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Planning Board Meeting Minutes 10-21-03
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
41 South Main Street

Members Present:  Jim Horgan, Gerald White, Charlie White, Hiram Watson, Don MacVane, Troy Robidas,
                         (Bill Tsiros called to be absent)
Selectmen’s Rep:    Barry Elliott
Staff Present:          Fran Osborne
Public Present:       Margaret Russell and son, Brad Anderson, Fosters reporter

·       Chairman Horgan opened the meeting with review of minutes of October 7, 2003.  
Gerald White asked to change 2nd paragraph – line 18 – amend to say - recused from an opinion.
Hiram Watson made motion to accept minutes as amended, Don MacVane & Troy Robidas abstained because of absence at meeting, Gerald White 2nd, motion carried.

·       ZAMPS Subcommittee progress report.
Brad Anderson gave board members a progress report noting the subcommittee is working on the Cluster Regulations, specifically Goals & Objectives.  They will fine tune this, bring back to the PB for review and then planner, Mike Garrepy.  They may add another objective.  Brad read the review to board members (see attached).  
Jim Horgan – I think the concept is great but I have comments as follows:
#5   - eliminate the word conserve – use the word preserve.
#8   - eliminate the word conserve.
#10 - eliminate this altogether.
#11 - public services – define – does it include utilities – spell out (police, fire, etc.) spell out utilities.
#12 - delete and maintain minimal safety design.
#14 – delete as worded or rephrase.
Brad – the way these will be brought about is with incentives (trails, historic settings, density).  Leave this up to the developer as to what he wants to do but be open.  Have Mike Garrepy  work on this to encourage incentives.
Discussion on title Objectives.
Charlie King – discussion on standard formula for density based on use of land available.  Come up with maximum density bonus.  Get applicant to have as high a density bonus as possible.
Don MacVane on #5 – use word protect instead of conserve.  Discussion on adding something on water quality.
Jim Horgan – doesn’t have a problem with the concept – it’s where and how it occurs.  Density bonuses need to be defined (do not punish because an applicant doesn’t meet density bonuses).
Charlie King – discussion on starting a relatively high % (90%) – use calculations to reduce.
Jim Horgan – the density calculations should appear in the meat of the zoning ordinance.
Barry Elliott – start out with decent bonus to begin with for cluster development to be attractive to the applicant.  He mentioned 2 projects on Governors Rd. (Jones Brook & Governors Rd. Realty).  At what point do you talk about limitation on the number of bedrooms?  This is important.  What do units consist of as far as number of bedrooms is concerned?  
Charlie – some clusters don’t allow multi-family.  We don’t have a formed opinion on what is allowed.
Barry Elliott – discussion on considering to include elderly housing in this area of cluster development.
Jim Horgan – keep it clean & simple.  Make use of a diverse mix.
Barry Elliott – suggested giving a bonus based on number of rooms.  Define requirements in the cluster ordinance being worked on.  Discussion on density variable & zones allowing multi-family (rural – no, in-town VC zone – where services are available – good possibility.)  Land availability is a factor.
Don MacVane – discussion on landscaping and parking needing to be considered.
Barry Elliott – define density bonuses.  Discussion on mixed use (elderly, empty nesters, couples starting out, family with kids, etc.).
Planning Board Worhshop Meeting October 21, 2003 (continued)                                    Page 2

Brad Anderson – the suggestion on restricting number of rooms in the unit is a good one.
Barary Elliott – gave example of Alton.  All types of housing are included in the Cluster Regulations.
Brad Anderson – we aren’t going to pick at the words.  Mike Garrepy will send us a draft to work from.
Troy Robidas – basically, objectives and purpose are good.
Brad Anderson – ideas from the board are helpful to take back to the subcommittee.
Charlie King – wording on density – asked board members to give opinions if they had any and they’ll take back to the subcommittee – we want your opinion.
Gerald White – I like #10 & don’t want to eliminate it.
Brad Anderson – can we leave these if we change the wording?
Jim Horgan – I have a problem with it, here.
Hiram Watson – agrees with Jim Horgan.
Jim Horgan – as a bonus, I agree we can include this, but not as an objective.  Discussion.  If you put “to consider conservation,” not – you have to, in order to get the bonus.
Barry Elliott – who says this is enough to receive that bonus?  Discussion on interpretation.
Don MacVane – discussion on walking trail & density bonus.
Brad Anderson – state law protects land owners from suit.  Discussion on this.
Troy Robidas – what’s the objective to the town-wide trail network?
Brad Anderson – usually the Conservation Commission develops a conservation plan for trail networks.  Right now the 500 Boys & Girls Club, some property on Paulson Rd., town forest, etc.  Discussion.
Brad Anderson – we don’t usually see the developer come to the Conservation Commission for conservation.
Don MacVane – discussion on easements for sidewalks.  Encourage applicants to do this.  Trailways are a great idea if we can encourage it.  The approach has to be right.  Discussion on attracting businesses to Farmington.
Troy Robidas – I’m concerned about this trail network.  Are you going far fetched?
Brad Anderson – we’re looking ahead.  I talked to DOT engineers on being able to put pedestrian amenities.  
DOT – if you establish it as a town.
Charlie King – work out amount of bonus.  Discussion.
Gerald White – I like what Don said – encouraging for later on down the road.
Brad Anderson – make the cluster development a nice place to live (quality).
We’ll make changes & get it back to you.  Bring with substance of the Cluster Development Ordinance.

·       Master Plan Group – Brad said there will be a public meeting on October 23, 2003 at the Old Town Hall.  It will be taped and broadcast on Channel 26.  We bought a mailing list for about $27 or $28 which provided us mail addresses.  We included in the mail out a summary of part of the Master Plan to be talked about.  Economic Development meets tomorrow Wednesday, October 22nd in the a.m. & will be included.  We will give opportunity to give people a chance to  vote on things presented.  We will use voting cards coded to what zone they are in.
Charlie King – this allows input without giving names, but it gives location of where voting is coming from.  
Brad Anderson – we included a “kill this idea” column.  We will use zoning maps & have people to help voters present.  
Troy Robidas – that’s a great idea.  Discussion on dollar amount involved.  Town Administrator gave Brad the go ahead.  Discussion - concern on public input.  Discussion on Channel 26 showing the meetings.
Brad Anderson – Town Administrator asked Brad to work up some kind of budget to be put in for next year for this type of thing.  The Master Plan group has been meeting every week.  We’re going to take up the “Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance”.  We want to finalize this ordinance and bring back to the Planning Board for review.  
Charlie King – discussion on the target zone (IB) – doesn’t allow restaurants, etc.
Brad Anderson – discussion on imposing high setbacks (75’) from the road, screening requirement, etc.  It actually turned out to be a very small area for this.
Planning Boar Workshop Meeting October 21, 2003 (continued)                                     Page 3

Jim Horgan – don’t make it too easy.  Set up restrictions.  Age was the only other thing discussed (18 years).
Jim asked progress on the Master Plan.  Brad – we will start drafting in February after all public input is received.  We don’t know how much public input we will receive.
The “Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance” – schedule for workshop session November 18, 2003 as well as the “Cluster Development Ordinance.”  

·       Chairman Horgan asked Gerald White to state his correct name – Gerald White is his name for purposes of these minutes but he prefers to be called Gary White.

·       Hiram Watson made a motion to recess at 7:55 p. m. for 5 minutes, Don MacVane 2nd, motion carried, meeting reconvened at 8:05 p. m.

·       Research Subcommittee Report – Chairman MacVane noted John Law would like to participate on this subcommittee.  We need more bodies.  Barry Elliott – Kathy’s office at the Old Town Hall will be a meeting room soon.  Don MacVane – we will try to meet next week.  We haven’t been given a mandate yet.  Jim suggested getting bodies together for discussion.  
Barry Elliott – I nominate John Law as a member of the Research Subcommittee, Don MacVane 2nd ,   motion carried.  Discussion on need for an Economic Development Committee member and how to get the word out for more members.  It was brought out that Metrocast has been putting out misinformation on their broadcasts.  
Charlie King nominated Joyce White & Patience Taylor to the ZAMPS Subcommittee, Hiram Watson 2nd, motion carried (Gerald White abstained from vote.)
Discussion on Donna Gorney being nominated to this subcommittee.
Don MacVane – motion to increase ZAMPS Subcommittee to 15 members plus chairman, Charlie King 2nd, motion carried.

·       Two Planners Responsibilities (see attached).
Don MacVane - #1 – define what attracted us to Farmington in the beginning.
Jim Horgan – protect water sheds.  Discuss (conservation) #4.
Jim Horgan - #3 – refers to the TRC Subcommittee.  Discussion on #4 and #5.  Let the Planner give us his thoughts.  Jim explained CEO Paul Charron O.K.’d this.
Don MacVane – motion to accept the October 15, 2003 TWO PLANNERS, RESPONSIBILITIES OF as presented, Troy Robidas 2nd, motion carried.  Discussion.
Charlie King – authority of planner in #1, 2, 4 and 5 goals – what are his responsibilities.  
Jim Horgan – these are goals.  Opinions should not be included.
Don MacVane – I think we could rewrite it.
Barry Elliott – I think we are asking for trouble having 2 planners.  I think it should be 1.
Don MacVane – agrees with Barry Elliott.  It might be cheaper to hire a planner.  Discussion on duties of each planner.
Mike Garrepy – will be working on ZAMPS Subcommittees on regulations and ordinances.  Gerry Mylroie from SRPC will work with plans for applicants.
Barry Elliott – discussion on “read into” in #5.

·       Ordinance – Alarms, Businesses, Systems and Users
Chairman Horgan – I have reviewed this and see room for improvement.  Discussion on need for a permit and a fine if they don’t have one.  There are several areas of concern.  Jim has no problem with a permit system tied into the Police Dept.  He has a problem with the Police Dept. wanting to charge for a protection system when homeowners pay taxes.  The charges are what concerns me.  Maybe if a system is tied into the
Police  Dept.,   then  maybe  there  should be charge.    It needs fine  tuning.    There should be a limit on the
Planning Board Workshop Meeting October 21, 2003 (continued)                                    Page 4

number of nuisance calls before a charge is required.
Barry Elliott – this may be a result of the TRC meetings.  Discussion.
Charlie King – where does the money from charges go?
Jim Horgan – I have a problem with how this will be applied.  It is demanding of our residents.
Don MacVane – there should be a system of controlling alarms.  I don’t think we should be requiring applicants to tie into an electronic system.
Hiram Watson – read, review and have the Police Chief come and explain this Ordinance.
Troy Robidas – I think we ought to kill the whole thing.  Discussion including nuisance factor.
Barry Elliott – discussion on central system for alarms.
Troy Robidas – until we get E-9-1-1 in place, its really not effective.
Gerald White & Charlie King agree with Troy’s remark.  Discussion on setting nuisance alarm fees.
Don MacVane – discussion on safety of responder.
Barry Elliott – is this really necessary.  I think this originated from TRC meetings.
Jim Horgan – read this Ordinance and have Police Chief come to the November 18, 2003 Planning Board Workshop meeting.

·       View Shed Area in Farmington
Jim Horgan – talked with CEO Paul Charron on getting disposable cameras & taking pictures of what we cant our town to look like for developing.  Make it digital and show applicants what we want it to look like.
Brad Anderson – we are working on a project that might tie in with this.
Barry Elliott – Charrette Design did a folder on this with a UNH student.  It may be done for you.  Brad expressed an interest in looking at this.
Jim Horgan – we’re talking about building into our ordinance visual reference for the developer.
Charlie King – which view do you want to look better.   Is the homeowner more important or is the person riding through from Mass. more important?
Brad Anderson – if we can get what we’re working on funded, then we can catalog what we have and what we like & would like to have.  Give bonuses for those who will build to what we want.  A pictorial idea will give them an idea of what we want.  We need to establish some guidelines.  Discussion.
Jim Horgan – put Brad Anderson on the November 18, 2003 Workshop meeting agenda for a presentation on view shed areas in Farmington.  Jim mentioned meeting Brad Anderson had with developers – it was a good presentation.  Brad – builders want to know where they stand.

·       Barry Elliott made motion to adjourn at 9:00 p.m., Gerald White 2nd, motion carried.


___________________________________                             ________________________________
Jim Horgan, Chairman                                            Date