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Budget Committee Meeting Minutes 03/24/10
Wednesday – March 24, 2010
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Jim Horgan, Chris Somma, Arthur Capello, Brian St.Onge, Ann Titus

Members Excused:        Mike Morin, Cindy Snowdon and Chris Biron

Selectmen's Rep:        Gail Ellis

School Board Rep:       Ken Dickie

Vice-Chairman Brian St. Onge opened the meeting at 7:25pm which was a little late because they did not have a quorum at 7pm.

1. Review of Minutes:   
        Arthur motioned to accept the minutes of 12-8-09 as amended, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried.
        Gail Ellis motioned to accept the minutes of 1-20-09 as written, 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion carried with Arthur Capello and Jim Horgan abstaining.
        Gail Ellis motioned to accept the minutes of 1-26-09, 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion withdrawn.
        Gail Ellis motioned to table the minutes of 1-26-10 for verification, 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion carried with all in favor.
        Arthur Capello motioned to accept the minutes of 2-3-10 as amended, 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion carried with Ken Dickie and Chris Somma abstaining.
        Arthur Capello motioned to accept the 2-9-10 minutes as written, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried with Ken Dickie and Chris Somma abstaining.
        Ann Titus motioned to accept the minutes of 2-11-10 as amended, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with Chris Somma abstaining.

2. Appointment of Officers:
        Gail Ellis motioned to appoint Brian St.Onge as Chairman, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried with Chris Somma abstaining.
        Jim Horgan motioned to appoint Arthur Capello as Vice-Chairman, 2nd Ann Titus.  Motion carried with Arthur Capello abstaining.
        Jim Horgan motioned to appoint Ann Titus for Secretary, 2nd Arthur Capello.  Motion carried with Ann Titus abstaining.

3. Review of Town Budstats:
Gail explained the Unemployment came in higher than expected but Pam thinks the Medicare and FICA will come in lower and therefore this will be a wash.
Gail explained that the Community Center water bills came in higher than usual and they are not sure why but Tony and Rick are both investigating.
Gail explained that the Town Clock needed extra repairs due to the wind storm so the line has been overspent.
Arthur asked why the Animal Control supplies line has been overspent.  Gail replied that she asked Pam this question and she said the line is for dog licensing supplies and historically this amount has come from the training line which didn’t make any sense.  Arthur suggested the Selectmen create a separate line for dog licenses next year.
Arthur asked what ICMA is and Gail replied she is not sure but she will check.
Brian asked if the Welfare-Medical line was really budgeted at zero.  Gail replied she didn’t think so but she would follow-up because it does not look right.

4. Town Remittance Report Review:
Brian asked if the Town takes in money under the Sex Offender Registration and Gail replied yes.
Arthur asked if the Town charges for notary services and Gail said she believes so.  Arthur commented that if the Town paid for the person to become a notary then the service should be provided free of charge to residents.  Gail commented that the collected fees go back into the Town account.

5. Other:
There is one vacancy on the Budget Committee and any resident is welcome to apply for the one year position.
The next meeting is April 28, 2010  at 7pm.

Arthur Capello motioned to adjourn, 2nd Jim Horgan.  Motion carried at 7:47pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary