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Conservation Commission Agenda 11/10/2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Committee Members Present:      Dave Connolly, Kristie Holtz, Jim Horgan and Randy Orvis

Committee Members Absent:       Art LeClair and Jon Wood (excused)
Selectmen’s Representative:     Gerry McCarthy
Public Present:                 Neil Johnson and Barry Keith
  • Review of Minutes:
Jim Horgan motioned to accept the minutes of 10-13-10 as amended, 2nd Randy Orvis.  Motion carried with Kristie Holtz abstaining because she was absent.

  • BH Keith:
The Commission reviewed the contract Barry Keith drafted for the management of the French and Dubois properties.  Gerry asked if the mediation is binding to the town and Barry replied no, it is not binding.  Randy asked if the payment terms can be changed to 45 days to coincide with the town’s payment policy and Mr. Keith replied yes.  Dave asked Gerry if the contract agreement should go to town counsel for review and Gerry replied yes. Dave also noted that the Commission Chair should sign the contract as well.    The Commission then reviewed Attachment A.  Dave suggested adding the lot and map numbers and the stipulation that the contract is for five years “with one year reviews.”  Gerry stated that he is not sure if the Commission or Selectman can enter a 5 year contract without being voted on at town meeting and Dave should ask Alan for verification on this.  Randy asked if the timber cutting check would come to the town first and then the town pays BH Keith and Barry replied no, they take their cut first and then forward the rest to the town.  
  • Old Business:
  • Budget Update – Dave submitted the revised budget to Pam, along with a letter to the Selectman and the Budget Committee.
  • FHS Ad Update – Dave reported that he sent a bunch of pictures over to the high school yearbook staff and they have chosen eight of the photos to design the ad with.
  • SRPC Maps – Strafford Regional Planning Commission supplied the Town with the preliminary final map and overlays that were ordered and Dave presented them to the Commission for their review.
  • Display Board – The display is currently at the library and they have requested it remain there for at least another month because they have had a lot of interest.
  • Whittum Project Update – Strafford Rivers Conservancy applied for a State Prep Grant on behalf of the Town for $4000 for the Whittum project and the grant was awarded.  The final figures for this project are not in yet but they appear to be at around $20,000 with the expected closing still December 31, 2010.
Gerry stated he spoke with Dale Sprague about the property the Commission was interested in planting trees on and Dale said that he would be open to the Commission cleaning up the property and doing some planting.  The site is approximately 150ft. x 150 ft. and has a gate surrounding it that can be locked.

  • New Business:
  • Dave informed the Commission that Energy Resources Group has submitted an intent to cut which is within 200 feet of the conservation easement.  Dave and Jim met with the logger and feel there will not be any encroachment on the easement. It also is time to do another site walk in order to complete the yearly monitoring report.  Dave would like to meet at the property for the site walk and at the same time complete the boundary marking this Sunday at 10am.  
  • By-Laws – The Commission would like to change Article III to show the mailing address of the Commission to be the Municipal Offices, Farmington, NH.  Gerry McCarthy motioned to amend the Bylaws to reflect the Municipal Offices as the mailing address, 2nd Randy Orvis.  Motion carried with all in favor.
A request to change the requirement to call a special meeting has to be in writing and the Commission agreed this would be acceptable.  Jim Horgan motioned to make the change to reflect that a verbal consensus for a special meeting is acceptable rather than in writing, 2nd Randy Orvis.  Motion carried with all in favor.  
Another request to change the bylaws was requested to change to change the order of the agenda.  It was noted that public comment should come first after the Pledge of Allegiance, then the review of minutes and so forth.  Jim Horgan motioned to approve the change to the agenda schedule within the bylaws, 2nd Kristie Holtz.  Motion carried with all in favor.
The next request for change to the bylaws was under Article 9 concerning members; the proposed change was to add “the make-up of the Conservation Commission may include one high school student selected by the high school faculty and agreed upon by the Commission to the membership who is not a voting member to serve for a one year term.”
Randy Orvis motioned to place the approval of the bylaws on the December agenda, 2nd Kristie Holtz.  Motion carried with all in favor.

  • FYIs –
  • Dave stated that there is a wetland permit application for Aiken’s Road and asked if the Commission had any comment.  Randy explained this is a routing application.
  • Tax Map R50, Lot 47-3 has an application for alteration of terrain permit for a five year permit extension (WPS 746B).  The Commission had no concerns.
The next meeting is scheduled for December 8, 2010.

At 7:31pm, Jim Horgan motioned to adjourn, 2nd Randy Orvis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

Chairman, Dave Connolly