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Planning Board Workshop Meeting 02-17-04
41 South Main Street

Members Present:  Jim Horgan Bill Tsiros, Hiram Watson, Troy Robidas, Charlie King (Gerald White called
                         to be absent)
Selectmen’s Rep:   Matthew Scruton (Barry Elliott called in absent)
Staff Present:         Fran Osborne
Public Present:      Jane & John Wingate, John Huckins, Paul Parker (ZBA), Jean Pease, Cyndi Paulin,
                                Joyce White
·       Chairman Horgan called the meeting to order at 7:10 p. m. and went over the agenda for the evening.

·       Administrative Matter (Non-public session) –  Brad Anderson is not able to be here.  Chairman will continue this matter to March 2, 2004.

·       Minutes of February 3, 2004.  Bill Tsiros made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Hiram Watson 2nd, all in favor, motion carried.

·       Building Permit on a Private Road for Stephen Marcotte (Map R6, Lot 32), Camelot Shore Drive.  This permit is for a 2-bedroom Chalet-style home 26’x26’ with 903 s. f. (plans included).  An approved septic design is included.  Property is located in Lancelot Shores where many building permits have been recommended to the Selectmen for approval.   The road is maintained by an association year round.  Lot #37 is next to this lot and was previously approved.  The “Private Road Acknowledgement has been completed and will be recorded at Strafford Registry of Deeds after approval by the Selectmen.  Building Permit will be issued after this has been done.  Code Enforcement Officer, Jack Dever, has reviewed the building permit application and sees no problems with it.  Motion by Hiram Watson to forward this building permit to the Board of Selectmen for their approval, Charlie King 2nd, motion carried.

·       Jane Wingate – letter to the Planning Board (copy attached).  Discussion by Bill Tsiros that this letter of accusations should not be read in public.  Ask for legal counsel.  Bill feels the board should take this under advisement.  Discussion on references made in the January 20, 2004 meeting.  Bill has references (attached).  Fran will copy and attach to the minutes of January 20, 2004.
Charlie King motioned for recess, Troy Robidas 2nd for 5 minutes at 7:20 p. m., meeting reconvened at 7:30 p. m.

·       ZAMPS Subcommittee – Chairman Horgan said the ZAMPS Subcommittee will meet on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays here in the Municipal Offices building.  The other meetings will be scheduled for the conference room at the old Town Hall.  Discussion on 2 separate meetings for each group working on Master Plan/Zoning issues.  Jim Horgan asked Paul Parker to get together with Ed Mullin, Lynn Seaboyer and Fran on room availability.  Jim Horgan gave Fran the latest copy of the AER (Applied Economic Research) document for the record.  Jim & AER agreed that the last ZAMPS survey be mailed out as it will provide good information.  Jim went to the last 2 meetings of ZAMPS (Wednesday & Thursday last week).  A letter from Gerry Mylroie (SRPC) was read regarding questions about the Cluster Development Ordinance (attached).  Paul Parker suggested Mike Garrepy & Gerry Mylroie get together on Gerry’s memo.  Paul and board members went through the Cluster Ordinance item by item.
III.  Objectives (b).  Discussion by Jim on whether to keep this in the ordinance.
III j) discussion on recreation – ball fields off Paulson Rd. and proposed walking trails.
    g) Hiram – discussion on scenic views.  Jim Horgan – we have the flexibility to make recommendations on what we deem as scenic views.  Paul Parker – I think there is a desire to do so.  Charlie King – we have a presentation of what is usual and customary for this section.  Discussion.  Take this up another time.
Planning Board Workshop Meeting February 17, 2004 (continued)                                   Page 2

Bill Tsiros – discussion on special elements – define language – what is it?
John Huckins – if open space is connected, developers could connect into it.
III l) Jim Horgan – “flexible road design” – stay gravel as opposed to paved.  Work with the developer.  Put the best land in permanent protection.
Charlie King – allow some minor deviation from road standards.  Discussion on “minimal” safety design – use “acceptable
John Huckins – rural road design booklet discussion.  State this as part of the document.  John was asked to provide the name of this booklet to Fran.
IV. “Conditions of Approval.”  Discussion with John Huckins on “Conditional Use Permit” and the Subdivision & Site Review process to make a document more clear.
Bill Tsiros – once the PB endorses this ordinance, someone shouldn’t be able to change the document.  Gerry Mylroie (SRPC) should be the one to change it.  Discussion.
V. a) – plan layout showing existing conditions – whatever is there – what to show?  Discussion on what developer needs to bring in for the meeting.
VIII. Discussion on last part of paragraph underlined.   Discuss and reword last part (add original before subdivision approval.  
Charlie King – discussion on once frontage is subdivided off. Governors Rd. subdivisions given as an example. Discussion on gaining density  bonus for backland.  This was a compromise.  Discussion on keeping track of 7-year time frame and density bonus.
Troy Robidas – it seems we are encouraging open-cluster development.
Charlie King – you can develop but you don’t get density bonus for 7 years.
Troy – the tracking could be a nightmare.  John Huckins suggested bringing in the recorded plans from the original subdivision approval showing date of approval.  Discussion on protecting the rural character.  Why discourage development of the back property?  Discussion on density.
Charlie King – discussion on discouraging using frontage as density bonus and subdividing back land in the cluster development, or just do the whole cluster.
Bill Tsiros – the only way now you can develop is to do cluster unless waiting 7 years.  Value will go down.  
Jim Horgan – it’s a disadvantaged property.  Discussion.
Paul Parker – it’s to discourage just developing the front “cookie cutter” lots.  Discussion on density bonuses during the 7-year time frame.  We are trying to encourage open-cluster subdivision.  Discussion on examples.
Bill Tsiros – discussion on utilizing open space cluster on the entire lot up front.
Jim Horgan – the only problem is the 7-year penalty.  Add the recorded plan to be presented as a requirement.  Discussion on developers and selling front lots & being left with rear land to sell.
John Huckins – discussion on alternative measures & being able to use back land independent of front land and back land being sold off.  It should be able to be developed to “stand alone.”  Don’t penalize the new guy who may buy this back portion.  Use incentives but keep rural character.
IX.  John Huckins – discussion.  Charlie – we tried to eliminate high engineering costs.  Maybe we could use density in the AR 3-acre zone.  We tried to eliminate engineering twice.  Discussion.  Review formulas.  Allow the developer the chance to present both ways.  Review density formulas.
XIV.  Density Bonus Allowances:  Discussion on developer presenting options for open space bonus and 35% maximum density bonus.   Hiram – page 7 defines density bonuses.
Bill Tsiros discussion on taxing open space (taxable status).  We don’t want to lose the taxable status.
XII c) 1) & 2) Discussion on eliminating these 2 paragraphs or rewording.  Discussion on conservation easement or open space and staying on the tax role.
XIII. e) Troy Robidas – discussion.  Charlie King – this was designed to eliminate “a piece here and a piece there.”  It must be contiguous.
XIII. c) Jim Horgan – who is single entity and management standard?  Paul - Homeowners Association. What are they?  Reference document used.

Planning Board Workshop Meeting February 17, 2004 (continued)                                   Page 3

XIII. e)  Jim Horgan – questioned the last sentence.  Discussion with Paul Parker on eliminating this paragraph.  They will check on this.
XIII. f) discussion on pedestrian way or access to open space (accessible by largest number of lots).
Hiram Watson made a motion to recess 10 minutes at 9:05 p. m., Charlie King 2nd.  Meeting reconvened at 9:15 p. m.
XII. d) 1) add be before attributable
XII. d) 3) see for the underlying
John Huckins – discussion on going with higher density bonus – say in the Governors Road area.  Allow higher density in the AR 3-acre zone.
XVI.    Legal Review
a)  Jim Horgan – tweak – must be approved in writing by the Planning Board after legal review by Town Counsel.  Do not have Town Counsel approving the plans.
b) Jim Horgan – why is this here?  It has to be delineated on the plan which is recorded.  Question of whether to delete.  Get an opinion.  Delete anything that has to do with “selling” or “by sale.”
c)  Charlie King – provide an avenue for maintenance to the area set aside for recreation.  Jim – delete this.  This should be on the plan and Homeowners Association will maintain.  Bill Tsiros agrees with Jim.
d)  Jim Horgan – discussion on legalities of this paragraph.  Paul Parker – it’s a safety issue for the future.  
It allows the Town of Farmington to deal with it.  Question of deleting this paragraph per Jim Horgan.
XX.  Discussion on special site and land conditions.  Change The Planning Board may impose higher - change higher to additional standards.  Be specific what this is.
Page 13 – Existing Conditions Plandiscussion.
Hiram made a motion to continue this meeting to 10:20 p. m., Troy 2nd, motion carried.
Development Yield – review density calculations or define limit – 35% may change.
Mandatory Home Association – discussion.  Bill Tsiros questioned non-profit status.  They might want to form a trust rather than be a private non-profit corporation.  Delineate responsibility, maintenance, etc.  Make sure this is legal wording.
Jim Horgan – this is a pretty good document.  Bring back revisions after Gerry Mylroie and Mike Garrepy have reviewed this as well as legal counsel.  Continue to the March 16, 2004 workshop meeting.  Paul Parker asked board members what they thought of the document.  The board thought it was a good document.
Troy Robidas is concerned over complexity of the document and calculations.  Discussion.
John Huckins explained the surveyors know the process and how to do it.  Discussion.
Open Space Plan – Jim Horgan - this may not be needed.  It is on the recorded plan.
Preliminary Conditional use Hearing (s) – Jim Horgan – take this out.
Jim Horgan – ZAMPS will meet here the 4th Thursday.

·       Letter from the ZAMPS to the Selectmen of Farmington received (attached).  

·       With no further business to discuss, Troy Robidas made a motion to adjourn at 10:30 p. m., Hiram 2nd, motion carried.


_________________________________                       __________________________________
Jim Horgan, Chairman                                                Date