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Conservation Commission Meeting MInutes 4-8-09
Wednesday – April 8, 2009
356 Main Street, Farmington

Members Present:        Kristie Vickers Holtz, David Connolly, Jim Horgan, Randy Orvis                          and Jill Tozier.

Selectman's Rep:        Gerry McCarthy (absent)

Public Present: Dawn Evans and Clay Mitchell of Moose Mountain Greenways

Chairman Dave Connolly called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

1. Dave introduced the commission’s newest member Jill Tozier who has served on the commission in the past.  Kristie noted that she has not been re-sworn in so she would not be voting tonight.

2.  Dave Connolly opened the public hearing for the Maynard Property Easement on Sheepboro Road:  Clay Mitchell reviewed the easement in that it is a donated easement of 19 acres on Sheepboro Road in which sits a home that is listed on the NH historical list.  The property owner is donating the easement but is in need of financial assistance to pay for the appraisal, survey and legal costs associated with the transaction.  Moose Mountain Greenways is asking the Commission to donate $3750 towards the appraisal and survey costs and will forward copies of all the associated paperwork once an easement holder is identified.

Jim stated that though the parcel is small he feels it is important to preserve for historical purposes plus it will add to the already conserved lands on the Sheepboro Road corridor.  Randy stated that consideration needs to be made on who is going to monitor the property.  It was discussed the landowner manages the property quite well since he does mapling on the property.

There was no public comment.  The public hearing was closed at 6:36pm.  Jim Horgan motioned to commit $3750 for the purpose of the Maynard Easement, 2nd Randy Orvis.  Motion carried.

3.  Discussion with Boy Scouts on Refurbishing Easement Signs:
Due to unforeseen illness the representative was not available.  Jim Horgan motioned to move this agenda item to next month’s meeting, 2nd Randy Orvis.  Motion carried.

4. Review of Minutes:
A. Jim Horgan motioned to approve the minutes of 3-12-09 as amended, 2nd Randy Orvis.  Motion carried with Jill Tozier abstaining.

B. Randy Orvis motioned to approve the 2-26-09 minutes as presented, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried with Jill Tozier abstaining.

5. Old Business:
A. Dubois Property Management Plan – Dave informed the Commission that no bids have been received yet though the posting read that bids would be accepted until the end of April.  Randy noted that he was contacted by four different firms for information and he forwarded the information he had to them.  The Commission agreed to review any bids at the May meeting.
B. Kristie and Brandy will be working over the next month on organizing the town-owned properties and easement files.
C. Update of LeClair Easement – Dave informed the Commission that he learned that the Strafford Rivers Conservancy can not be on the easement due to the federal funding but that NH Fish and Game has agreed to take their place as the secondary easement holder.  He also noted that the closing is still a few months away.

6. New Business:
A.  Dave informed the commission that he is tentatively scheduling Phil Auger to come to the May meeting to educate the public on conservation.
B. The Commission received a card from Jane Wingate thanking them for their presence at the town meeting to advocate against Article 19.
C. Dave informed the Commission that he answered the questions on the PREPA form from Stafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) to the best of his ability and referred all other questions to the Town Administrator.
D. Dave informed the Commission that the Farmington Democrats are looking for a commission member to come to one of their meetings and make a presentation on what the commission has been working on and what they are looking to do in the future.  They meet the 2nd Thursday of each month.  The commission decided this might be a good thing to do in June and that Jane Wingate might be a good source for pictures of the conservation easements.
E. UNH Cooperative Extension put out a mailing about an insect that has been found in Farmington that kills Hemlocks.  If residents suspect their trees are infected with this insect it is suggested they call NH Forest Health Program.
F. Dave informed the Commission that there was an oil spill incident on Ten Rod Road but our fire department and NHDES responded and took care of the spill.

Randy Orvis motioned to adjourn, Kristie Holtz seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 7:11pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary