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Conservation COmmission Meeting MInutes 5-13-09
Wednesday – May 13, 2009
356 Main Street, Farmington

Members Present:        Kristie Holtz, David Connolly, Jim Horgan, Randy Orvis                                  and Jill Tozier.

Selectman's Rep:        Gerry McCarthy

Public Present: Anna Boudreau, Nancy Lambert, Scott Lawler and Phil Auger

Chairman Dave Connolly called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

1. Updates on Sign Maintenance:  Jim Horgan motioned to have the Chairman approve the design for the sign of the Davenport property, 2nd Kristie Holtz.  Motion carried.

2. French Property Clearing:  The Board scheduled to meet on Saturday, June 6th at 8am at Honey Dew Donuts to start the clearing of the song area that needs to be cut and cleared.

3. Strafford Rivers Conservancy: Anna Boudreau and Nancy Lambert of the Conservancy explained that the Conservancy is a 20 year old land trust that serves Stafford and some of Carroll County.  They work to protect over 2600 acres of land, educate landowners about their conservation options and assist with grant writing and multi-town projects.  Ms. Boudreau stated they are starting a regional conservation program and are looking for input from all the local conservation commissions on their conservation priorities.  She left a survey with Dave to fill out and forward.

4. North and South Investors, LLC: Scott Lawler of Norway Plains on behalf of North and South Investors, LLC explained that they are looking to add a 1,250 square foot addition to their present building and because the parcel is in the Aquifer Protection Overlay they are seeking this commission’s comments on the project.  He noted that they are seeking Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment approval as well.
Randy commented that he would be in favor of the expansion because the businesses are more environmentally friendly then most residents and North and South Investors does a particularly nice job.  Jim Horgan motioned to have the Chairman write a letter to the Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Planning Board in support of the North and South Investors project, 2nd Kristie Holtz.  Motion carried.

5. Review of the Minutes:
Jim Horgan motioned to approve the minutes of 4-8-09 as presented, 2nd Kristie Holtz.  Motion carried.

6. Conservation Presentation:  Phil Auger gave a Power Point presentation on the ins and outs of conserving land which was filmed and available by CD.

7. Farmington Democrats: Dave reminded the Commission that the Farmington Democrats have invited them to their 6-11-09 meeting at 7pm in the Old Town Hall to give a presentation on what they do.  Jim Horgan motioned to have Brandy Sanger and Kristie Holtz continue with the consolidation of the easements and purchase the materials needed to do so, 2nd Jill Tozier.  Motion carried.

8. Old Business:
a. Dave reported that the LeClair Easement Deed is awaiting Town approval and should move on from there.  Jim Horgan motioned to have the Chair call Anna Boudreau and let her know that the Conservation Commission approves of the recommended changes to the LeClair Easement Deed, 2nd Kristie Holtz.  Motion carried.

b. Gerry reported that the parking lot for the Davenport property should be completed by next week.

9. New Business:
a. Management Plan Bids for the Dubois Property – Dave reported that Stoney Ridge Environmental provided a bid at $5730 that can be reduced to $4850 if a formal wetland delineation is not needed and B.H. Keith Associates forwarded a bid at $6000 which was a fixed fee.  The Commission reviewed the content of both bids for comparison.  Jim Horgan motioned to accept the proposal from B.H. Keith Associates for the Dubois property management plan contingent upon review by the Town Administrator, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion carried.

Kristie Holtz motioned to adjourn, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:42pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary