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Planning Board Meeting Minutes 07/01/03
41 South Main Street

Members Present:  Jim Horgan, Hiram Watson, Charlie King, Troy Robidas, Gary White, Bill Tsiros,
                         Don MacVane
Selectmen's Rep:    Barry Elliott, Matt Scruton (Alternate)
Public Present:       Mike Garrepy (Planner), Dave DeJager, Peter Landry, Suzanne Pretty Hamel, Ray Hamel,
                         John Huckins, John McKenna, Jane & John Wingate, David Mott, Jennifer Akell, Peter
                         Rizzo, Jeanette & Mike McCabe, Brian & Tyler Syx, Dorene Maurice, John & Elizabeth

·       Chairman Horgan brought the meeting to order at 7:00 p. m.  Don MacVane is seated for Troy to enable him to take the minutes in Fran's absence while on vacation. Hiram Watson made a motion to accept the minutes of June 17, 2003, Bill Tsiros 2nd, all in favor, motion carried.

·       Hiram Watson asked the Planning Board to come up with a plan to address how to proceed with the "Limited Growth Ordinance" so that the PB can do a good job on this ordinance.  Discussion and the time frame needed to complete the ordinance and present to the public.  All items should be listed and prioritized.  Discussion of suggestion to have ZAMPS Subcommittee and Selectmen meet together.

·       Building Permit Applications for Private Roads - CEO Paul Charron stated no new applications were presented.  Paul Charron stated legal notice for building permits on private roads & the growth ordinance will be advertised in the newspaper for public hearing at the next meeting.  Hiram Watson made a motion to recess for 10 minutes, Gary White 2nd, all in favor, motion carried.

Public Hearing 7:30 p.m.

·       Site Plan Review Application by Barry & Angela Elliott, Elm St. (Tax Map U6, Lots 68 & 68-1), expansion of car wash - wash bays & new office.  Selectmen's Alternate Rep. Matt Scruton replaced Barry Elliott for this review and Barry is off the board.  Hiram Watson made a motion to accept the application as complete, Don MacVane 2nd, all in favor, motion carried.  
Dave Mott of Crown Point Surveying presented the plan for this project to board members.  He described the current conditions of the project including traffic flow in & out of the car wash & the apartment building.  Discussion of new proposal to enclose the existing bay and add 1 additional car wash bay.  It is planned to re-route traffic to allow better flow through the washing area.  He will also be adding additional parking for apartments from 13 to 17 spaces to include handicap access.  He is also adding 1 additional vacuum.  New evergreen plantings are proposed to enhance the view from around the back & easterly side of the project.  Charlie King questioned adding more paving to the lot.
Gary White asked about easement for access from abutter.  Barry Elliott presented a letter from abutter David DeJager agreeing to allow the easement.
Planner Mike Garrepy outlined his written review of the plan (attached).
Dave Mott responded to utility arrangements, i.e. water, sewer, power lines shown on the plan.  The driveway permit from D.O.T. is secured.  
Don MacVane questioned size of catch basins on site.  
Charlie King asked to have drainage analysis provided to the board.
Bill Tsiros also asked about placement of catch basins.
Don MacVane made a motion to accept the plan as presented with the town engineer to review the plan and make comment as to locations of water runoff being acceptable & project engineer to delineate gravel & asphalt on the plan, Bill Tsiros 2nd with an amendment that upon delivery of stamped calculations & paved area to waive town engineer review, Don MacVane 2nd.  Discussion.  
Planning Board Meeting July 1, 2003 (continued)                                                         Page 2

Vote on motion - Don MacVane  & Bill Tsiros (yes), Charlie King, Matt Scruton, Hiram Watson & Gary White opposed - motion fails.
Hiram Watson made a motion to table this hearing until the next meeting July 15, 2003 to review the items on Planner, Mike Garrepy's list to be corrected are reviewed (water, sewer, drainage requirements), Charlie King 2nd, discussion.  Charlie King amended this motion to exclude town engineer review pending next PB meeting review of drainage report, Matt Scruton 2nd, all in favor except Don MacVane who voted no.  

·       Subdivision Review Application by Peter Rizzo (Rizzo Enterprises), Tax Map R61, Lot 5, Phase III Cherub Estates owned by Brown's Mill, Inc., 9-lot subdivision.  Peter Landry of Landry Surveying presented the plan to the board.  This is Phase III of Cherub Estates consisting of approximately 23 acres.  Wetlands are shown in color on the plan and all lots contain at least 40,000 sq. ft. of contiguous upland soils (also 20' access to back lot on plan).  Waivers are requested to the regulation of having 100' tangents between reverse curves.  Wetland road crossings are also depicted.  Drainage calculations are submitted to show water runoff is directed into existing wetlands.
CEO Paul Charron - SEA estimate for engineering review of the project was $1,000.00.  The onsite inspector of the project suggested engineering evaluation of Phase I & II again to go along with Phase III.
Planner Mike Garrepy reviewed his written comments on the plan to the PB.
Abutter John McKenna - question if owner will try to get the town to accept the road.
Abutter John Theriault - spoke on problem with builder not fulfilling his obligation to fix problems with his home.  Other abutters also concurred with this issue and included speeding of construction vehicles in the project.  Other traffic safety items were discussed (stop signs, speed limit signs).  The total number of homes in all 3 phases were discussed.  It was stated that there will 29 - 30 homes.
Don MacVane - comment on PB being unable to solve problems with the builder not completing homes.
Bill Tsiros - questioned 20' access to back lot.  Was this already given to the town as a concession for open space for prior approval of lot 1 or 2?  Also, SEA review should be done for this project.
Charlie questioned 20' access road placement.  Could it be moved to minimize wetland crossing?
Hiram Watson - concerned with abutters problems on homes in Phase I & II.
Don MacVane - asked about house sizes and swales to treat road runoff before water gets to wetland area.
Barry Elliott - wants to see prior project documents on utilities and bonding to see if they have been followed per approval.
Bill Tsiros - asked about time frame to complete project?
Chairman Horgan - gave recap to engineer about items that were discussed that would need further review.  Engineer asked about getting a waiver on road configuration.
Mike Garrepy - cautioned that if the plan is not accepted as complete tonight, then it may be affected by the "Interim Growth Management" proposal that may go into effect, thereby postponing this project up to one year.
Bill Tsiros made a motion to accept the application as complete per the checklist, Don MacVane 2nd, Chairman Horgan abstained, all in favor, motion carried.  
Don MacVane made a motion to continue to August 5, 2003 to resolve issues/problems/concerns from this meeting, Barry Elliott 2nd, discussion, all in favor, motion carried.

·       With no further business to discuss, Bill Tsiros made a motion to adjourn at 10:45 p.m., Gary White 2nd, all in favor, motion carried.  Minutes recorded by Troy Robidas, PB Secretary.

Planning Board Meeting July 1, 2003 (continued)                                                         Page 3


_________________________________                               ___________________________________
Jim Horgan, Chairman                                            Date
Planning Board
Town of Farmington