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Conservation Commission Minutes 11-15-07
356 Main Street, Farmington
Members Present:        Kristie Marquis, Mickey Fisher, Jim Horgan, David Connolly and                  Randy Orvis.

Members Absent:         Mark Seaver

Selectman's Rep:        Joel Chagnon (absent)

Public Present: Tom Varney, Alan Caplette, Cynthia Belowski, Rob Clark, and Rolan                       Eldridge.

Chairman Kristie Marquis called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.

Jim Horgan motioned to address Varney Engineering first on the agenda, 2nd Dave Connolly.  Motion carried with all in favor.

1. Application for a Wetland Crossing by Varney Engineering for Arboropro:'
Tom Varney of Varney Engineering stated that his clients, Arborpro Plant Care Experts, are applying for an expedited wetland crossing permit to install a 24" culvert to their property on Spring Street.  Jim informed the commission on what the planning board has been doing with this site application and stated he would approve this application.  Randy Orvis agreed.  Jim Horgan motioned to approve the wetland crossing permit for Arborpro Plant Care Experts, 2nd Dave Connolly.  Motion carried with Mickey Fisher opposed.

Jim Horgan motioned to hold the discussion on the Town Forest next on the agenda to accomodate the public that is present, 2nd Dave Connolly.  Motion carried with all in favor.

2. Town Forest Discussion with the Scouts:
Jim explained to the Boy Scout Assistant Scout Master of Troop 188, Alan Caplette, that the commission is working on finalizing a management plan for the Town Forest and that in doing so they would like the boy scouts and all other scouts in the area to be able to utilize this area in return for keeping the trails maintained.  Mr. Caplette explained that the scouting program in Farmington includes boys and girls ranging in age from six to eighteen and in Farmington, Middleton, Milton, and New Durham.  He also stated that any trails created would be completed as an Eagle Project like the one created off of Thayer Drive.

Jim inquired if the scouts would required any structures on the property and Mr. Caplette responded no, that scouts practice Leave No Trace Guidelines.  Jim stated that he heard there might be some type of contract the scouts require and asked if Mr. Caplette could research that.  Mr. Caplette stated he would have to contact the State Scout Council.  Mr. Caplette further stated that the scouts might be interested in establishing conservation areas, marking trails, creating lashing structures and general camping and hiking on the property.  Dave asked when the scouts are typically in the woods and Mr. Caplette responded year round.

Jim gave a copy of the proposed town forest management plan created by UNH to Mr. Caplette for review and asked if he would go over it with any suggestions and bring them back to the next meeting for further discussion.  Mr. Caplette responded that he would be happy to.

Jim Horgan motioned to change the December meeting from the 19th to the 20th, 2nd Dave Connolly.  Motion carried with all in favor.

3. Town Forest Discussion with Hunters:
Dave brought in a copy of the NH Hunting Guide for all members to review.  He also stated that he spoke with Chuck Minor of the NH Landowner Relationship Department and the local Conservation Officer and they both offered to attend any future meetings to assist this commission.  Dave also handed out copies of Title XVIII that states the Town would not be liable for any accidents that may occur as a result of letting people use the Town property.  Also, Dave discovered that the State offers many free programs on recreational uses and free orange signs that state "This area is a multi-use recreational area".  Lastly, Dave added that he has been watching the Town Forest area to see how heavily it is hunted and there is a high amount of hunting on the property.

Rob Clark, resident, stated hunting in general is a safe sport, and one of the few sports in which participants must pass a hunter's safety course.  Rolan Eldridge, resident, commented that he hunts the Town Forest each year and would hate to see the land closed to hunting.  He also commented that since the cable was put up at the entrance the littering as almost completely stopped.  Dave added that the conservation officer noted there is no history of illegal hunting on the property.  Kristy asked the residents if they ever see hikers on the property.  Mr. Eldridge responded he just passed hikers yesterday.

Jim Horgan motioned to continue the discussion on the Town Forest Management to the December meeting, 2nd Mickey Fisher.  Motion carried with all in favor.

4. Discussion with Cynthia Belowski on Identifying Important Conservation Areas:
Cynthia Belowski of Moose Mountain Greenways explained that she brought the maps that were created as a result of the last meeting. She stated she would first like the commission to identify and prioritize the resources they feel are most important to conserve.  Jim asked if there is a way to limit development so that Farmington does not become a large city.  Cynthia responded that there are regulations that the Town could apply to their ordinances and regulations and that Julie LaBranche of Strafford Regional Planning Commission would be more than happy to assist the commission with that task.

In an exercise led by Cynthia Belowski the commission identified drinking water supply area and forest land has their top priorities for protection.  It was discussed that the first priority is the water protection in the aquifier protection area and the discharge areas where development seems to be happening the most.  Ms. Beloski stated that it would be important to insure the appropriate regulations are in place in the aquifer protection areas and then to raise awareness in town about water polutions.  Dave commented that is a recent workshop he attended he learned of a Voluntary River Assessment Program that completes testing and monitoring of the river.

The commission identified on the map the focus areas they would like to work on and prioritized them.  Ms. Belowski will work a little more on these areas in map to make them even more useful and identify some scientific information to back up the prioritization.  Kristy will look up the Brown Mills Deed and will start creating a list of landowners in the identified areas.

5.  Other:
1.  Jim motioned to accept the October meeting minutes as written, 2nd Dave Connolly.   Motion carried with all in favor.
2.  Randy informed the Board that he was contacted by Joel Moulton, Public Works Department, about the tree cutting on the French Property, but needs to get back to him because he was ill at the time.

3.  Rnady stated he spoke with NH Soil Consultants about the Dubois Management Plan bid and emailed them a copy of the map.  NH Soil Consultants will provide a bid.
Jim Horgan motioned to adjourn, 2nd Dave Connolly seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

________________________________                        __________________
Chairman, Kristie Marquis                                               Date