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Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes 9-09-09
Wednesday – September 9, 2009
356 Main Street, Farmington

Members Present:        David Connolly, Jim Horgan and Randy Orvis

Members Absent:         Jill Tozier and Kristie Holtz

Selectman's Rep:        Gerry McCarthy

Chairman Dave Connolly called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

1. New Business:  
a. Jim suggested the Commission start working on the end of the year report and might want to include a list of the properties available to the public, the French property clearing and the announcement of the newly acquired LeClair and Davenport easements.

2. Review of Minutes:  
Randy Orvis motioned to accept the minutes of 8-12-09 as written, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried with all in favor.

3.  Old Business:
a. Dave reported that the check was sent for the LeClair Easement and they are close to signing the deed.

b. Dave thanked the scouts and Sanger family for their assistance with the Woodcock Management Area clearing and the Commission set the next clearing date for 11/8/09.

c. Dave reported that the Commission received a request to complete a monitoring report on the easement behind Energy Resources Group.  Randy stated that he doesn’t believe the Commission is responsible to do this monitoring but that he would do some research into it.

d. The Commission decided to meet on October 11 at 8am at Honey Dew for the purpose of marking the boundaries of the French property.

e. Dave reported that the gate for the Town Forest is under way.  Jim asked if the posts are going to be durable and Dave said he will confirm with the company.  Randy Orvis motioned to authorize to write a letter to Troop 188 to recognize the boys who refurbished the signs, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried.

f. Steve Panish requested a copy of the goal in the Town’s Master Plan related to conservation for the Maynard Easement.  He also reported that the survey was donated by Strafford Rivers Conservancy.

g. Randy reported that there has been a lot of trash dumping along the roads and it is getting out of control.  He suggested installing a few motion sensitive cameras to catch these criminals.  Dave commented that he did speak with Joel Moulton and he said he would have his crew pick up the trash.  Dave then questioned if the Town can legally put cameras up because game cameras could be used at $150-$3000.  Dave will bring information on the cameras to the next meeting and Gerry will check on the legality.

Jim Horgan motioned to adjourn, 2nd Randy Orvis.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 7:04pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary
