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Planning Board Minutes June 1, 2004
356 Main Street

Members Present:  Charlie King, Gerald White, Norman Russell, Don MacVane, Hiram Watson, Bob Talon,
                         (Troy Robidas called to be absent), Don MacVane seated by Chairman for Troy Robidas
Selectmen’s Rep:    Paul Parker
Staff Present:        Fran Osborne
Public Present:     John Aylard, Matthew MacVane, William Larson

·       Chairman King called the meeting to order at 7:05 p. m.  Under “Old Business,” minutes of Workshop meeting May 18, 2004 were reviewed and Hiram Watson made a motion to approve the minutes, Gerald White 2nd.  Norm Russell made motion to amend to add “Hiram Watson and Troy Robidas abstained” (first paragraph), Don MacVane abstained, all in favor, motion carried.  The minutes of Special meeting May 19, 2004 were reviewed  and Paul Parker motioned to approve, Gerald White 2nd, Norm Russell amend to add at top under Members Present:  “Don MacVane absent”, Paul Parker amend to delete “Peter Cicolini” under Public Present, Don MacVane abstained, all in favor, motion carried.  Attendance was taken.

·       New Business:  Charlie King gave board members a memo from Bruce Mayberry, Planning Consultant regarding an “impact fee presentation.”  Charlie asked the board if the June 15th workshop meeting might work as he will be in this area (see attached memo).  Discussion on a previous planner who also came to a planning board meeting to discuss impact fees.  Money being kept in a separate account for impact fees was also discussed.
Don MacVane - you must designate the purpose the money is to be used for regarding impact fees.  If the money collected is not used it must be given back.  Discussion on towns using impact fees.
Norm Russell – impact fee discussion regarding schools and collecting over a period of say 20 years.  Jeff Taylor also discussed roads in the area (connector roads) and different methods of cataloging data to justify impact fees, structuring the CIP correctly, working with the Budget Committee and various Depts. within the town (Fire, Police, Highway, Water & Waste Depts., etc.).  
Hiram asked who recommended Bruce Mayberry.  Charlie King - Mike Garrepy said he works with a lot of communities on infrastructure and putting impact fees in place.
Paul Parker – discussion on having Bruce here June 15 or get some questions together for another time.  Do we want to do long-term planning?  Would it be better to draw up an outline?  Charlie –it’s up to the board.
Bob Talon – this would involve work and costs to put something together.
Don MacVane – we could ask about towns similar to ours and check to see if what was done in their town was successful.
Charlie King – do an initial visit and see how they structured charges and fees.  Paul Parker – Bruce Mayberry seems to be a very intelligent man.
Norm Russell – I’d be interested in finding more information.  Discussion on whether this would be beneficial to our town or not.
Paul Parker – motion to invite Bruce Mayberry to the Planning Board Workshop meeting for a question and answer period on June 15, 2004 at 7:00 p. m., Don MacVane 2nd, all in favor, motion carried.

·       Research Subcommittee:    This subcommittee was formed by the Planning Board to assist in the Master Plan rewrite.  Since its inception, it has been rendered unnecessary.  I would like to consider dissolving this subcommittee.  Discussion on incorporating the Research Subcommittee members into other subcommittees.  Norm Russell mentioned Margaret Russell would like to be on the Master Plan Subcommittee, John Wingate is not interested, suggestion was made to ask other members if they would be

Planning Board Meeting June 1, 2004 (continued)                                                 Page 2

interested in serving on other committees.  Paul Parker suggested they write and ask to be appointed to whatever committee they might be interested in.
Norm Russell made a motion to appoint Margaret Russell to the ZAMPS Subcommittee and to ask other Research Subcommittee members if they would like to serve on other committees, Paul Parker 2nd, all in favor, motion carried.  Discussion on number of members on the ZAMPS subcommittee – there are 15 at present.  Paul Parker – if there are too many members it may become unproductive.

·       Zoning Board of Adjustment/Planning Board Liaison appointment:  Chairman King received note from Fran a ZBA/PB Liaison has not been appointed for this year.  We should consider this appointment.  Discussion.  Bob Talon made a motion to retain Charlie King as Liaison, Don MacVane 2nd,  discussion on whether this would present a conflict.  Charlie said he has checked with legal and there is not a problem, all board members in favor to retain Charlie King as Liaison between PB/ZBA, motion carried.

·       Activation of CIP Subcommittee:  Chairman King asked Hiram Watson to give overview.  Hiram said there were 6 members of this subcommittee (Hiram Watson, Chairman; Sylvia Howard; Joan Funk; Troy Robidas; Gibson Hearn).  Discussion by Hiram on Dept. Heads and their cooperation in presenting figures for capital expenditures for the 6-year period 2004 – 2009.  They came up with a list and explanation of what was needed.  The sole purpose of the CIP is to aid the selectmen and the Budget Committee to prepare a budget.  We came up with 10 – 15 year budget expenditures from this work.  Things like upgrading water department, police radios, bridge, school, and a 20-year projection by Clark for a grader were received as input.  Joan Funk said this work prevents a big increase in taxes.  The School Dept. hasn’t contributed very much and Hiram said he’d like Mr. Cilley or Todd Lefebvre to be on the subcommittee.  Paul Parker agrees with Hiram.  Don MacVane recommends 2 school board members and Hiram said we need the school dept. input.  Ernie was a huge help putting the CIP in format for presentation.  Discussion on inventory of equipment and when the need for replacement will be.  Dale Sprague gave excellent input on his needs. Paul Parker suggested writing a letter to the Budget Committee for additional members.  
Norm Russell – discussion on 6 – 10 year period for CIP.  Discussion on highlights discussed at the OSP conference Norm attended.  Hiram brought up the grader needed by Clark Hackett in about 20 years.  Discussion on large cost items being included and their life span.
Paul Parker made a motion to re-activate the CIP Subcommittee, Don MacVane 2nd, motion carried.
Norm Russell made a motion to re-appoint Troy Robidas and Hiram Watson to serve on the CIP, Gerald White 2nd, motion carried.
Hiram will contact Sylvia Howard, Joan Funk and Gibson Hearn to see if they want to serve and ask them to let Fran know.  Both the School board and Budget Committee will be contacted for members who might  attend.  Don suggested writing to these boards.  The Planning Board should determine how many are on the subcommittee.
Don MacVane made a motion to have Chairman Charlie King draft a letter requesting their participation, Paul Parker 2nd, motion carried.
Motion by Norm Russell, 2nd Paul Parker to put “appointment procedures to the boards” after Fee Schedule review, motion carried.

·       Code Enforcement, Planning/Zoning Board of Adjustment Fees Schedule:  Discussion on change requested by Fran through E. Creveling to bring to the Planning Board.  Because 2 public hearings are coming up which do not have a listing on the fee schedule, Fran has asked us to include Earth Removal Permit and Scenic Tree Cutting on the fee schedule.
Don MacVane made a motion to add Earth Removal Permit and Scenic Tree Cutting @ $150.00 each plus $9.00 abutter fee if notice is required, Paul Parker 2nd, motion carried.   Fran will present new Fee Schedule with the additional fees to the Selectmen for final approval.
Planning Board Meeting June 1, 2004 (continued)                                                 Page 3
·       Appointment Procedures to the Boards:  Norm Russell will attend a Selectmen’s meeting to make the Planning Board recommendation for making appointments to the board – 1st by most senior member and then by application date submission.  This was already agreed on by the Planning Board to recommend to the Board of Selectmen.  Discussion on regular vs. alternate members and number of alternates allowed.  Don MacVane is an alternate member.
Paul Parker made a motion to recess for 10 minutes at 8:05 p.m., Norm Russell 2nd, motion carried.  The meeting reconvened at 8:25 p. m.

·       Draft for Director of Planning and Community Development for Town of Farmington, NH:  (see attached draft).  Chairman King asked E. Creveling if there were any applicants yet.  E. Creveling – the ad hasn’t gone to the paper yet.  The candidate would be responsible for directing the operations of the Planning, Zoning & Codes Enforcement  to include 3 part-time positions, Secretary in Code Enforcement Office, CEO and part-time Health Officer – Eugene Elander.
Paul Parker – the draft is well done.  Discussion with Don MacVane on qualification of a “Bachelor’s degree.”  E. Creveling – used several different ads to come up with what he thought Farmington was looking for.  Charlie King thinks it looks good.  Discussion on 3 part-time employees – they will report directly to the person in this position.  This is a typical structure from my experience.  E. Creveling – when I was hired this is the system that was in place.  Discussion on TRC and this person (planner) chairing the TRC, the ad running to 7/2/04 or leaving it open ended.  E. Creveling – we will post to the web site, Primex and others.  Don MacVane mentioned Town & County Municipal Government booklet.  

·       Rules of Procedures for the Farmington Planning Board:  Chairman King – we will review any recommended changes by board members.  
1.      NAME:  No change.
2.      AUTHORITY:  No change.  Discussion on RSA 676:1 – hasn’t changed.
3.      PERSONNEL:
A.  No change.  Discussion with E. Creveling on RSA 41.3 – this is regarding committee re-appointments and staying in their board seat until a new member is appointed.  This allows the board to discuss business.
B.      No change.  Discussion.  E. Creveling – you can appoint up to 5 alternates.
4.      ORGANIZATION: No change in paragraph.
     A.  No change.
B.      No change.
C.      No change.
D.      No change.  
5.      MEETINGS:
A.      Regular Meetings – discussion on changing 1st & 3rd Tuesdays.  Four board members are in favor of keeping 1st & 3rd Tuesdays (do not change).  Change address to 356 Main Street,
B.      No change.
C.      No change.
D.      No change.  Discussion.  Change last sentence as follows:  In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, Secretary or the most senior person on the board in years of service shall preside.  Paul Parker made a motion to approve this change, Don MacVane 2nd, all in favor, motion carried.
E.      Order of Business:
1.      No change.
a.      Roll Call by presiding Chairperson
b.      No change.

Planning Board Meeting June 1, 2004 (continued)                                                 Page 4

c.      Announcement of Zoning Board of Adjustment Notices of Decisions.  Motion by Paul Parker to make this change, 2nd Hiram Watson, motion carried for this change.
d.      No change.  Reading of communications directed to the board
e.      New Business.
f.      Hearings
g.      Unfinished business
h.      Adjournment
(NOTE)    No change.  Discussion of putting “draft minutes” on web site.  Fran – the minutes are not put on the web site until approved by the Planning Board.  She said both agenda and minutes are posted to the web site on a timely basis.
2.      No change.
a.      Change sentence to:  The Chairperson shall call the meeting to order and call for a report on the application.  Paul Parker motioned to make this change, Don MacVane 2nd, motion carried.
b.      First sentence – no change.  Change 2nd sentence to c. and reword.
c.      Change to new c. as follows:  The Chair shall ask board members in conflict to recuse themselves under RSA 673:14.  Paul Parker made motion to make this change, Don MacVane 2nd, motion carried.
d.      The applicant or designated representative shall be called to present his subdivision, site plan or other type of application.
e.      Review and discuss Technical Review Committee (TRC) report, if applicable.
f.      The application will either be accepted or rejected due to the lack of sufficient information as required by the Subdivision, Site Review or appropriate Regulations.
g.      No change.
h.      No change.
i.      No change.
j.      No change.
k.      No change.
l.      The public input on the plan shall be declared ended unless reopened by the Chairperson.  
m.      Members of the Board including alternates may ask questions at any point during testimony or during the Public Hearing.
n.      No change.
o.      No change.
p.      No change.
q.      No change.
r.      No change.
A.      Application
1.      No change.
2.      Applications for Site Review and Subdivisions are subject to review from the Technical
Review Committee.   The TRC shall make recommendation to the Planning Board and the applicant prior to formal submission to the Planning Board.  The Technical Review Committee is comprised of the Town Planner, the Town Administrator, the Code Enforcement Officer, the Director of Water and Waste Management, the Supervisor of Highways and Vehicle Maintenance, the Chief of Police, and the Fire Chief.  Any regular member may appoint a qualified designee to serve in his/her place.  Norm Russell made motion to make above changes, Don MacVane 2nd, motion carried.  
Planning Board Meeting June 1, 2004 (continued)                                                 Page 5

Discussion on TRC and a planning board member attending the TRC meetings.  A planning board member may have predisposed ideas when they come to the TRC for an upcoming scheduled public hearing.  The applicant may apply for an appeal because a planning board member has attended the TRC and already made up his mind on the applicant’s application.
Hiram Watson made motion to extend the meeting 10 minutes, Don MacVane 2nd, motion carried.
3.      The Technical Review Committee will be responsible for making recommendation to applicants in the preparation of site review, subdivision and other applications prior to presentation to the Planning Board for consideration of formal acceptance of jurisdiction over the application.  In order for an application to be scheduled for consideration of jurisdictional acceptance by the Planning Board, the Technical Review Committee (TRC) may review and make recommendations on the application.  The TRC shall develop its own rules of procedure for approval by the Planning Board.  Norm Russell made a motion to approve the changes in 3., Don MacVane 2nd, all in favor, motion carried.
Discussion on the TRC Rules of Procedure – do they have any?
4.      No change.
5.      Applications shall be placed on the agenda by the Planning Secretary only after review and recommendation by designated personnel.  
Discussion.  Due to the time being past extended time, Don MacVane made a motion to continue the “Rules of Procedures for the Farmington Planning Board” to the June 15, 2004 Workshop Meeting, Hiram Watson 2nd, motion carried.

·       With no further business to discuss, Don MacVane made a motion at 10:35 p. m. to adjourn, Gerald White 2nd, motion carried.


____________________________________                            ______________________________
Charlie King, Chairman                                                  Date
Planning Board
Town of Farmington