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Economic Development Minutes 03-08-06
MARCH 8, 2006

Present: Chairman Paula Proulx, William Hussey, Cyndi Paulin, Sharla Rollins, Paul Weston, Dale Sprague, Joel Moulton.

1. The minutes of November 9, 2005 were reviewed and approved as written.

There was discussion of membership and attendance. It was decided that because of the continued absence of two particular members, it was determined that the numbers present represented a quorum.

2. Update of Finances and Budget: Paula asked if the money from last years budget had been encumbered. Paul Weston later reported that the money had not been encumbered and it had been an oversight. There is $10,000.00 in the budget, $2,000.00 of which goes to the Downtown Committee, leaving $8,000.00. At years end, there was $7,240,00.00 in the Sarah Greenfield account. Coast Bus is asking for $75,00.00.

3. Update on grading plan at the Sarah Greenfield Business Park: Paul Weston was pleased to report that Berry Surveying has submitted the grading plan. Joel Moulton outlined a grading plan that involved less work than originally proposed to stabilize the slopes and the Town could do the job. They would rent a bulldozer for about $8,000 and an excavator for about $2,000. The slopes would be cut to a 3-1 contour. Dale will get a quote for the cost of grass seed (a desert mix) to stabilize the slopes.  The slope near the daycare needs to be stabilized as well. Joel explained that the Town in various capacities could use the material taken during grading. The value of the material removed, approximately 10,000 yards, is approximately valued at $3.00 per yard. The value of the gravel in the back lots is worth millions.  Dale stated that there are several options for access to the valuable materials and he and Joel will take a look at that to determine the best option. An easement may have to be established once the lots are sold and developed. The parcels are already subdivided but there can be some flexibility. There are no marking pins at the lots now. Joel stated that they could begin the grading first of April. The grass seed should be planted within the first two weeks of May.

Paul Weston summarized the information needed for a proposal to be presented to the Board of Selectmen:

Cost of rental equipment for grading
Cost of grass seed
Seeding near childcare center
Value of gravel
Set marking pins after grading
Review and revise the current Sarah Greenfield Park covenants

4. Marketing Plan for the Sarah Greenfield Park:  Sharla suggested that a sign was needed at the parks entrance advertising the sale of lots. Also, a permanent sign should be placed at the entrance (one that matches the Municipal Building sign). Cyndi suggested that a Marketing Package should be available for interested parties. Paul Esswein offered to put one together, which will include a diagram of the lots, pricing, info on utilities and the covenants. Paul Esswein also suggested coming up with a criteria for the type of businesses allowed to operate in the park. Considerations for criteria include the appearance of the business (storage of equipment /vehicles outside, etc.), smells, noise, traffic and compatibility with surrounding businesses.   

5. Spring Landscaping of Sarah Greenfield Park:  Cyndi suggested that the Board of Selectmen determine a goal for the direction of landscaping at the park.  Do they want irrigation? The entrance to the park is a reflection on Farmington and the community. The Committee can revisit Cameron’s landscaping proposal next month and perhaps consider a scaled down version of the plan.

6. Possible Role of the EDC in the implementation of Chapter 5 of the Master Plan: Cyndi suggested that they also review chapter 4 as it relates to chapter 5. A copy of chapter 4 will be mailed to the members as well as chapter 5 to the members not present at the meeting with a friendly note encouraging members to read them.

OLD BUSINESS: Bill Hussey requested a conversation on the development of a Farmington Business Association and suggested this issue be addressed at a future meeting. Also discussed was the revitalization of the Downtown Committee. Bill also inquired on his re-appointment to the commission and Paul Weston stated that after Town Meeting, an organizational meeting will be held by the Board of Selectmen on Board memberships.

Next meeting will be April 12. The Agenda will be set as follows:

1.      Revisit the covenants of the Sarah Greenfield Park.
2.      Review marketing package
3.      Sign samples
4.      Pricing of lots
5.      Goals of the Board of Selectmen for landscaping
6.      Look at chapters 4 and 5 of the Master Plan
7.      Progress with re-grading project

The meeting convened at 9:00am