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Conservation Commission Minutes 11-18-09
Wednesday – November 18, 2009
356 Main Street, Farmington

Members Present:        David Connolly, Jim Horgan, Jill Tozier and Randy Orvis

Members Absent:         Kristie Holtz

Selectman's Rep:        Gerry McCarthy

Public Present: Aldin Boachman, Rich Gerard and Barry Keith

Chairman Dave Connolly called the meeting to order at 6:03pm.

1. PSNH Application:  
Aldin Boachman of Nobis Engineering explained that Public Service of New Hampshire has an application before the Planning Board for a power lines project.  The project will involve the replacement of utility poles within the existing distribution line easement that is approximately two (2) miles long.  They are only proposing temporary impacts to the wetland area to get the equipment in and out of the area and no permanent impacts.  The maximum temporary wetland impact will be 5,775 sq. ft.  Randy Orvis motioned to have the Chairman sign the application by PSNH noting the Conservation Commission had no comment on the project, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried with all in favor.

2. Stewardship Plan for Dubois Property:  
Rich Gerard and Barry Keith of B.H. Keith presented the Commission with the completed Stewardship Plan for the Dubois Property.  They gave each member an executive summary and the Commission two binded copies of the plan.  Mr. Keith explained that they did speak with Fish and Game and the next step would be to forward the Plan to Fish and Game for final approval.

The Plan was reviewed in part and in conversation Mr. Keith explained that his company does provide a service to act as agent for the Town for timber harvesting where they complete all the paperwork, mark the trees and such.  He further explained that for the Dubois property the net profit for the first cut would be about $25,000 and they would charge 15% for their service.  It was decided that B.H. Keith would forward a copy of the Plan to Fish and Game for comment and provide the Commission with a bid for tree harvesting of the Dubois property.

3.  Review of Minutes:
a. Jim Horgan motioned to accept the 9-9-09 minutes as presented, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion carried with Jill Tozier abstaining because she was not present for the meeting.

b. The October 2009 minutes were noted as correct as presented but not officially accepted because they were just notes since there was not a quorum for that meeting.

4. Old Business:
a. Cameras – Dave reminded the Board that at the last meeting they had a presentation from Fox Ridge Outfitters on trail cameras for the surveillance of Conservation properties due to an increase in illegal dumping.  Gerry stated that he checked with the police department and the RSAs allow for this type of surveillance.  Randy commented that the Commission might want to consider more than one security box so that the cameras can just be moved and the boxes don’t have to be moved.  Randy Orvis motioned to purchase the Spy Point Camera model IR-C at $349.95 and a security box at $34.99 from Fox Ridge Outfitters for a total of $384.94, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Discussion followed that this expenditure should come from the current use fund because the purchase is to protect the properties.  Motion carried with Dave Connolly abstaining because he works for Fox Ridge Outfitters.

Jim Horgan motioned to allocate up to $150 to purchase a case of C batteries, two 2G SD cards, a lock and cables for the camera, 2nd Randy Orvis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

b. Maynard Property – Dave reported that the Commission has not received a bill from Moose Mountain yet but that the Selectmen did approve the project.

c. State of NH signs – Dave explained that he was given the applications for the signs such as, Caution multi-use property, no wheeled vehicles, hunting permitted, parking and more.  The Commission decided to table this discussion until December so that Dave can bring some samples of signs and the Commission can make an educated decision.  Gerry commented that he does have two signs for the French property in his garage and that he will bring them to the next meeting.

d. Dave explained that the Commission did start to put up the conservation easement signs along the easement properties and they have been recognized.  Also the Davenport sign needs to be installed by Joel Moulton before the ground freezes.

5. New Business:
a. Dave explained that in response to SB 381 Kathy Seaver put together some verbiage for a warrant article that says the Conservation Commission can donate money to conservation projects.  Jim stated he is not in favor of proposed Article 1 to allow contributions outside of the town.  The Commission came to consensus that they were not in favor of recommending either article.

b. Budget Review/Submittal – Dave stated the Commission spent approximately $725 this year and budgeted $4950.  Jim Horgan motioned to reduce the operating budget proposal to $4000, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion carried with all in favor.

c. Draft Proposal for French Property Survey – Randy explained that this survey fell through the cracks years ago and when the Commission was putting up the easement signs they had to stop because the boundary nearest Ridge Road is not identifiable.  Randy estimated the cost to be $10,000.  The Commission agreed a survey is needed and Dave will try to get a copy of an RFP from a previous survey to post.

d. Energy Resources Easement Monitoring – Dave explained that a few of the Commission members walked the property on 11/8/09 to complete the monitoring report requested by the NHDES.  During the walk they found many violations in the form of silt fencing, metal “garbage” piled encroachment with boulders and downed trees.  Randy stated that he reviewed the easement and he believes enforcement lies with the Town and he is not sure if they are allowed plus the easement requires the Town to forward a copy of the report to Energy Resources by certified mail.  It was discussed that Energy Resources is probably not aware of the issues because they were probably there before the company purchased the building and land.  Jim Horgan motioned to authorize the Chair to forward an amended (with spelling and map corrections) letter to NHDES, Energy Resources and the Code Enforcement Officer, 2nd Randy Orvis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

e. December meeting is on 12/9/09 and any proposed by-law amendments are due for the meeting.
Jim Horgan motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at9:03pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary