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Economic Development MiInutes 11-08-08
Farmington Economic Development Committee Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2008

Committee members present: Sylvia Arcouette, Cindy Snowdon, Paula Proulx, Barry Elliott

Staff present: Daniel Merhalski

Also present: WEDCO Representative Denise Roy-Palmer, Executive Director

WEDCO: Have done several projects in Farmington. Diane Thayer is the current representative in Farmington. They are looking for another Farmington representative. The annual meeting is in January and there is one board meeting a month, usually the 1st Tuesday at 8:15AM. They typically meet in Wolfboro. There are 12 board members currently with a maximum allowed of 13. Members can be a resident or business owner.

Small Businesses Development Center: Helps businesses get established. WEDCO has a template for businesses to get started, expand, and business plan creation, ect. WEDCO has a website with a page that lists all workshops. Denise may have a CD in Wolfboro with information that EDC may be able to play for residents on the community TV. There is money available to lend to businesses if needed. There are two types of loan funds: Revolving Loan Fund and Intermediate Re-lending Program. Denise or the WEDCO website could be the contact point.

Questions asked: What could businesses do now to keep up during economic crisis? Denise suggested “keep it local” theme. Discussion ensued around how to kick off this project.

Review of Minutes of October 8, 2008. Barry Elliott motioned to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Silvia Arcouette. All in favor.

Review of survey: 17 out of 44 surveys are out. Sampling 40% went over survey results. The survey results are attached. The committee discussed the results/policy projects possibilities. Identify issues from EDC to Selectmen and possible corrections.

Barry Elliott was excused at 8:45AM.

Review Minutes
Draft memo addressed in Downtown Survey and how we can address them.
Budget request for next year.

Motion to Adjourn by Silvia seconded by Cindy. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:00AM.