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Conservation Commission Minutes 02/10/2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH
Committee Members Present:Dave Connolly, Jim Horgan, Kristie Holtz, Randy Orvis and  Jill Tozier.
Selectmen’s Representative:Gerry McCarthy
Town Staff Present:Director of Planning and Community Development Kathy Menici
Public Present:Paul Parker, Mike Morin and Penny Morin
At 6:00pm, Chairman Dave Connolly opened the meeting.
  • Energy Resources Group, Inc. Discussion:
Noting a representative from Energy Resources Group was not available; Jim Horgan motioned to move this agenda item to the end of the meeting, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion carried.

  • Old Business:
  • Dave reminded the Commission that a letter was received last month from NHDES in regards to them needing a copy of the French Property Management Plan.  He called them and informed them that the Town does have a management plan for the property and that they should already have a copy; they will be looking in their office for their copy.  Also they are going to give us the four wheel access signs they mentioned in their letter.
  • Dave informed the Commission that the camera was installed on conservation property and working properly.
  • Dave Connolly motioned to table the January minutes until the next meeting, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried with all in favor.
  • Jim asked Dave if he had talked with Herb Russell about the safety zone signs he requested from the state.  Dave said no, he has not spoken to Mr. Russell nor has he received any signs.
  • French and Rauncey Property Surveying RFPs:
Randy recused himself from this discussion.  The Commission received many RFPs for the surveying; the summary of the names of the companies that submitted RFPs and the total cost for post parcels is included below.
        Berry Surveying and Engineering         $12,295
        Eric C. Mitchell & Associates           $9,500
        MSC Civil Engineers                             $14,372
        Norway Plains                                   $11,000
        Ambit Engineering                               $12,850
        David Vincent: Land Surveying Services  $9,440          
        James O’Neil                                    $8,950
        Landry Surveying                                $8,550
        McEneaney Survey Associates             $9,000
        TriTech                                 $8,980
        Geometres Blue Hills                            $4,890
        Richard Bartlett and Associates         $11,950

Gerry asked if all the RFPs satisfy the requirements of the proposal.  Dave replied yes, some just provided a little more.  The Commission compared the five low bidders for services provided and scope of work.   Gerry McCarthy motioned to accept the proposal for surveying by Geometres Blue Hills, LLC for both properties, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried.

  • New Business
  • Dave stated he thinks it would be a great idea to start preparing for Hay Day now and put together an information booth with some flyers and photographs of what we have been doing and where we are going.  Commission agreed they think it is a great idea and will work to get together some pictures for the display board.    Jim Horgan motioned to fill out the application to have a booth at Hay Day, 2nd Kristie Marquis.  Motion carried with all in favor.  Jim asked Kathy Menici if the Commission can get maps from Stafford Regional Planning Commission of all the conservation properties in town and she said yes.
  • Dave informed the Commission that the NH Department of Resources and Economic Development sent the Commission a letter informing them of 50% grants that are available for conservation/recreation development, renovation or acquisition.  Randy said we should be able to get a few dollars to create kiosks for the town forests and other conservation properties. Jim suggested access areas to properties such as the French property and hiking trails might be some other areas where a grant might be helpful. French property parking off of Hornetown Road and River Road with kiosks, parking are for Dubois property on River Road, culverts on entrances to properties off of River Road and trails on any/all properties as possible projects for the grant.  The Commission was in consensus for Dave to get a copy of the Letter of Intent form for the grant and bring to the next meeting.
  • Dave received an annual report from Great Bay Estuaries and it will be filed in the Conservation Commission files for anyone’s review.
  • March meeting is scheduled for the 17th due to Town Meeting and there will be an election of officers at that meeting.
  • Energy Resources Group, Inc Discussion:
Mike Morin came forward as representative from Energy Resources Group.  Dave informed him that last summer NHDES requested the Commission complete a site walk to make sure the easement was in place.  On November 8, 2009 the Commission did the site walk.  They noticed the southern and eastern boundary markers were intact on the property though they could not find any of the western side markers.  Mike replied that the original owners of the property, Voith, had to reserve this easement and never settled this issue with the state until 2005 which was after Energy Resources Group purchased the property and they were not told about the easement but they are willing to bring the property into agreement with the easement.
Randy said at minimum he feels the equipment that is parked on the easement needs to be removed.  Mike said they pulled what they could off the easement and will do the rest when the ground is suitable to drive on.  Dave said he also feels the easement line needs to be surveyed and marked so that it is visible and can be posted as an easement for everyone’s benefit.  Randy noted that the original site plan from Voith shows the detention pond in a bit of a different area and the slope of the current detention pond is definitely within the easement.  Dave read the easement deed and it stated the grantor and its successors are responsible for restoration of any conservation breach within a reasonable time approved by the Conservation Commission.  Mr. Morin requested a copy of the deed.
Jim asked if the Commission received a response from NHDES and Dave said yes, their response said they only have authority if the wetlands are affected and would depend on the town to take corrective action.  Randy said he does not believe the wetlands are affected in accordance with the conservation easement though there might be a wetlands encroachment that would concern the Wetlands Bureau.  Randy noted there was also a bunch of brush piled along easement and Mr. Morin explained the brush cutting was done along the old farm road and then apparently piled there by the workers.  Randy said that a limited easement survey would be appropriate to satisfy the Commission and identify where the easement is.
Jim moved to have the Commission forward a letter to Energy Resources Group explaining they would like a survey of the easement area and relocation of equipment out of the easement area and for these items to be completed by June 30, 2010, 2nd Dave Connolly.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Jim Horgan motioned to adjourn, 2nd Kristie Holtz.  Motion carried with all in favor at 8:33pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

Chairman, Dave Connolly