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Conservation Commission Meeting MInutes 3-12-09
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday – March 12, 2009
356 Main Street, Farmington

Members Present:        David Connolly, Jim Horgan, Kristie Holtz, Randy Orvis

Members Excused:        Mark Seaver

Selectman's Rep:        Gerry McCarthy (absent)

Public Present: Clay Mitchell

Chairman Kristie Holtz called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

1.  Discussion with Moose Mountain Greenways:
Clay Mitchell of the Moose Mountain Greenways explained that Mr. Manard would like to put his 18 acres on Sheepboro Road into Conservation.  The lot is developable for up to three additional lots and does have a home on it that is registered with the state historical society.  They are looking for an easement holder and also parties to donate $1500 for a survey and $2250 for an appraisal.  Dave asked if there will be any other additional costs and Mr. Mitchell stated that the easement holder will have some costs associated with the management of the easement.  Randy asked if Mr. Manard is proposing opening the easement for public access and Mr. Mitchell replied he would be open to foot traffic.  Randy commented that he feels the lot is very small for a conservation easement and Dave, Kristie and Jim all agreed that it would be important to conserve due to its historical importance.  Mr. Mitchell then stated that if the town was interested in holding the easement then he and Moose Mountain would be willing to assist with the monitoring of the easement.  The committee was in consensus that they would be willing to commit to the project.  Jim Horgan motioned to commit up to $3750 for the Manard Sheepboro Road Conservation Easement contingent upon a favorable public hearing on April 8, 2009, 2nd Dave Connolly.  Motion carried with Randy Orvis opposed.

2. Review of Minutes:
a. Jim Horgan motioned to move the review of the minutes before the elections on the agenda, 2nd Dave Connolly.  Motion carried with all in favor.

b. Jim Horgan motioned to approve the minutes of 1-14-09 as presented, 2nd Dave Connolly.  Motion carried with all in favor.

c. Jim Horgan motioned to approve the minutes of 2-11-09 as presented, 2nd Randy Orvis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

d. The committee still needs to review the minutes of 2-26-09.

3. Elections:
a. Jim Horgan motioned to appoint Dave Connolly as Chairman, 2nd Randy Orvis.  Motion carried.

b. Jim Horgan motioned to appoint Randy Orvis as Vice-Chairman, 2nd Dave Connolly.  Motion carried with all in favor.

c. Dave Connolly motioned to appoint Kristy Holtz as secretary, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried with all in favor.

4. Old Business:
a. It was discussed that Kristie and Brandy will work on the organization of the easements and town owned properties.
b. The sign for the three properties located by and in the town forest will be created and/or refurbished by the boy scouts and a representative will come to the next meeting to present a cost estimate.
c. Brandy reported that the boy scouts are willing to help do the clearing on the Dubois property and hang the boundary signs.  The committee would like the scoutmaster to come to the May meeting to discuss schedules.
d. Randy stated that he spoke with Tracy Tarr of Stone Ridge Environmental this week and he is emailing her the specs. for the Management Plan for the Dubois property.  Dave asked if the item should be put back out to bid and the committee said yes.  Randy agreed to put together a PDF file with the specs and the survey and deed and Dave will have Megan rerun the bid advertisement from last year.

5. New Business:
a. Kristie received an email from a representative of the Strafford Regional Planning Commission who would like to work with the committee.  Dave will contact the representative to see exactly what she is looking for.
b. There is a meeting on April 28, 2009 in Durham with NH DES to review the NH Water Resources Plan.
c. Dave reported that he received a paid invoice from the NH Corrections office for the 1500 decals at .25 for a total (with shipping) of $383.88.  He has the decals at his home.
d. Dave will contact Art LeClair about setting up the PowerPoint conservation presentation by Phil Auger for May or so.
e. Jim asked to review the town owned properties and easements in the near future.

Jim Horgan motioned to adjourn, 2nd Kristie Holtz.  Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:16pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary