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Economic Development Minutes -6-14-07
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Meeting Minutes

Members Present:  Chairman Paula Proulx, Ron Nolan, Sharla Rollins and Cyndi Paulin

Public Present:  Julie LaBranche, Strafford Regional Planning Commission

Chairman Paula Proulx commenced the meeting at 7:04am.

Julie LaBranch, the Town's Contract Planner from Strafford Regional Planning Commission, informed the committee that she reviewed all the materials that were given to her but would like to here what this board is looking for from her.  Cyndi and Sharla responded that the committee would like to put together a long term vision of what the Sarah Greenfield Park is going to look like as well as the adjacent lot that has frontage on Route 11.  It is difficult to promote the sale of property when there is no sure direction, potential buyers would want to know exactly what they are going to be part of and what they might be potentially agreeing to.  They also stated that this committee needs a professional opinion on what is the best way to connect to the larger parcel that has frontage on Rte. 153; should a road go in by the daycare?  Sharla stated that a plan needs to be created on how to quantify the materials of "great value" behind the Sarah Greenfield Park, how to manage those materials and how long it might take to potentially use the materials up.  Cyndi added that the committee would like to set a precendence as to what type of development would go in on Rte. 11 as well.  And lastly Sharla stated she believes the covenants need to be reviewed.  Julie questioned why the covenants were not followed.  Cyndi responded that the first lot bypassed the covenants and it continued from there.

Julie LaBranche responded that she is not an Economic Development Planner but can certainly help with the road easements, covenants and such.  She suggested that what the Town needs is a Phase Plan to develop the land.

Paula asked what size road or right-of-way would be needed in the park to get to the back lot.  Julie responded a 50 foot wide road would be needed with no setbacks, just buffers, but she will investigate this a little further.

Julie stated that she drove through the Park this morning and it did not feel like a business park at all; the buildings were not numbered; there was no defined entrances for the each business; landscaping was not complete; and a lot of dust and debris.  She went on to explain that the park is in the IB (Industrial Business) and SR (Suburban Residential) zone so this may need some looking into.  Also she stated that the park is in the aquifer protection area and there is an ordinance that calls for no more than 10% of impervious surface.

Sharla asked if the contaminated well will be reopened and need to be taken into consideration and Julie responded that according to Dale Sprague it will not reopen.

Sharla asked if there are any proposed zoning changes within the Master Plan and Cyndi responded that the Master Plan suggests looking at the zoning but not neccessarily changing them.  Sharla stated that the Rte. 11 corridor is all in the Industrial Business zone and probably needs to be rethought because the future is not in big industry but in small businesses, healthcare, financial and more.

Cyndi asked if mining is allowed in the SR and Julie responded that it would require review from the Planning Board.

Julie stated that she will create a site map for the Sarah Greenfield Park and the adjacent town owned properties that shows what is on each lot, what they do there, buffers, land-use restrictions, zoning areas and more.  It would also be helpful to get a post development topography from Dale and/or NHDES to show a plan of how far someone should be mining to keep withing the limits of the aquifer protection area.  Cyndi added that maybe landowners within the aquifer protection area should be notified of the restrictions as well.  Julie added that she will forward charts and graphs that her office has in regards to growth to the committee.

The committee thanked Julie for her professional input and assistance.

Ron Nolan quickly passed out a suggestion for a positive image campaign he has in mind to the committee.  Due to the time, they will look at the idea in more detail at the next meeting.

Paula Proulx motioned to adjourn, Cyndi Paulin seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 9:15am.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary