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Conservation Commission Meeting MInutes 6-10-09
Wednesday – June 10, 2009
356 Main Street, Farmington

Members Present:        Kristie Holtz, David Connolly, Jim Horgan, Randy Orvis                                  and Jill Tozier.

Selectman's Rep:        Gerry McCarthy

Public Present: Russ Wakefield, Steve Panish and Barry Keith

Chairman Dave Connolly called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

1. Dave presented the Sanger family with Certificates of Appreciation for the assistance with the clearing of the French property woodcock song area.  The commission recently spent several hours clearing the property and they helped.

2. Maynard Property Easement on Sheepboro Road:  
Steve Panish of Moose Mountain Greenways explained he is taking over Clay Mitchell’s role in organizing the Maynard Easement.  Mr. Panish further stated that he learned that this Commission agreed to cover the costs of the survey at $2100 and an appraisal at $1500.  Unfortunately the Town can not pay for the appraisal for legal reasons and there fore he is going to organize the costs by having the Town purchase the Easement for the $2100.  Then Mr. Panish explained that none of these pre-approved costs included marking the boundaries with an estimated cost of $1300, legal fees to review the easement documents or the filing fees for the documents at $25 plus $12 a page.  The Board informed Mr. Panish that they were not previously interested in being the easement holder but were just trying to assist with the obtaining of the conservation easement because of its value on Sheepboro Road.  Mr. Panish explained that Moose Mountain would be willing to help with the fundraising for the remainder of the project if that would help.  The Conservation Commission was in consensus that they would not be interested in holding the easement because they are not in a position to monitor any additional properties at this time.

Jim Horgan motioned to not hold the easement on the Maynard Property and to restrict the Commission to expend only the $3750 already approved for the project, 2nd Kristie Holtz.  Motion carried.

3.  B.H. Keith Re: Dubois Stewardship Plan:
Dave informed the Commission that the Board of Selectmen did not need to approve the contract from BH Keith for the Dubois property Management Plan but that the Town Administrator did review the contract and bids and said it was okay.  Dave will forward the signed contract to B.H. Keith.

Mr. Keith explained he would like to know the Commission’s goals for the property and gave them a questionnaire to fill out that will help answer these questions.  The Commission will work on this questionnaire and forward it back.  Mr. Keith stated that his firm’s next step is to cruise the property for base line documentation and collection of materials and from there they will start to create the management plan.  Randy stated he would forward copies of the easement to Mr. Keith.

Randy asked the Chair to send letters of regret to the other bidders and Dave said he would do so.

4. Town Forest:
A. Dave noted that the right-hand shoulder of the parking lot is soft and Gerry said he will have Joel Moulton (Public Works Director) double check it, but otherwise the parking lot is complete.
B. Dave stated that he asked Mr. Davenport if the cable was an acceptable gate for the property and he responded no.  Gerry said some research needs to be done on whether or not the right-of-way can actually be blocked with a gate but he will have the cable put back up in the meantime.

5. May Minutes:
A. French Clearing – The woodcock song area still needs to be finished and then it will have to be maintained yearly after that.  Dave asked if the County workers can still work on Management Area #1 (3/4acre) and Gerry stated he would look into again.
B. File Update - Brandy gave one of the binders to Dave to use in his presentation to the Farmington Democrats and will have the others complete for the next meeting.
C. Strafford Regional Planning Commission Request – Kristie stated that she tried to find all the information they requested but it was difficult because the Commission’s files are not all up to date yet but she did create an excel sheet with all the properties.  Dave said he will forward the excel sheet to them.
D. Jim Horgan motioned to permit the Chairman to authorize up to $150 for materials for the sign for the Davenport property out of the Conservation Land Acquisition Fund, 2nd Randy Orvis.  Motion carried.
E. Farmington Democrats- Dave and Kristie will be going to their meeting tomorrow night to explain what the Commission does.
F. Jim asked if the Commission can find out when Phil Auger’s presentation and the Assessment 101 workshop can be rebroadcast on Ch. 25.

Jim Horgan motioned to adjourn, 2nd Kristie Holtz seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 7:11pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary