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Planning Board Meeting Minutes 9-16-03
41 South Main Street

Members Present:  Jim Horgan, Bill Tsiros, Charlie King, Don MacVane, Hiram Watson, Troy Robidas,
                         (Gary White called in to be absent)
Selectmen’s Rep:    Barry Elliott (arrived at 7:30 p. m.)
Public Present:       Brad Anderson (Conservation Commission, ZAMPS), Jane & John Wingate, Margaret
                         Russell (ZBA)

·       Chairman Horgan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Hiram made a motion to accept the minutes of September 2, 2003 as presented, Charlie King 2nd, Troy Robidas, Don MacVane and Bill Tsiros abstained, motion carried.

·       Private Road Standards
CEO Paul Charron – packages on private road standards were given to board members about a year ago.  They need work, perhaps engineering review (SEA Consulting, Inc. gave a price of $1,200 - $1,500) to come up with road standards.  This seemed quite expensive.  We should involve the Dept. Heads (Clark Hackett, Dale Sprague, Scott Roberge, Ky Goslin), Planner Mike Garrepy, etc.  It might be good to form a subcommittee to do this.
Jim Horgan – opposed to another subcommittee.  Discussion.  Look at road standards geared to existing roads, private roads, main roads, arterial roads, etc.
Don MacVane – collect Zoning Ordinance, and other regulations and ordinances, road standards from other towns that touch Farmington.  Have Mike Garrepy come to meeting as well as police, fire, highway departments.  Have planner review before it comes to the Planning Board.  Glean out standards we obtain and keep those we want.  Discussion.  Don suggested maybe the January 20th workshop meeting to look through the available standards.
Bill Tsiros – what does the Planning Board want?  We need to decide what we want to do.  Have input from Clark Hackett.  Discussion on types of roads.  Gather information for Research Subcommittee for the November 18th workshop meeting as well as Cluster and other ordinances and regulations.  CEO Paul Charron will ask if Dept. Heads are available at the TRC meeting September 18th.
Don MacVane – get ASAP.  Send out a letter.
Bill Tsiros – motion to authorize the Research Subcommittee to gather information on Private Road Standards and other regulations and ordinances, Don 2nd, no other discussion, 3 for 1 opposed, motion carries.
Charlie King – I would be in favor of a subcommittee to do this.  Have available for Planning Board review and planner review and put forth a proposal.
Jim Horgan – that is a little more complicated than it needs to be.  Discussion.  CEO will talk to Clark Hackett and get input from Dept. Heads.
CEO Paul Charron – have L&C Engineering do the next application needing review.  Discussion on SEA Consulting and their projects.  Their bills are high.   Dick Colby who used to work for SEA Consulting now works for L&C Engineering.  Discussion on charges.  You can only tell by having L&C do something for us.  Let SEA Consulting know we are using 2 outside engineering firms.  We have a contract with SEA Consulting but it is not binding or exclusive.
Jane Wingate – asked about references of engineers from L&C Engineering.  CEO Paul Charron explained they only work for municipalities.  CEO can get references in writing.
Charlie King – motion to authorize CEO Paul Charron to see feasibility of engaging L&C Engineering on a future plan, Bill Tsiros 2nd, motion carried.
Don MacVane – if they provide the same services, they should be the choice if they are less expensive.
Jim Horgan – we don’t want to show favoritism.
Don MacVane – discussion on fees and having a list of engineering firms available.

Planning Board Workshop Meeting September 16, 2003 (continued)                                  Page 2

Brad Anderson – if an engineer is working for the town, there should be some sort of policy in place – not let the applicant pick their own engineer provided by the town.  Jane Wingate agrees with Brad.  Look out for interests of the town, not the applicant.
Charlie King – doesn’t think it should be the applicant’s choice.  Someone should make the choice – perhaps the CEO Paul Charron, as to who is the best choice.
CEO Paul Charron – I offered L&C as a choice as good as SEA Consulting and as one who could possibly do a better and more timely job because they are not as big a firm.
Bill Tsiros – overall we should be concerned about citizens in town who need engineering services, so we should consider L&C Engineering.  
Jim Horgan – I don’t know that a list is the best way, but have some competition.
Barry Elliott – arrived at 7:30 p. m.

·       Rules of Procedure for the Farmington Planning Board
CEO Paul Charron – this document needs review by the Planning Board, and final approval at a public hearing.  Adopt something regarding fees to let the applicant know what fees will be charged.  
Charlie King made motion to recess 5 minutes at 7:35 p. m., Bill Tsiros 2nd, meeting reconvened at 7:45 p. m.
Jim Horgan – read letter from Mike Garrepy (see attached) regarding Rules of Procedure for the Planning Board.  Mike Garrepy suggested a couple of suggestions for someone to attend the TRC meetings (Clay Mitchell – a private consultant planner, also a lawyer who works with many communities in the state including Newmarket; Ben Frost works for the OSP and also a lawyer well versed in land use planning & law).  Discussion on using Mike Garrepy for Planning Board meetings.  The 2 recommended consultant planners could take notes at TRC and get back to Mike Garrepy.  Discussion on SRPC (Strafford Regional Planning Commission) Sr. planner, Gerald R. Mylroie, AICP – but their fee would be on top of what we already pay for yearly consulting services.  
Don MacVane – meetings are run by “Roberts Rules of Order” and then we could go into these finer details.
Discussion on different versions of Roberts Rules of Order.   Look into obtaining an appropriate edition.
Bill Tsiros – wouldn’t we have to advertise these positions?  We need to look into this.  We do need to follow Roberts Rules of Order.
Barry Elliott – I know the Selectmen need to look at this.  We should have some consistency.  I feel we need one person to do the job, not two part timers.  The selectmen need to take a serious look and work with the Planning Board as to how we choose someone.
Charlie King – discussion on making sure it is consistent with a board member recusing himself.
Don MacVane – the Planning Board has a “Conflict of Interest” regulation.  Discussion on members recused not participating in the meeting – what is allowed and what is not.
Discussion on new members for the subcommittess.  Hiram made a motion for the Chairman to appoint John Scruton to the ZAMPS Subcommittee, and Margaret Russell to the Research Subcommittee, Bill Tsiros 2nd, no discussion, motion carried.  Discussion on each volunteer being voted on individually.  This is the procedure.  CEO Paul Charron - discussion on applicant being very agreeable with the TRC review.  Applicant may go direct to the Planning Board.  
Chairman Horgan – changes in Planning Board Rules of Procedures as follows:
Discussion on page 1 – 4. Change to read - A.  The Chairperson shall serve for one year and be eligible for re-election.  Said Chairman shall preside over meetings and hearings, appoint such committees as voted by the Board and shall affix his signature in the name of the Board.  Subcommittee members shall be appointed by the Chairman through vote of the Planning Board members.  
Discussion on 6. A. 5.  wording and TRC review.
Troy Robidas – applicant has a choice of going to TRC, but will still be placed on the agenda.
Barry Elliott – as long as we’re realistic, we can require the TRC review if it is stated in both places.  The town has spent time and money to put this in place.
CEO Paul Charron – it has to be done through regulations.  This is a place to start.  We must be consistent.
Planning Board Workshop Meeting September 16, 2003 (continued)                                  Page 3

Charlie King – I agree with Barry – it is a good idea but not required of the applicant.  This is a drastic change.  The applicant may spend 65-70% of his engineering budget before he even comes to the Planning Board.  Discussion on applicant doing a preliminary review.
Don MacVane – the TRC has been given the power through the Planning Board to weed out problems before coming to the Planning Board.
CEO Paul Charron – we go through the Subdivision and Site Review Regulations checklist item by item and that review is what you get.  The TRC helps applicant up front with what they want to do.  We’re trying to make sure they comply with regulations as set forth.
Brad Anderson – the TRC is looking at technical stuff.  There’s no environmental, aquifer, abutter concerns, etc. talked about.
Jim Horgan – that’s what the ordinances are for.
Brad Anderson – what about quality of life, etc. Discussion.  Allow applicant to come in without a fully engineered plan.  It shouldn’t be considered a done deal after the TRC, only when it comes to Planning Board for their approval. I’m concerned about abutters concerns, environmental concerns, screening, noise.
Jim Horgan – this is the Planning Board’s responsibility.  Discussion.
Barry Elliott – the planner is an important part of this.  Someone who knows the TRC and Planning Board who will get it all together – the same person for consistency.  If an outlandish plan comes before the TRC, the Planning Board can look at it at an informational meeting.
Motion to recess at 8:30 p. m. by Hiram Watson, 2nd by Bill Tsiros, motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 8:40 p. m.
Chairman Horgan – this is the first of two meetings.  This is not a new concept.  I strongly recommend we vote on the Rules of Procedures for the Farmington Planning Board presented here tonight.
Page 4 – 6. A. 5.  Discussion on making it mandatory by the TRC Committee.   Should it be voluntary or mandatory?  Discussion on completeness of applicant.  Troy Robidas – do we want it to be mandatory or not.
Bill Tsiros – it has to be mandatory.  We will have to change Planning Board Rules of Procedure, Site Review Regulations and Subdivision Regulations.  
Page 4 – 6. A. 5.  Motion by Charlie King, Troy Robidas 2nd,  to change wording as follows~:  
 Applications shall be placed on the agenda by the Planning Secretary only after review and acceptance by the majority vote of the TRC Committee.
Charlie asked for the board to vote individually whether members are for mandatory review by TRC – vote as follows:  Troy Robidas – for; Don MacVane – for; Hiram Watson – abstained; Barry Elliott – for; Charlie King – no; Bill Tsiros – for.  Motion by vote carries.
Page 4 – 6. A. 2.  Motion by Bill Tsiros, Don MacVane 2nd   to change  first 2 sentences to read~as follows & change all necessary documents to reflect this change – motion carries.
Applications for Site Reviews and Subdivisions are subject to review comment and recommendations from the Technical Review Committee (TRC), prior to formal submission to the Planning Board.
Page 3 – 5. 2. c. through o. change order as follows:  Motion to change i. to c.  by Bill Tsiros, Don MacVane 2nd , renumber remaining items – Barry Elliott – disagrees, Bill Tsiros withdrew motion after discussion.
Page 3 5. E. 2. c., d. & e. Motion by Barry Elliott to change c. to d.  The applicant shall be called to present his subdivision or site plan.   e. Those appearing in favor of the plan shall be allowed to speak.  Insert paragraph i. as c., 2nd Bill Tsiros, further discussion.  
Page 3 5. E. 2. c. & i.  Don MacVane made motion to insert paragraph i. as c., Bill 2nd, renumber remaining items, further discussion  
Page 2 – 5. A.  Motion by Don MacVane, 2nd by Hiram Watson to change paragraph to read as             follows, motion carries:

Planning Board Workshop Meeting September 16, 2003 (continued)                                  Page 4

Regular Meetings shall be held at the Municipal Offices Building, 41 South Main St., from 7:00 to 10:00 p. m. on the first and third Tuesdays of each month.  The second meeting shall be designated as a “Work Session.”
Discussion on 5. B.  Charlie – discussion on applicants adding their viewpoint to be included “as a matter of record.”  Have applicant provide written material related to his point.  Bill Tsiros – the Planning Board has a right to do this.  Barry Elliott – at what point?
CEO Paul Charron – will ask planner if this is in accord with what the TRC has recommended.
Brad Anderson – do this before public comment.
Page 3 5. E. 2. Barry Elliott made motion to insert new paragraph before d. to become new d. as follows, Charlie King 2nd:
d. Review and discuss TRC report.
New order of 5. E. 2. c. through q. as follows:
c.      The applicant or designated representative shall be called to present his subdivision or site plan.
d.      Review and discuss Technical Review Committee (TRC) report.
e.      The application will either be accepted or rejected due to the lack of sufficient information as required by the Subdivision/Site Review Regulations.
f.      Those appearing in favor of the plan shall be allowed to speak.
g.      Those appearing in opposition of the plan shall be allowed to speak.
h.      The applicant and those in favor shall be allowed to speak in rebuttal.
i.      Those in opposition to the plan shall be allowed to speak in rebuttal.
j.      The Chairperson shall present a summary setting forth the facts on the plan and claims for each side.  Opportunity shall be given for correction from the floor.
k.      The public input on the plan shall be declared ended.
l.      Members of the Board may ask questions at any point during testimony or during the Public Hearing.
m.      Any member of the Board, through the Chairperson, may request any party to the case to reappear.
n.      Each person who appears shall be required to state his name and address and indicate whether he is a party to the case or an agent or counsel of a party to the case.
o.      Any party to the case who desires to ask a question of another party to the case must do so through the Chairperson.
p.      Any person who desires the Board to request the attendance of a witness shall present his request in writing to the Code Enforcement Office no later than three (3) days prior to the Public Hearing.
q.      Public Hearings will be closed by vote of the Board.
A motion was made by Barry Elliott and 2nd by Bill Tsiros to post the Rules of Procedures for the Farmington Planning Board as amended above for public hearing on October 2, 2003, motion carried.

·       Chairman Horgan through the authority of the Planning Board members appointed John Scruton and Margaret Russell to the Research Subcommittee.  Discussion on 2 members to be appointed for the Research Subcommittee.  Chairman Horgan through the authority of the Planning Board members appointed Christina Purdum and John Wingate to the Research Subcommittee, Hiram 2nd, motion carried.  Christina Purdum works for the State Health & Human Resources Dept.  Bill Tsiros – does not oppose Margaret Russell’s appointment, but felt if an appointed person loses their cool, they should not be on the subcommittee.  He does not hold any grudges but wanted this to be part of the record.
Don MacVane recommended others sit on this subcommittee.

·       Letter from Jane Wingate (attached) as part of the September 15, 2003 minutes record.  Jane read her letter to those present and asked that the July 15th minutes be changed to reflect her requested correction.  Discussion – minutes were approved and cannot be changed, a solution was recommended.  Don MacVane made a motion to attached her letter to the July 15, 2003 Planning Board minutes, Charlie 2nd, motion carried.
Planning Board Workshop Meeting September 16, 2003 (continued)                                  Page 5

·       New ZAMPS Subcommittee members - Brad Anderson recommended 2 new members to be added to the ZAMPS Subcommittee – Bob Talon and Cindy Poulin.  Charlie King made motion to authorize Chairman Horgan to appoint these new members, Hiram 2nd, discussion.  Bill Tsiros suggested new members be investigated a bit.  Check out social, geographical background, etc., motion carried.  Chairman Horgan appointed Bob Talon and Cindy Poulin to the ZAMPS Subcommittee.  Chairman Horgan asked that Fran provide a new updated list of ZAMPS & Research Subcommittee members.

·       2003/2004 Planning Activity – ZAMPS recommendations for Master Plan Public Input Events
Charlie King gave an overview of this report submitted (attached) to the board.  Brad said it is subject to change.  We need to talk with Don MacVane and the Research Subcommittee.  Costs must be approved by the Planning Board.
Charlie King – is the Planning Board comfortable with this way of obtaining input?  Brad - the group thought this way would provide quality input.
Chairman Horgan read Mike Garrepy’s memo of input and ZAMPS letter of recommendation about Mike Garrepy.  Planner is to provide rough drafts of regulations and ordinances if needed.  The ZAMPS Subcommittee is to provide Mike Garrepy with a list of priorities with goals & objectives.  If you don’t have something, ask the planner to provide a working draft.  I would like a copy of the document you provide the planner.  We just want to make sure the planner is where he should be in the scheme of things and the subcommittees also.  You have a Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance, Cluster Regulations, Goals & Objectives to the Master Plan you are working on.
Charlie King – after we furnish priorities to the Planning Board, you make recommendations before going to the planner.  Brad – we want the Planning Board to give input back to the subcommittee.  Discussion on process – bringing priorities to the Planning Board before the planner gets it.  Brad agrees.  We are ready to get on with the process.  ZAMPS will get copies to Fran to make copies for PB members.
Bill Tsiros – discussion on approaching high school students to go person-to-person asking questions and marking answers on questionnaire.  It would generate more interest in the community.  This would involve more actual contact.
Jim Horgan – weather may be an obstacle with the December 4th and January 15th dates.  
Hiram Watson – some letters will go out with tax bills.
Troy – what about creating a web page on the town web site.  
Brad – concerned about people trusting the Master Plan recommended changes. How do you make sure there is integrity of responses?  Mailing was the best we came up with to get all households.  We need a balance.
Charlie King – we need to get the town thinking about this (public TV, Puddledock Press, web site, etc.).  Town Administrator will schedule meetings similar to SWOT meeting will provide input also.  Collate civic groups, businesses, etc.  Discussion.
Charlie King – at the December 4th meeting the ZAMPS Subcommittee will talk about economic development.  Get information beforehand and present to the subcommittee.  Discussion on cable TV being utilized to broadcast meetings to townspeople.
Motion by Barry Elliott, Bill Tsiros 2nd to accept the ZAMPS Planning Activity recommendations Report, motion carried.

·       Earth Removal Permit, Dorothy Bean, Meetinghouse Hill Road (Tax Map R21, Lot 15).  Chairman and board reviewed the CEO Paul Charron’s inspection report of this excavation pit.  About 1,000 yd. Of gravel are removed and it is expected to be active only for about one more year.  Hiram Watson made a motion to approve the Earth Removal Permit as presented, Barry Elliott 2nd, all in favor, motion carried.

·       Earth Removal Permit, Joe Pitre, Watson Corner Road (Tax Map R19,  Lot 22 and Map R19, Lot 23-1).  CEO  –  when Joe Pitre’s earth removal permit came up for renewal,   Fran sent him a renewal notice for
Planning Board Workshop Meeting September 16, 2003 (continued)                                  Page 6

each lot.  He said he only pays for one, not two.  Discussion on how other permits are filed (all other permits are filed individually per lot).  CEO – Mr. Pitre files two Notices of Intent to Excavate.  Discussion.  Recommendation to either do a Voluntary Merger or do two Earth Removal Permits.  Charlie King made a motion to have Joe Pitre do two Earth Removal Permits, Bill Tsiros 2nd, motion carried.

·       Charlie King made a motion to adjourn at 10:30 p. m., Bill Tsiros 2nd, motion carried.


____________________________________                    ___________________________________
Jim Horgan, Chairman                                            Date

41 South Main Street

Members Present:  Jim Horgan, Bill Tsiros, Charlie King, Don MacVane, Hiram Watson, Troy Robidas,
                         (Gary White called in to be absent)
Selectmen’s Rep:    Barry Elliott (arrived at 7:30 p. m.)
Public Present:       Brad Anderson (Conservation Commission, ZAMPS), Jane & John Wingate, Margaret
                         Russell (ZBA)

·       Chairman Horgan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Hiram made a motion to accept the minutes of September 2, 2003 as presented, Charlie King 2nd, Troy Robidas, Don MacVane and Bill Tsiros abstained, motion carried.

·       Private Road Standards
CEO Paul Charron – packages on private road standards were given to board members about a year ago.  They need work, perhaps engineering review (SEA Consulting, Inc. gave a price of $1,200 - $1,500) to come up with road standards.  This seemed quite expensive.  We should involve the Dept. Heads (Clark Hackett, Dale Sprague, Scott Roberge, Ky Goslin), Planner Mike Garrepy, etc.  It might be good to form a subcommittee to do this.
Jim Horgan – opposed to another subcommittee.  Discussion.  Look at road standards geared to existing roads, private roads, main roads, arterial roads, etc.
Don MacVane – collect Zoning Ordinance, and other regulations and ordinances, road standards from other towns that touch Farmington.  Have Mike Garrepy come to meeting as well as police, fire, highway departments.  Have planner review before it comes to the Planning Board.  Glean out standards we obtain and keep those we want.  Discussion.  Don suggested maybe the January 20th workshop meeting to look through the available standards.
Bill Tsiros – what does the Planning Board want?  We need to decide what we want to do.  Have input from Clark Hackett.  Discussion on types of roads.  Gather information for Research Subcommittee for the November 18th workshop meeting as well as Cluster and other ordinances and regulations.  CEO Paul Charron will ask if Dept. Heads are available at the TRC meeting September 18th.
Don MacVane – get ASAP.  Send out a letter.
Bill Tsiros – motion to authorize the Research Subcommittee to gather information on Private Road Standards and other regulations and ordinances, Don 2nd, no other discussion, 3 for 1 opposed, motion carries.
Charlie King – I would be in favor of a subcommittee to do this.  Have available for Planning Board review and planner review and put forth a proposal.
Jim Horgan – that is a little more complicated than it needs to be.  Discussion.  CEO will talk to Clark Hackett and get input from Dept. Heads.
CEO Paul Charron – have L&C Engineering do the next application needing review.  Discussion on SEA Consulting and their projects.  Their bills are high.   Dick Colby who used to work for SEA Consulting now works for L&C Engineering.  Discussion on charges.  You can only tell by having L&C do something for us.  Let SEA Consulting know we are using 2 outside engineering firms.  We have a contract with SEA Consulting but it is not binding or exclusive.
Jane Wingate – asked about references of engineers from L&C Engineering.  CEO Paul Charron explained they only work for municipalities.  CEO can get references in writing.
Charlie King – motion to authorize CEO Paul Charron to see feasibility of engaging L&C Engineering on a future plan, Bill Tsiros 2nd, motion carried.
Don MacVane – if they provide the same services, they should be the choice if they are less expensive.
Jim Horgan – we don’t want to show favoritism.
Don MacVane – discussion on fees and having a list of engineering firms available.

Planning Board Workshop Meeting September 16, 2003 (continued)                                  Page 2

Brad Anderson – if an engineer is working for the town, there should be some sort of policy in place – not let the applicant pick their own engineer provided by the town.  Jane Wingate agrees with Brad.  Look out for interests of the town, not the applicant.
Charlie King – doesn’t think it should be the applicant’s choice.  Someone should make the choice – perhaps the CEO Paul Charron, as to who is the best choice.
CEO Paul Charron – I offered L&C as a choice as good as SEA Consulting and as one who could possibly do a better and more timely job because they are not as big a firm.
Bill Tsiros – overall we should be concerned about citizens in town who need engineering services, so we should consider L&C Engineering.  
Jim Horgan – I don’t know that a list is the best way, but have some competition.
Barry Elliott – arrived at 7:30 p. m.

·       Rules of Procedure for the Farmington Planning Board
CEO Paul Charron – this document needs review by the Planning Board, and final approval at a public hearing.  Adopt something regarding fees to let the applicant know what fees will be charged.  
Charlie King made motion to recess 5 minutes at 7:35 p. m., Bill Tsiros 2nd, meeting reconvened at 7:45 p. m.
Jim Horgan – read letter from Mike Garrepy (see attached) regarding Rules of Procedure for the Planning Board.  Mike Garrepy suggested a couple of suggestions for someone to attend the TRC meetings (Clay Mitchell – a private consultant planner, also a lawyer who works with many communities in the state including Newmarket; Ben Frost works for the OSP and also a lawyer well versed in land use planning & law).  Discussion on using Mike Garrepy for Planning Board meetings.  The 2 recommended consultant planners could take notes at TRC and get back to Mike Garrepy.  Discussion on SRPC (Strafford Regional Planning Commission) Sr. planner, Gerald R. Mylroie, AICP – but their fee would be on top of what we already pay for yearly consulting services.  
Don MacVane – meetings are run by “Roberts Rules of Order” and then we could go into these finer details.
Discussion on different versions of Roberts Rules of Order.   Look into obtaining an appropriate edition.
Bill Tsiros – wouldn’t we have to advertise these positions?  We need to look into this.  We do need to follow Roberts Rules of Order.
Barry Elliott – I know the Selectmen need to look at this.  We should have some consistency.  I feel we need one person to do the job, not two part timers.  The selectmen need to take a serious look and work with the Planning Board as to how we choose someone.
Charlie King – discussion on making sure it is consistent with a board member recusing himself.
Don MacVane – the Planning Board has a “Conflict of Interest” regulation.  Discussion on members recused not participating in the meeting – what is allowed and what is not.
Discussion on new members for the subcommittess.  Hiram made a motion for the Chairman to appoint John Scruton to the ZAMPS Subcommittee, and Margaret Russell to the Research Subcommittee, Bill Tsiros 2nd, no discussion, motion carried.  Discussion on each volunteer being voted on individually.  This is the procedure.  CEO Paul Charron - discussion on applicant being very agreeable with the TRC review.  Applicant may go direct to the Planning Board.  
Chairman Horgan – changes in Planning Board Rules of Procedures as follows:
Discussion on page 1 – 4. Change to read - A.  The Chairperson shall serve for one year and be eligible for re-election.  Said Chairman shall preside over meetings and hearings, appoint such committees as voted by the Board and shall affix his signature in the name of the Board.  Subcommittee members shall be appointed by the Chairman through vote of the Planning Board members.  
Discussion on 6. A. 5.  wording and TRC review.
Troy Robidas – applicant has a choice of going to TRC, but will still be placed on the agenda.
Barry Elliott – as long as we’re realistic, we can require the TRC review if it is stated in both places.  The town has spent time and money to put this in place.
CEO Paul Charron – it has to be done through regulations.  This is a place to start.  We must be consistent.
Planning Board Workshop Meeting September 16, 2003 (continued)                                  Page 3

Charlie King – I agree with Barry – it is a good idea but not required of the applicant.  This is a drastic change.  The applicant may spend 65-70% of his engineering budget before he even comes to the Planning Board.  Discussion on applicant doing a preliminary review.
Don MacVane – the TRC has been given the power through the Planning Board to weed out problems before coming to the Planning Board.
CEO Paul Charron – we go through the Subdivision and Site Review Regulations checklist item by item and that review is what you get.  The TRC helps applicant up front with what they want to do.  We’re trying to make sure they comply with regulations as set forth.
Brad Anderson – the TRC is looking at technical stuff.  There’s no environmental, aquifer, abutter concerns, etc. talked about.
Jim Horgan – that’s what the ordinances are for.
Brad Anderson – what about quality of life, etc. Discussion.  Allow applicant to come in without a fully engineered plan.  It shouldn’t be considered a done deal after the TRC, only when it comes to Planning Board for their approval. I’m concerned about abutters concerns, environmental concerns, screening, noise.
Jim Horgan – this is the Planning Board’s responsibility.  Discussion.
Barry Elliott – the planner is an important part of this.  Someone who knows the TRC and Planning Board who will get it all together – the same person for consistency.  If an outlandish plan comes before the TRC, the Planning Board can look at it at an informational meeting.
Motion to recess at 8:30 p. m. by Hiram Watson, 2nd by Bill Tsiros, motion carried.  Meeting reconvened at 8:40 p. m.
Chairman Horgan – this is the first of two meetings.  This is not a new concept.  I strongly recommend we vote on the Rules of Procedures for the Farmington Planning Board presented here tonight.
Page 4 – 6. A. 5.  Discussion on making it mandatory by the TRC Committee.   Should it be voluntary or mandatory?  Discussion on completeness of applicant.  Troy Robidas – do we want it to be mandatory or not.
Bill Tsiros – it has to be mandatory.  We will have to change Planning Board Rules of Procedure, Site Review Regulations and Subdivision Regulations.  
Page 4 – 6. A. 5.  Motion by Charlie King, Troy Robidas 2nd,  to change wording as follows~:  
 Applications shall be placed on the agenda by the Planning Secretary only after review and acceptance by the majority vote of the TRC Committee.
Charlie asked for the board to vote individually whether members are for mandatory review by TRC – vote as follows:  Troy Robidas – for; Don MacVane – for; Hiram Watson – abstained; Barry Elliott – for; Charlie King – no; Bill Tsiros – for.  Motion by vote carries.
Page 4 – 6. A. 2.  Motion by Bill Tsiros, Don MacVane 2nd   to change  first 2 sentences to read~as follows & change all necessary documents to reflect this change – motion carries.
Applications for Site Reviews and Subdivisions are subject to review comment and recommendations from the Technical Review Committee (TRC), prior to formal submission to the Planning Board.
Page 3 – 5. 2. c. through o. change order as follows:  Motion to change i. to c.  by Bill Tsiros, Don MacVane 2nd , renumber remaining items – Barry Elliott – disagrees, Bill Tsiros withdrew motion after discussion.
Page 3 5. E. 2. c., d. & e. Motion by Barry Elliott to change c. to d.  The applicant shall be called to present his subdivision or site plan.   e. Those appearing in favor of the plan shall be allowed to speak.  Insert paragraph i. as c., 2nd Bill Tsiros, further discussion.  
Page 3 5. E. 2. c. & i.  Don MacVane made motion to insert paragraph i. as c., Bill 2nd, renumber remaining items, further discussion  
Page 2 – 5. A.  Motion by Don MacVane, 2nd by Hiram Watson to change paragraph to read as             follows, motion carries:

Planning Board Workshop Meeting September 16, 2003 (continued)                                  Page 4

Regular Meetings shall be held at the Municipal Offices Building, 41 South Main St., from 7:00 to 10:00 p. m. on the first and third Tuesdays of each month.  The second meeting shall be designated as a “Work Session.”
Discussion on 5. B.  Charlie – discussion on applicants adding their viewpoint to be included “as a matter of record.”  Have applicant provide written material related to his point.  Bill Tsiros – the Planning Board has a right to do this.  Barry Elliott – at what point?
CEO Paul Charron – will ask planner if this is in accord with what the TRC has recommended.
Brad Anderson – do this before public comment.
Page 3 5. E. 2. Barry Elliott made motion to insert new paragraph before d. to become new d. as follows, Charlie King 2nd:
d. Review and discuss TRC report.
New order of 5. E. 2. c. through q. as follows:
r.      The applicant or designated representative shall be called to present his subdivision or site plan.
s.      Review and discuss Technical Review Committee (TRC) report.
t.      The application will either be accepted or rejected due to the lack of sufficient information as required by the Subdivision/Site Review Regulations.
u.      Those appearing in favor of the plan shall be allowed to speak.
v.      Those appearing in opposition of the plan shall be allowed to speak.
w.      The applicant and those in favor shall be allowed to speak in rebuttal.
x.      Those in opposition to the plan shall be allowed to speak in rebuttal.
y.      The Chairperson shall present a summary setting forth the facts on the plan and claims for each side.  Opportunity shall be given for correction from the floor.
z.      The public input on the plan shall be declared ended.
aa.     Members of the Board may ask questions at any point during testimony or during the Public Hearing.
bb.     Any member of the Board, through the Chairperson, may request any party to the case to reappear.
cc.     Each person who appears shall be required to state his name and address and indicate whether he is a party to the case or an agent or counsel of a party to the case.
dd.     Any party to the case who desires to ask a question of another party to the case must do so through the Chairperson.
ee.     Any person who desires the Board to request the attendance of a witness shall present his request in writing to the Code Enforcement Office no later than three (3) days prior to the Public Hearing.
ff.     Public Hearings will be closed by vote of the Board.
A motion was made by Barry Elliott and 2nd by Bill Tsiros to post the Rules of Procedures for the Farmington Planning Board as amended above for public hearing on October 2, 2003, motion carried.

·       Chairman Horgan through the authority of the Planning Board members appointed John Scruton and Margaret Russell to the Research Subcommittee.  Discussion on 2 members to be appointed for the Research Subcommittee.  Chairman Horgan through the authority of the Planning Board members appointed Christina Purdum and John Wingate to the Research Subcommittee, Hiram 2nd, motion carried.  Christina Purdum works for the State Health & Human Resources Dept.  Bill Tsiros – does not oppose Margaret Russell’s appointment, but felt if an appointed person loses their cool, they should not be on the subcommittee.  He does not hold any grudges but wanted this to be part of the record.
Don MacVane recommended others sit on this subcommittee.

·       Letter from Jane Wingate (attached) as part of the September 15, 2003 minutes record.  Jane read her letter to those present and asked that the July 15th minutes be changed to reflect her requested correction.  Discussion – minutes were approved and cannot be changed, a solution was recommended.  Don MacVane made a motion to attached her letter to the July 15, 2003 Planning Board minutes, Charlie 2nd, motion carried.
Planning Board Workshop Meeting September 16, 2003 (continued)                                  Page 5

·       New ZAMPS Subcommittee members - Brad Anderson recommended 2 new members to be added to the ZAMPS Subcommittee – Bob Talon and Cindy Poulin.  Charlie King made motion to authorize Chairman Horgan to appoint these new members, Hiram 2nd, discussion.  Bill Tsiros suggested new members be investigated a bit.  Check out social, geographical background, etc., motion carried.  Chairman Horgan appointed Bob Talon and Cindy Poulin to the ZAMPS Subcommittee.  Chairman Horgan asked that Fran provide a new updated list of ZAMPS & Research Subcommittee members.

·       2003/2004 Planning Activity – ZAMPS recommendations for Master Plan Public Input Events
Charlie King gave an overview of this report submitted (attached) to the board.  Brad said it is subject to change.  We need to talk with Don MacVane and the Research Subcommittee.  Costs must be approved by the Planning Board.
Charlie King – is the Planning Board comfortable with this way of obtaining input?  Brad - the group thought this way would provide quality input.
Chairman Horgan read Mike Garrepy’s memo of input and ZAMPS letter of recommendation about Mike Garrepy.  Planner is to provide rough drafts of regulations and ordinances if needed.  The ZAMPS Subcommittee is to provide Mike Garrepy with a list of priorities with goals & objectives.  If you don’t have something, ask the planner to provide a working draft.  I would like a copy of the document you provide the planner.  We just want to make sure the planner is where he should be in the scheme of things and the subcommittees also.  You have a Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance, Cluster Regulations, Goals & Objectives to the Master Plan you are working on.
Charlie King – after we furnish priorities to the Planning Board, you make recommendations before going to the planner.  Brad – we want the Planning Board to give input back to the subcommittee.  Discussion on process – bringing priorities to the Planning Board before the planner gets it.  Brad agrees.  We are ready to get on with the process.  ZAMPS will get copies to Fran to make copies for PB members.
Bill Tsiros – discussion on approaching high school students to go person-to-person asking questions and marking answers on questionnaire.  It would generate more interest in the community.  This would involve more actual contact.
Jim Horgan – weather may be an obstacle with the December 4th and January 15th dates.  
Hiram Watson – some letters will go out with tax bills.
Troy – what about creating a web page on the town web site.  
Brad – concerned about people trusting the Master Plan recommended changes. How do you make sure there is integrity of responses?  Mailing was the best we came up with to get all households.  We need a balance.
Charlie King – we need to get the town thinking about this (public TV, Puddledock Press, web site, etc.).  Town Administrator will schedule meetings similar to SWOT meeting will provide input also.  Collate civic groups, businesses, etc.  Discussion.
Charlie King – at the December 4th meeting the ZAMPS Subcommittee will talk about economic development.  Get information beforehand and present to the subcommittee.  Discussion on cable TV being utilized to broadcast meetings to townspeople.
Motion by Barry Elliott, Bill Tsiros 2nd to accept the ZAMPS Planning Activity recommendations Report, motion carried.

·       Earth Removal Permit, Dorothy Bean, Meetinghouse Hill Road (Tax Map R21, Lot 15).  Chairman and board reviewed the CEO Paul Charron’s inspection report of this excavation pit.  About 1,000 yd. Of gravel are removed and it is expected to be active only for about one more year.  Hiram Watson made a motion to approve the Earth Removal Permit as presented, Barry Elliott 2nd, all in favor, motion carried.

·       Earth Removal Permit, Joe Pitre, Watson Corner Road (Tax Map R19,  Lot 22 and Map R19, Lot 23-1).  CEO  –  when Joe Pitre’s earth removal permit came up for renewal,   Fran sent him a renewal notice for
Planning Board Workshop Meeting September 16, 2003 (continued)                                  Page 6

each lot.  He said he only pays for one, not two.  Discussion on how other permits are filed (all other permits are filed individually per lot).  CEO – Mr. Pitre files two Notices of Intent to Excavate.  Discussion.  Recommendation to either do a Voluntary Merger or do two Earth Removal Permits.  Charlie King made a motion to have Joe Pitre do two Earth Removal Permits, Bill Tsiros 2nd, motion carried.

·       Charlie King made a motion to adjourn at 10:30 p. m., Bill Tsiros 2nd, motion carried.


____________________________________                    ___________________________________
Jim Horgan, Chairman                                            Date