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Conservation Commission Minutes 09/17/2014
Town of Farmington
Conservation Commission- Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Selectmen’s Chambers
356 Main Street


Members Present:
Dave Connolly-chairman
Richard Ballou
Matt Scruton-BOS rep.
Randy Orvis
Glen Demers
Laura Bogardus
Rose Muise

Members Absent:
Tyler Smith-student rep.

1.Call to order- Chairman Connolly called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

2.Pledge of Allegiance

3.Public Comment-None

4.Welcome New Member/Guest:
Chairman Connolly welcomed new member Rose Muise to the commission.

5.Kathryn Moore/Copper Cannon:
Student Kathryn Moore came to the commission to thank them for sponsoring her as a camper at Copper Cannon.She described how she experienced many different aspects of the outdoors and learned to respect different life styles.As an example,she said she learned not break branches off of trees as this can cause great harm to the trees and noted that even though it can't talk,it is still alive.Moore displayed photos and several creative items that she made from natural materials.She also agreed to join commission members at their Hay Day booth on Aug.23.

6.Norway Plains/Logistic for E.Dorr:
Randy Tetreault of Norway Plains Associates,Inc. approached the commission to request an approval for a Special Use permit for work to be conducted on Ten Rod Road. Tetreault explained that although he had already obtained conditional approval from the Cons Com, the Planning Board and the Town Planner were concerned that the application was not properly publicly noticed because it was described as a wetlands area but did not include a waterfront designation as there is also a brook on the property. Motion(Orvis,second Bogardus)to recommend approval of the application for a Special Use permit passed 7-0.

7.Nobis Engineering/PSNH:
Motion(Connolly,second Scruton)to table the item as no representative was in attendance passed 7-0.

8.SRC/Southeast Land Trust(SELTNH):
Sam Reid,President of Strafford Rivers Conservancy and Duane Hyde,Land Protection Director at Southeast Land Trust, presented a brochure explaining the merger of the two organizations which is expected to be completed this fall.Reid said the two charitable organizations have many of the same goals and are merging to become more effective at conserving land and resources in an area comprising two counties in NH and to become more efficient in their use of office space and administrative staff.Hyde said the merged organization will operate out of the existing Southeast Land Trust office in Exeter for now,but may move to a more centralized location at some point in the future.He added the new organization plans to hire more professional staff to cover Strafford County and will be holding informational sessions throughout the area to learn what are the conservation priorities for each town or city.

9.Revisit Item 7:
Motion(Connolly,second Orvis)to untable Nobis Engineering/PSNH passed 7-0.
A) Alden Beauchemin,Wetland Scientist at Nobis Engineering came before the commission to discuss approval for PSNH 3174 Phase II Project which involves the removal and replacement of existing utility poles and overhead lines in their right-of-way utility corridor between Chestnut Hill Road and Spring Street. Beauchemin said he was informed the by the Planning Board and the Building Inspector that proposed repairs require a Special Use permit and that the first application may have been improperly publicly noticed necessitating a return to the commission.Member Orvis said he was appalled that Beauchemin was made to re-apply as the requested work is a permitted use under town ordinances and that planners may be misinterpreting the ordinance.He suggested the commission send a letter to the Planning Board bringing the matter to their attention. After some discussion, members determined it would be better to make their feelings known by discussing the issue with planners. Motion(Demers,second Ballou)to authorize Chairman Connolly to write a memo recommending approval of the Special Use application passed 7-0.
B) Beauchemin also presented a Special Use application for PSNH 386 Line Fiber Optic Project which consists of the installation of a new fiber optic line on existing utility poles within the existing right-of-way utility corridor between the Milton town line and Chestnut Hill Road.Member Orvis said this project is also an allowed use that does not need a Special Use permit as the ordinance allows additions to existing facilities.Selectmen's Rep.Scruton said the Planning Board is "erring on the side of caution"so there would be no legal challenges to the project.Motion(Bogardus,second Demers)to authorize Chairman Connolly to write a letter recommending approval of the application for a Special Use permit for the project passed 7-0.

10.BH Keith/Management Plan Town Forest-Barry Keith of BH Keith Associates came before the commission to discuss the Town Forest Management Plan.He presented a list of the purposes and limitations based on the deed descriptions for the five lots that make up the town forest.A summary of the purposes and limitations were then used as a starting point for setting goals and objectives for the plan.Keith said the perimeter survey,aerial photos and preliminary site walk have been completed and the field crew is expected to complete an inventory of natural resources soon.Discussion included targeting items they may be eligible for funding and possible funding sources,curtailing vandalism and graffiti and promoting educational opportunities for students and families.Keith said the next steps include a project coordination meeting,review of existing information and report creation.Keith said he plans to return to the commission in three months to provide an update on the progress of the plan.

11.Old Business:
A)Hay Day-Chairman Connolly reported Taylor Rental will be providing tables,chairs and canopies for the commission's booth at the Hay Day celebration on August 23.Guests include Representatives from Moose Mountain Greenways,UNH Co-op students and camper Kathryn Moore.Furs,skulls,bugs and maps will be among the displays.
B)Gate Estimates-Following no response to an RFP for the construction and installation of a gate on the French property,Chairman Connolly contacted several area businesses to obtain quotes for the project.The only response quoted a price of $929.66 for construction of a 10 foot fence,but did not include installation.Selectmen's Rep. Scruton suggested the chairman contact Tractor Supply which has gates of various sizes at significantly cheaper prices than the quote received.
C)Trail Grooming Estimates-No responses received.
D)Invasive Plant Report-Chairman Connolly reported approximately 30 people attended the Invasive Plant Form held by Moose Mountain Greenways.The forum lasted about 2 1/2 hours and was very informative.
E)French Map-Resident Rod Thompson presented examples of color aerial photos of the French property of various sizes which could be used as maps for brochures,handouts and at the informational kiosks on the property.Thompson said he printed the latest photos of the area available from Google Imagery and offered to provide the commission with a PDF file containing 16 styles of maps for their consideration. Members discussed placing the phrase "You are here" on each map at the entrance and points along the trail and including an address on the brochures to encourage donations.Thompson agreed to provide 250 copies of the small map to be used as a handout at Hay Day.
F)Any other old business-none

12.New Business:
A)2015 Moose Plate Grant-Selectmen approved application for the grant.Deadline to apply is September 26.The purpose will be to write the forest management plan.
B)Any other new business-none

13.Review Minutes:
June 2014-Motion(Ballou,second Bogardus)to accept as written passed 6-1(Muise abstained).
July 9,2014- Under Old business,French trail survey,amend the number of feet staked out from 3800 to 5306. Motion(Demers,second Orvis)to accept as amended passed 5-2(Muise,Ballou abstained).

14.Other Business:
A)Norway Plains invoice-Invoice for $328 was received.Plans will be recorded.
B)Huppe Invoice-Approved expenditure of $1,600 and bill has been received.
C)DES 2014-01794-Received notification of proposed forestry work at 47 Aiken Road.
D)September meeting date change request-Motion(Connolly,second Orvis)to change the next meeting date from Sept.10 to Sept.17 passed 7-0.
E)Any other business-none

Motion(Scruton,second Demers)to adjourn passed 7-0 at 8:05 p.m.

Respectively submitted,
Kathleen Magoon
Recording Secretary

