.a.

Jim Horgan brings up Chapter 8 of the Master Plan and comments that it has been typed and accepted, and if we change the N/A shoulder width under the minimum local street column in the street design standards the Master Plan will need to be adjusted.

David Kestner wants to vote on adding 2' to the shoulder width, Jim Horgan not opposed to that, Paul Esswein should be at final plan review.

David Kestner suggests changing the 2-6 number of dwellings to 3-6 under the minimum local street column of the Street Design Standards; Norman Russell suggests changing the ADT of 20-60 also under the same column to 20-30 ADT; Jim Horgan summarizes suggested changes to be made.

Jim Horgan motions to change page 8-28 of the master plan to include number of dwellings, the minimum local streets to 3-6; ADT from 20-60 to 30-60 and shoulder n.a. to 2'; 2nd David Kestner, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.

Chairman King would like to encompass all into one standard within the sub-division, site review and zoning ordinance regulations.  Paul Esswein comments that some flexibility should be maintained, Chairman King questions; doesn't the zoning ordinance point to the road standards in the site review regulations, this needs to be corrected.

Norman Russell suggests once the road standard regulation is amended to incorporate it all at the same time.

Paul Esswein will prepare a road standard document and recommend modifications to sub-division and site review regulations as well as zoning ordinance and have available at the 08-16-2005 workshop.

Chairman King questions the burden of proof on R.O.W and where we should draw the line in that the applicant has sufficient use to the R. O. W.

Discussion between John Huckins, Norman Russell, Paul Esswein and members of the board regarding the legal issues of existing R.O.W. and what to do when the R. O. W. doesn't meet the standards of the R. O. W. width.

Chairman King discusses a betterment assessment to allow funding to bring the road up to standards.

John Huckins interjects if the selectmen are petitioned and they have the right and that more than 50% of the people also have the right than that could become part of the standards.

Jim Horgan motions to move this discussion to the next Planning Board Workshop Meeting of 08-16-2005 and remove it from the 07-19-2005 Planning Board Workshop Agenda, 2nd David Kestner, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.

Jim Horgan motions to adjourn, 2nd Mark Paulin, no further discussion, all those in favor, motion passes.

7:35 p.m.


_______________________________                                 _____________________________
Charlie King, Chairman                                                                  Date
Farmington Planning Board