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Economic Development Minutes 7-9-08
Wednesday - July 9, 2008
356 Main Street, Farmington

Members Present:        Sharla Rollins, Sylvia Arcouette, Cindy Snowdon and Barry Elliot (arrived at 8:06am)

Selectman's Rep:        Paula Proulx

Staff Present:          Director of Planning and Community Development, Dan Merhalski

Chairman Paula Proulx called the meeting to order at 7:16am.

1.  Review Minutes:
Sylvia Arcouette motioned to accept the minutes of 6-11-08 as amended to reflect a spelling correction in the last sentence, 2nd Cindy Snowdon.  Motion carried with Sharla Rollins abstaining.

2.  Discussion of Meeting Time:
Paula informed the committee that the Selectmen asked the committee to review their meeting time and all members were in consensus that 7am was a good time for them.  They also discussed that they need to post for new members and if and when they get new members they would be agreeable to look at changing the time to meet the needs of others.

3.  Chapter 5 of the Master Plan Review:
A.  Sylvia asked if the planning board has started to rezone Rte. 11 and Dan replied yes they have begun this process.

B.  Sylvia asked if the repinning of the Sarah Greenfield Business Park (SGBP) in being done and Dan explained that it is being surveyed now and that the planning board will probably approve the lot line adjustment in September and then it will be recorded at the Registry of Deeds.

C.  Dan said that Joel Moulton is working on completing the grading plan for the SGBP and should have it completed in about 60 days after the lots have been surveyed.

D.  Paula stated that Chapter 5 gives the EDC some strategies and suggestions to consider along with the Implementation Chapter.  Paula added that the suggested marketing goal to promote economic growth in town has been worked on through the marketing packet the Selectmen approved.  Sharla stated that maybe a marketing icon should be added to the town's website and that maybe the town should participate in different expos.  Cindy commented that the town really needs to promote the businesses that are presently in town so that they stay in business.  Paula added that the consultants for the Master Plan noted that the Main Street area is an asset to the town.
        The committee discussed that parking is definately an issue downtown and noted that business workers should be strongly encouraged to utilize the village municipal parking.  It was also discussed to enforce two hour parking limits downtown and maybe identify certain lots in the municipal lots to certain businesses.  It was suggested to send a letter to business owners suggesting they utilize the municipal parking.  Dan suggested moving the fire department signs to the right of the entrance and making the municipal parking sign more visable.  
        Dan also suggested generating population downtown through sidewalk sales, beautification programs like benches, bike racks and greenery, theatres and plays and such to promote people to walk downtown.  The committee discussed the DeJulio site for a possible sitting park with benches.  Cindy also suggested the town consider purchasing the green building by the fire station to market as a professional building like a medical office, dentist, etc.  Dan will create a one page survey to gather the opinions of the downtown merchants and Barry suggested having the fire department personally deliver the surveys and pick them up. Barry then commented that he thinks the original contract with COAST included advertising on the buses.  He also stated that a UNH student of Jack Metty's created a comprehensive downtown plan and he will see if he can locate a copy.
        A discussion was held on the current status of the website and Dan agreed to evaluate the current town website and make recommendations for changes.
Sylvia Arcouette motioned to adjourn, Barry Elliot seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:47am.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary