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Economic Development Minutes 08-08-07
Town of Farmington
Economic Development Committee
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Chairman Paula Proulx, Barry Elliot and Cyndi Paulin.

Members Excused:  Sharla Rollins and Ron Nolan.

Members Absent:  Hiram Watson

Downtown Committee Members Present:  JoAnn Doke and John Fitch.

Chairman Paula Proulx commenced the meeting 7:04am.

Hay Day Photo Contest:  Cyndi explained the Photo Contest idea to the Downtown Committee and asked if they would be interested in hosting it with this committee.  Everyone agreed it was a great way to promote Farmington in a positive way.  Cyndi also informed the committees that she received a quote for $183.00 plus S/H for 500 bumper stickers that read "We Love Farmington."   Paula explained that she is still waiting for a return phone call from Gerry McCarthy to say if this committee can expend the money.

It was discussed that maybe realistically it is to close to Hay Day to run the Photo Contest successfully.  Barry suggested maybe running the contest seasonally with other events, for example during the Christmas Lighting and then again next year during Hay Day.  The committee agreed to hold off on the Photo Contest for Hay Day and work on it for another time.  JoAnn added that the contest could probably be held in conjunction with the Theatre Group and the photos could be printed in the Puddledock over a series of publications.  

Other:  Barry stated that he believes this committee needs to focus on attracting new businesses to Farmington and maintaining the ones we already have.  He explained that at one time the town had an EDC Director but when that particular person did not work out the Town eliminated the position instead of refilling it.  Barry added that the Town, with this committee's help needs to be better prepared to talk with interested commercial and industrial entities who are interested in Farmington.  Cyndi asked if Barry thinks this committee should start pushing for a community development director and work on getting some of the zoning areas revamped.  Barry said a good starting place might be to have a joint meeting with the Selectmen, Planning Office/Board and this committee to set an economic development plan for the future of Farmington.  Cyndi suggested having such a meeting facilitated by an outside source like Charlie French from UNH.

The committee edited the Marketing Plan and will have the Town Secretary create a new packet with all the edits.

Cyndi Paulin motioned to adjourn, 2nd Barry Elliot.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00am.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary