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Conservation COmmission Meeting MInutes 2-20-08
Wednesday - February 20, 2008
356 Main Street, Farmington

Members Present:        Kristie Marquis, Mark Seaver, David Connolly and Randy Orvis.

Members Excused:        Jim Horgan

Selectman's Rep:        Joel Chagnon (absent)

Public Present: Julie LaBranche of Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC)                        and Cynthia Belowski of Moose Mountain Greenways

Chairman Kristie Marquis called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm.

1.  Discussion with Cynthia Belowski and Julie LaBranche:
Ms. Belowski brought updated maps and would like to now continue gathering the names of property owners in the priority areas identified for educational purposes.  Ms. Belowski said would forward a summary of why the commission chose the priority areas 1 and 2 and what funds are available to assist with any projects that might relate to those areas.

Ms. LaBranche said that the Town of Farmington has a lot of overlapping zoning ordinances and is not sure they provide the conservation protection this commission would be looking for.  She said that she is not sure how this commission would like to proceed but she suggested the commission look at amending some of the current ordinances and maybe even creating new ones.  One potential change would be to allow for more wellhead and surface water protection by applying conservation subdivision requirements.  Ms. LaBranche said that the current aquifer protection ordinance is confusing and has been misinterpreted, so it could use some restructuring.  As well, she stated the waterfront protection district ordinance and urban residential ordinance could also be addressed by require setback areas to be set aside for conservation.

Ms. LaBranche then gave the commission a list of grants available and information on types of projects they are good for.  Some of the grants included; 1.  a Small Outreach and Education Grant Program for Nonpoint Source Pollution  in which the Town could do education mailings or maybe a Saturday Education Program in which SRPC could present, 2. Local Water Protection Grants which could fund the physical protection of wells in the form of fences and gates, or inventoring of potential contamination sources and/or development of protection ordinances, and a Housing and Conservation Planning Program in which Ms. LaBranche stated she is planning to review with the Planning Board as well because she thinks it would be a comprehensive program for the Town.

Ms. LaBranche asked the commission if they had specific items in mind for conservation when considering the ordinances and they replied protecting the water, unfragmented forests and open land.  She stated that she will draft up a proposal for what she might suggest for amended and/or new ordinances.

2.  Other:
A.  Kristie informed the commission that the Strafford Rivers Conservancy did an easement monitoring on the Smith Easement in November and found several 5 gallon containers just off the easement that they feel could be filled with contaminants and would like picked up.  Randy stated that he is an abutter to this property and is pretty sure those containers are on his property and that he will take care of them as soon as the weather permits.  Kristie will respond to the Conservancy to let them know the items will be taken care of.

B.  The next meeting is scheduled for March 19, 2008.

C.  The commission discussed that after the snow melts they will need to set-up the tree cutting for the French Property.

D.  Kristie informed the commission that they did receive a bid for the Dubois property stewardship plan from NH Soil Consultants for $14,500, though they said they could work with that figure.  Randy said the commission might want to inform Tracy Tarr of the bid because she now has her own company and Dave added that he had a few names as well.  Kristie will forward the bid requirements to those parties.

E.  Kristie asked all members to check when their appointments expire and reapply if necessary.
Mark Seaver motioned to adjourn, Randy Orvis seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:02 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary