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Conservation Commission Minutes4-18-07
Wednesday - April 18, 2007

Members Present: Chairman Randy Orvis, Selectman's Rep. Joel Chagnon, Kristie Marquis, Mickey Fisher, Jim Horgan, David Connolly and Mark Seaver.

Public Present:  Ed Mullen

Chairman Randy Orvis called the meeting to order at 6:04pm.

1. French Property Management Plan:  Chairman Orvis gave an overview of this property to bring the new members up to speed.  The French Property is a 60acre lot located within River Rd and Hornetown Rd. in which the Town manages.  This commission contracted NH Soil Consultants to create a Management Plan for the property with their input.  Right now this commission is currently waiting for the final approval from NH Fish and Game for some changes they suggested for "no wheeled vehicles" and "pets on a leash."  Tracy Tarr from NH Soil Consultants has been in contact with the Chair this week and informed him that he should have a finalized copy withing the next couple of weeks.  The Chair would like to hold a public hearing on May 16, 2007 so the public has the chance to voice their opinions on the Plan.  Jim Horgan suggested having a Public Input session instead of a Public Hearing.  It was also noted that the commission would like this session broadcasted on the local channel 26.  Jim Horgan moved to continue the discussion of the French Parcel on May 16, 2007, Kristie Marquis seconded.   Discussion followed that Joel Chagnon would like to get a copy of this Plan to read as well.  Motion passed with all in favor.

2. Election of Officers:  
        Jim Horgan nominated Kristie Marquis for Chairman, Joel Chagnon seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
        Jim Horgan nominated Randy Orvis for Vice-Chairman, Kristie Marquis seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
        Jim Horgan nominated Mickey Fisher for Secretary, Mark Seaver seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

3. Other:  
        a. Ed Mullen asked if this commission would like copies of the emails the Town receives from NH DES.  The commission responded they would love them so Ed will forward the emails.
        b. Jim Horgan attended a Moose Mountain Habitat Mapping Workshop and brought back some valuable resources for this commission.  Jim gave the materials to Kristie and she will copy them and forward them to the members.
        c. The River Restoration Workshop at Waste Management has been rescheduled for April 26, 2007.
        d. Randy sent a Thank you letter to Jenne Blinkinsop for advising the commission of what is happening in her neighborhood and that he forwarded her comments to the appropriate offices.
        e. Jim cautioned all commission members to be cautious when assisting residents because this commission is an advisory board only.  If a member is approached by a resident they should advise them to see the Selectman or the Code Enforcer with this issue and to be very careful to not make any promises.
        f. Joel stated that he hopes to be a strong liaison between this commission and the Selectman and even though this commission is an advisory board their advice could hold a lot of pull.
        g. Jim stated that the Police, Fire, Rec and Public Works Departments should all be included in the drafting of a Management Plan so that all needs and "rule" are identified.

Jim Horgan motioned to adjourn, Kristie Marquis seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 6:58pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary