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Conservation Commission Minutes06-20-07
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Members Present:        Chairman Kristie Marquis, Randy Orvis, Mickey Fisher, Jim Horgan, David Connolly, and Mark Seaver

Members Absent: Selectman's Rep. Joel Chagnon

Public Present: Cynthia Belowski of Moose Mountain Regional Greenways and Rick Lundborn of Norway Plains

Chairman Kristie Marquis opened the meeting at 6:02pm.

Members recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

1.  Special Use Permit as presented by Rick Lundborn of Norway Plains:
Rick Lundborn stated his company is representing Governors Road Realty, LLC and they are requesting a Special Use Permit under Section 4.03 (J)(1) and Section 4.03 (J)(2) of the Farmington Zoning Ordinance.  This purpose of this permit is to allow for the construction of the berms of the detention basins proposed for the Governors Road Realty 22 lot Subdivision.  Mr. Lundborn stated that the detention basins and berms are close to the Class II wetlands in the plans and his firm is trying to be proactive.  Randy stated he does not see any actual wetland impact and Mr. Lundborn stated there is not but the regulations are vague concerning wetlands.  He stated his company is applying for this permit because they are within 50 feet of unmapped contiguous wetlands and just wanted to have all the appropriate paperwork in place before returning to the planning board.

Randy Orvis moved to recommend the planning board approve the Special Use Permit under Section 4.03 (J)(1 and 2) for the Governors Road Realty, LLC 22 lot subdivision, Jim Horgan seconded.  Motion carried.

2.  Discussion with Cynthia Belowski of Moose Mountain Regional Greenways:
Ms. Belowski informed the Board that her company applied for a Grant to help the towns they serve to identify target areas for conservation and to help refocus and prioritize goals for the conservation commissions.  Her goal is to help this commission identify areas they would like to focus on for conservation with the many resources available and then create a summary report for the town that would include property owners within the identified areas, items of importance that make the parcel worthy of conservation and more.

Jim Horgan asked Ms.Belowski if she knew how the Town could add some enforcement "teeth" to the management plans they create for conservation parcels.  She responded that she was unsure but that she would do some investigation and get back to the commission with some information.  Jim added the example; what if wanted to let the Boyscouts utilize the Town Forest in exchange for cleaning up, marking trails, etc.  Ms. Belowski stated she couldn't see why the Town couldn't create a contract between the two parties with expected roles and duties.

Jim asked if towns can contract for land stewardship monitoring and she responded yes for about $200-$300 you might get someone like Land Trust to come in once a year.  Ms. Belowski added that LCIP and LCHIP offer workshops on base-line monitoring and this commission might want to attend one of those.

Ms. Belowski asked if the Town has a current Town Conservation Plan and Randy replied no but there is a conservation section in the Master Plan.  She stated this might want to be something this commission works on and to help, might be able to get an Exclusion Map from Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) that would identify parcels that can't be built upon anyway so you wouldn't have to worry about conserving it.

Jim Horgan motioned for a 5 minute recess, Randy Orvis seconded.  Motion carried.  

Meeting recessed at 7:41pm.  Meeting reconvened at 7:48pm.

Ms. Belowski stated that the first step was to identify areas of concern for conservation and this commission spoke about the Blue Hills, Mad River Area, Cocheco River Area and the Town Forest Area.  Randy added that he would like the commission to consider the land-locked parcel beside the French property and the other town-owned property off of River Road.

Ms. Belowski asked the commission to look at the drinking water protection area in Town and what might be considered for conservation there for the next meeting with her in a couple of months.

3.  Review of Minutes:
Jim Horgan motioned to approve the minutes of 5-16-07 as amended with name spelling changes, Randy Orvis seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.

4.  Other:
1.  The Public Hearing for the French Property Management Plan was scheduled for tonight.  Jim Horgan motioned to accept the French Property Management Plan and forward it to NH Fish and Game for final approval, Randy Orvis seconded.  Motion carried.

2. Kristie stated she received a bill from NH Soil Consultants for $849 for services provided in April 2007 but was unsure what those services were.  After much discussion it was decided that the commission needed a copy of the original contract with NH Soil Consultants and an itemized bill so they know what they are paying.  Jim Horgan moved to pay NH Soil Consultants in the amount of $849.00 for invoice #10272 dated 5-7-07, Randy Orvis seconded.  Discussion followed that David Connolly would like to offer the friendly amendment that the bill is payed contigent upon an itemized bill being received.  Jim and Randy both accepted the amendment.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Randy Orvis motioned to adjourn, Mark Seaver seconded.  Motion carried.

Chairman Kristie Marquis adjourned the meeting at 9:03pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

______________________________                          _________________
Kristie Marquis, Chairman                                               Date