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Conservation COmmission Meeting MInutes 7-8-09

Wednesday – July 8, 2009
356 Main Street, Farmington

Members Present:        David Connolly, Jim Horgan, Randy Orvis and Kristie Holtz                               (arrive at 6:48pm).

Members Absent:         Jill Tozier

Selectman's Rep:        Gerry McCarthy

Chairman Dave Connolly called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

1. Davenport Easement:  Dave stated he asked Joel to put the cable with the PVC pipe back-up across the road but it has not been done yet.  He further stated that the easement calls for a gate and Mr. Davenport does not feel the cable is an appropriate gate.  Joel Moulton, at Dave’s request, forwarded some quotes for single-bar gates for the property.  The proposals are; GC AAA Fences, Inc. at $724, 125 Fence at $1303.85 and Custom Fence did not reply to the proposal.  The Commission stated they would like pictures of what the gates look like with dimensions so can make the appropriate decision.  It was also noted that the Fire Chief should be contacted to find out what the minimum road width requirement would be for the trucks.

2. Concerned Citizen:  Dave informed the Commission that he received an email from a concerned citizen that severe damage is being done by mudding trucks and four-wheelers on the slopes of Little Blue Job Mountain.  Randy stated that the property is state owned and therefore Dave will forward the information along to NH Fish-N-Game.

3.  Hay Day: Dave commented that he would like the Commission to have an information booth at Hay Day.  He noted that he has table and chairs but that he would need a canopy and volunteers to help man the booth for the day.

4. Other:
A. Dave informed the Commission that a notification was received from NHDES and that they approved an alteration of terrain permit for the Ellis Subdivision (Tax Map R22, Lots 7-3 and 10).

B. Jim asked Robert, Channel 25 coordinator, if he has been able to rebroadcast the Assessment 101 and Phil Auger workshops.  Robert said yes but that he could do it again.  A discussion was held on how a time line of what will be aired could be established and Robert is going to look into it further.

5. Approval of Minutes:   Jim Horgan motioned to approve the 6-10-09 minutes as written, 2nd Randy Orvis.  Motion carried.

6. BH Keith:  The Commission reviewed the assessment forms and Dave will forward to BH Keith.  Also Dave stated that he did sign and forward the contract to BH Keith and the PO for the first installment has also been completed.  Plus Dave set letter of regret to Stoney Ridge Environmental.

7. Woodcock Management Area:  The Commission will meet on 8/2/09 at 8am at Honey Dew Donuts to go up a finish clearing the Woodcock Management Area.  This will have to post as a meeting so the Commission can vote on the gate for the Davenport Easement.

8. Other:
A. Kristie, Jim and Dave went to the Farmington Democrats meeting and it went very well.  At the meeting they also discussed an “Adopt-a-Lot” program and a potential community garden.  The Commission could possibly assist with finding public land to create a community garden.

B. The next meeting will be on 8/12/09 but the Commission will meet at the Davenport property at 6pm and then reconvene at the Municipal Offices by 6:30pm.

C. Art LeClair forwarded information to the Commission on a Shallow Water Conservation Project he is doing on his land.

Jim Horgan motioned to adjourn, 2nd Randy Orvis seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary