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COnservation Commission Meeting MInutes 6-11-08
Wednesday - June 11, 2008
356 Main Street, Farmington

Members Present:        Kristie Vickers Holtz, David Connolly and Mark Seaver

Members Excused:        Jim Horgan and Randy Orvis

Selectman's Rep:        Gerry McCarthy

Public Present: Steve Walker of the NH office of Energy and Planning

Chairman Kristie Marquis called the meeting to order at 6:08 pm.

1.  Discussion with Steve Walker:
Steve Walker of the NH Office of Energy and Planning educated the commission on how to create a filing system/database of all town-owned property.  He suggested creating a simple spreadsheet off all town-owned properties and easements and certain attributes of each like; acreage, location, if protected or not, owner's name and when acquired.  Then once this information is compiled he suggested creating a binder file system like the example he provided to included copies of deeds, maps, photos, important items, and GPS markings.  He informed the commission that a there is a free map program from UNH at  
        Mr. Walker stated that the field file should include monitoring reports, correspondence, questions and violations, stewardship plans.  He further offered sample monitoring reports, boundry maintenance forms, landowner monitoring checklist forms and many other resources that are available on the state website or his email is  Mr. Walker also offered easement tags, free of charge, to be placed at trail heads and at corners of properties.

2.  Old Business:
A.  It was discussed if revenue is created from timber cutting then a separate fund should be established so that a forester could be paid for through that fund.

B.  Kristie asked if the commission needs to get an immediate survey of the French property and Mr. Walker responded no, he would just suggest being mindful as to how close you are getting to the boundary.

C.  Gerry commented that the 25 acres off of Pound Rd given by the Osgoods should be timber cut soon.

D.  Mr. Walker stated that he will be coming out to monitor the properties in September/October and is willing to contact the commission to come with him.  The commission agreed that they would appreciate the invite.

E.  It was brought up that the commission needs to look up the Cherub Estates/Rizzo Easement.

F.  Dave Connolly motioned to have the Chair write a proposal to the Selectmen to pay someone to organize the commission's files on the town-owned properties and easements., 2nd Mark Seaver.  Motion carried with all in favor.

G.  Gerry mentioned that the commission might want to contact Dean Smoronk of Meaderboro Road to see if he has interest in joining the commission.

3.  Review of Minutes:
Dave Connolly motioned to table the May minutes until the next meeting, 2nd Mark Seaver.  Motion carried with all in favor.

4.  Discussion of Role in Master Plan/ Implementation Chapter:
The commission discussed their roles as listed in the implementation chapter to be; 1. create multi-use paths, 2. encourage industries to recycle, 3. pursue land protection opportunities, 4. designate areas of high value for conservation (just did this with Moose Mountain Greenways), 5. pursue easements for buffers along the rivers and 6. make regulations farm friendly.

David Connolly motioned to adjourn, Mark Seaver seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 7:57 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary