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Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes 3-19-08
Wednesday - March 19, 2008
356 Main Street, Farmington

Members Present:        Kristie Marquis, David Connolly and Jim Horgan
Members Excused:        Mark Seaver and Randy Orvis
Selectman's Rep:        none appointed as of Town meeting
Public Present: Cynthia Belowski and Joyce of Moose Mountain Greenways, Sam                     Reed, Anna Boudreau of the Strafford Rivers Conservancy.
Chairman Kristie Marquis called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm.

1.  Discussion with Joyce of Moose Mountain Greenways:  Joyce showed the commission an example of what Moose Mountain Greenways can put together for a display for the commission to show the conservation efforts they are putting forth.  The commission agreed it is a great idea and a great way to raise conservation awareness in the community.  Joyce will contact Kristie to get information as to what they specifically would like on the town's display board.

2.  Update on the Sheepboro Road Conservation Project:  Anna Boudreau of the Strafford Rivers Conservancy explained that they did receive the appraisals the town helped pay for and are now trying to get committments from the land owners.  Ms. Boudreau explained that the Fernald's are moving forward with the deal and are donating their land for conservation however the LeClair's are still debating the "sale"  price.  She also explained that Fish and Game offered up to $50,000 and NHDES $40,000, so they are $48,000 short of the funds needed to purchase the LeClair property if they move forward.  She explained if the town could put any money forward for this project it would be great and that they would be considered a grantor for the easement.  The commission agreed to look at their funds and see what they have available for the project.

Kristie asked Ms. Boudreau if the Conservancy offers contract easement monitoring and she replied yes on an hourly basis at $60/hour.  Ms. Boudreau stated that they could provide a guestimate of the amount of hours it would take also.

3.  Discussion with Cynthia Belowski from Moose Mountain Greenways:  Ms. Belowski provided a summary of what she has been doing with the commission over the past several months.  She also explained that NH Estuaries offers a Technical Assistance Program Grant that covers the creation of a stewardship plan.  Ms. Belowski then went on to explain that Julie LaBranch of Strafford Regional Planning Commission was unable to attend this meeting tonight but would like to draft some regulatory changes to forward to this commission and prepare a short powerpoint to present to the planning board referencing these draft changes.  The commission was in agreement that they would be thankful for this.

David Connolly motioned to adjourn, Jim Horgan seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 7:42 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger, Recording Secretary